Owari no Chronicle

Owari no Chronicle
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The world was once at war with 10 alternate worlds. This was known as the Concept War and our world won 60 years ago. All of this was concealed so no normal people are aware of this fact in the current time.
After the death of his grandfather, the high-school student Sayama Mikoto is suddenly summoned by the giant corporation IAI. He learns this world is headed for destruction due to the acceleration of the Minus Concepts. To prevent this, negotiations must be undertaken with the survivors of the other parallel worlds so their 10 concepts can be released.
And so Sayama is caught up in the final battle to clean up after the Concept War which left behind so much enmity.
6 Latest Chapters
Chapter List
- Volume 5, 11: Running Metal
- Volume 5, Afterword
- Volume 6, 12: One Side of Their Feelings
- Volume 6, 13: Round Dance of Expectation
- Volume 6, 14: Choices from a Cry of Suffering
- Volume 6, 15: Illusion of a Feeling
- Volume 6, 16: Flowers on the Board
- Volume 6, 17: Afternoon Space
- Volume 6, 18: Future Circumstances
- Volume 6, 19: Pursuit into the Depths
- Volume 6, 20: Noisy Challenge
- Volume 6, 21: Silently Read Memories
- Volume 6, 22: Pulse of Ascertainment
- Volume 6, 23: Accusing Attacker
- Volume 6, 24: Signs of an Approaching Enemy
- Volume 6, Afterword
- Volume 7, 25: Afternoon of Misunderstanding
- Volume 7, 26: Jab of Guidance
- Volume 7, 27: First Time Behavior
- Volume 7, 28: Confrontation of Discovery
- Volume 7, 29: Ready for a Reunion
- Volume 7, 30: Clash of Divulgence
- Volume 7, 31: Cleansing Transition
- Volume 7, 32: Compensation for a Lie
- Volume 7, 33: Growing Closer on the Board
- Volume 7, 34: Battlefield of Farewells
- Volume 7, 35: Spirit of Gathering
- Volume 7, 36: Hope for the Next Generation
- Volume 7, 37: The King’s City
- Volume 7, 38: Shadow of Light
- Volume 7, 39: Light of Shadow
- Volume 7, 40: Words of the Night Sky
- Volume 7, Final : Praise of the Great Heaven
- Volume 7, Afterword
- Volume 8, Prologue: Blue Guidance
- Volume 8, 1: Descent of Darkness
- Volume 8, 2: The Pair’s Pace
- Volume 8, 3: Clash of a Greeting
- Volume 8, 4: Morning of Conversation
- Volume 8, 5: The Depths of Memory