The Zombie Knight

The Zombie Knight
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Death is coming. And he wants to help.
The world of Eleg may seem like a normal enough place at first blush, but wade deeper into it, and soon the dark, the deadly, and the mad will begin to reveal themselves.
But don't worry.
They usually have a sense of humor. Collapse
6 Latest Chapters
Chapter List
- Chapter 81: 'What it means to serve...'
- Chapter 82: 'Precious might, accrue now...'
- Chapter 83: 'Relations from afar...'
- Chapter 84: 'With thy shroud, endure...'
- Chapter 85: 'Thine ancestral blood...'
- Chapter 86: 'Turn toward the needful...'
- Chapter 87: 'Thy bitter heart, bear down...'
- Chapter 88: 'The land that breeds austerity...'
- Chapter 89: 'Answers ye seek...'
- Chapter 90: 'The bridge between the Two...'
- Chapter 91: 'When the Lake is quiet...'
- Chapter 92: 'The weight of the rain...'
- Chapter 93: 'The code of the shield...'
- Chapter 94: 'Kindred souls, be swift...'
- Chapter 95: 'Where the streams darken...'
- Chapter 96: 'Thy strong hearts, be welcomed...'
- Chapter 97: 'The Siege of Marshrock...'
- Chapter 98: 'Tread not upon the Pride...'
- Chapter 99: 'The Siege of Rheinhal...'
- Chapter 100: 'How the Wind doth rise...'
- Chapter 101: 'The clash of Tide and Sea...'
- Chapter 102: 'The demon in the mud...'
- Chapter 103: 'Ye who must hold firm...!'
- Chapter 104: 'Chaos, be ended...'
- Chapter 105: 'The Gargoyle of Korgum...'
- Chapter 106: 'When the waters run red...'
- Chapter 107: 'Thy strangling breath...'
- Chapter 108: 'Thy ancient likeness...'
- Chapter 109: 'O, stalwart deluge...'
- Chapter 110: 'O, curious devil...!'
- Chapter 111: 'Thy respite, embrace...'
- Chapter 112: 'The house of four flames...'
- Chapter 113: 'O, worldly warrior...'
- Chapter 114: 'Thy discerning nature...'
- Chapter 115: 'A devil's paradox...'
- Chapter 116: 'Vision in the dark...'
- Chapter 117: 'Riddle in the sand...'
- Chapter 118: 'O, radiant Star...!'
- Chapter 119: 'Shadows in space...'
- Chapter 120: 'O, coveted children...'