The 5000-year-old Herbivorous Dragon

The 5000-year-old Herbivorous Dragon
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Saying 5000 year-old-dragon has an impressive ring to it, yet that dragon was an extremely harmless, herbivorous being. However, because of his uselessly giant figure and scary appearance, he was mistaken for the Demon King’s executive and provided by the nearby village with a sacrificial maiden.
Fundamentally cowardly and timid dragon tried to send her away, but the extremely enthusiastic sacrifice didn’t want to give up. Inevitably, he lied: “Okay, I just ate a small portion of your soul, so you can go back already”, but the maiden with outrageous assumptions has misunderstood that she became the dragon’s kin.
Then, out of all things, she began to manifest strange power on the basis of her wrong assumptions – in turn, the helpless dragon, by some mistake started a rebellion against the Demon King.
Rebellion or whatnot, he wasn’t even his subordinate in the first place.
6 Latest Chapters
Chapter List
- Chapter 41 — A firm resolve
- Chapter 42 — If that was my fault
- Chapter 43 - A belated graduation
- Chapter 44 - The sacrificial maiden once again tries to be eaten
- Chapter 45 - A bleak burnout
- Chapter 46 - Till we defeat the Demon King
- Chapter 47 - Book I Epilogue: Survivor’s Support Group
- Chapter 48 - To the Demon King first thing in the morning
- Chapter 49 - A strange one appeared
- Chapter 50 - What are your motivations for applying?
- Chapter 51 - Unprecedented sense of déjà vu
- Chapter 52 - Definition of a fan
- Chapter 53 - Rēko-like effort
- Chapter 54 - It’s okay to cry occasionally
- Chapter 55 - Seeing the real face
- Chapter 56 - An extremely hot spot
- Chapter 57 - A wasted effort
- Chapter 58 - Invasion of a hunk clad in darkness
- Chapter 59 - A blend of chaos
- Chapter 60 - A largish piece of trash
- Chapter 61 - The beginning of a terrible fraud
- Chapter 62 - A clue on spirits
- Chapter 63 - Kidnapping
- Chapter 64 - Rēko’s field of expertise
- Chapter 65 - A crushing sense of guilt
- Chapter 66 - Evil Dragon Lord aspires to become a thug
- Chapter 67 - The unruly Evil Dragon Lord
- Chapter 68 - Fatal absence of a mentor
- Chapter 69 - I’d like to have a break
- Chapter 70 - Lady Saintess fights
- Chapter 71 - The Survivors
- Chapter 72 - A peculiar sense of fellowship
- Chapter 73 - The Evil Dragon Rēvendia’s folklore
- Chapter 74 - Former owner of the dagger
- Chapter 75 - Intense competition for position
- Chapter 76 - First mortal battle with the envoy
- Chapter 77 - Evil Dragon Lord’s awakening (?)
- Chapter 78 - Commemoratory special of the book publication - “Discount Dragon”
- Chapter 79 - The return of a fraud
- Chapter 80 - Evil Dragon Lord’s imprint