6 Times a Day

Chapter 462 This Is What Your Life's About Now: Sex! [DD SPONSORED]

ο»ΏDrunk Dargon Special πŸ‰ [ 2 / 10 ]


Suzanne came waltzing in the front door just as Susan, Alan, and Katherine were getting ready to head to church. She met the others just as they were about to get in Susan's minivan. "Whoa. Looks like I'm just in time. Sweetie, are you going to church?"

"Yeah." His voice was listless, since he couldn't hide his disappointment.

"Well, now you're not. There's been a change of plans."

Susan stepped forward, dressed in her Sunday best. "Hold on. What's more important than the Lord?" She looked disapprovingly at Suzanne, who was wearing regular clothes instead of church clothes.

"I wouldn't say it's more important than the Lord, but some things are time sensitive. I've just been talking on the phone with Brenda, and she's coming over right now, to talk to Sweetie and me."

Susan's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "What about?"

Suzanne put an arm around Susan and walked her away from the others to speak confidentially. "Susan, let me remind you that this Brenda thing is all your doing. You're the one who carelessly revealed our secrets to her. Now we're in damage control mode. To be honest, I don't know what she wants to talk about exactly, but whatever it is, I'm going to use it as an excuse to bind her closer to us, and especially to Sweetie. The more she falls for him, the better we can rest easy that she won't spill your secrets."

Susan realized that she couldn't really oppose that, given her own culpability. But she pouted, "I don't like it. Especially during the one time of the week dedicated to our Savior."

"I know. But you can't always have everything you like. This is just a matter of having to roll with the punches. Remember, we know that handjobs and blowjobs aren't real incest, but there are a lot of people out there who wouldn't understand what you are doing."

Susan grumbled. "I know, but I still don't like it! Somehow, I get the feeling she's gonna end up playing with his penis. Promise me you won't let her touch it!"

Suzanne was surprised by that, until she remembered Susan's lingering jealousy issues over Brenda's breast size. But she decided she could actually work that restriction to her advantage: she could get Brenda even more obsessed about Alan by denying her access temporarily to what she wanted most. So she said, "Okay. If you insist. But I can't make the same promise. After all, we don't want him to suffer."

Susan frowned, grumbling some more. "If you must, I suppose." In truth, she hated to miss out on the fun if her son's penis was involved, so she was half-tempted to cancel her church plans. Then she paused and reconsidered. She added shyly, "That said, maybe you could, you know... I'm not keen on her touching it just yet, but maybe she could at least see it, in all its fully erect glory. And... and... let her have a couple of nice orgasms too."

"Oh?" Suzanne raised a curious eyebrow. "Sure, I can do that. But what's the reason for your change of heart?"

"I was just thinking about my discussion with her last night. She called me and sounded rather anxious and needy, like she was having big doubts about giving in to her sexual desires and helping Tiger in a big way. My heart really goes out to her, despite the issues I have with her. She's in a tough position. As she put it, she feels like she's jumping off a cliff into the great unknown, and that's very scary. Besides, we can't have her back out now, given what she knows about us. So it wouldn't be so bad for her to have a little fun, kind of a taste of how good it can be playing with Alan's big member."

Suzanne said, "So shall it be, then. That's very kind of you. You continually inspire me with your big, loving heart. So, just to review, no penis-touching allowed by her today, but if it so happens that she can see his stiff erection and even have a couple of nice orgasms, then so much the better."


The two of them talked some more, and then Susan and Katherine left for church.

Suzanne immediately took Alan's hand and walked with him to the living room. She sat down with him in the love seat and began hungrily French kissing him, using lots of tongue.

She snickered with amusement when his hands went straight to her breasts. But she used her hands to stop him from removing her top. She also foiled his attempts to touch her pussy, and avoided his crotch. Clearly, she didn't want things to get too heated, so when he realized that he took it easy, despite the fact that she'd given him a raging boner.

After a couple minutes of necking, she pulled away.

He said, "Nice! But what was that all about?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to kiss you. You don't know what you do to me, do you?"

He shook his head.

"That's a shame. Anyway, here's the plan. I would have kissed you a lot longer, and done much more, except that Brenda is literally on her way here right now, so we don't have time. She visited me a few days ago, and I got her to hang out in my hot tub with us wearing bikinis, so we're gonna do that again."

"I wish I could've been a fly on the wall for that. What about Brad and Eric?"

"They're off doing some stupid male bonding thing. I think they're gonna watch cars race around in circles for hours and hours somewhere in L.A. If you ask me, that makes watching golf exciting by comparison. But the important thing is that they'll be gone for hours."

"And Amy?"

She grunted impatiently. "I talked her into going to church with your family. I'm sure she met them as they were pulling out of the garage. Now, let me explain what you should do. Brenda thinks she's just meeting me here, because you supposedly went to church. Give me at least ten minutes with her in the hot tub. Wait until I manage to get her bikini off and get her properly prepped."please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

"Whoa! What?!"

"Don't act all surprised! You're going to be much more than a fly on the wall today, you lucky dog."

"Are you serious?!"

"Of course. This is what your life's about now: Sex!"

"Is that all?"

"Definitely not. Much more of anyone's day is spent not having sex than having it, even for you. Other things are more important, especially love. But still, you'll be having way more sex than most, so you should learn to go with it." She stopped to ask, "You don't feel overwhelmed with too much sex, do you?"

"No way! Bring it on!"

"Good. Sex and love are closely entwined, and in my opinion one can't get too much of either. Anyway, please spy on us. Once you feel the time is right, 'accidentally' discover us there. Your story should be that you skipped church and you've come looking for me. Then we'll play it by ear. I've noticed you've gotten good at that, so keep it up, big guy." She reached down to his shorts and squeezed his dick, which not surprisingly was still erect from their make-out session as well as from her talk about Brenda.

Then she released it just as quickly. "Oh, and your mom made me promise that Brenda wouldn't be allowed to have fun with your cock just yet, so let's respect that too. That's fine, since the plan is for you to keep playing relatively hard to get until her resistance crumbles completely. When your mom gets home from church, I'm sure she's going to make a bee-line straight to us to see what's happening. That's fine. She all but told us she'd do that before she left. Let's play that by ear too. With any luck, we can have her join in." She raised an eyebrow suggestively. "How would you like to have me, your mom, and Brenda spend the afternoon playing 'Bobbing for Cock'?"

"Oh, man! You know I'd love it! But... that's it? That's the plan? That's not much of a plan. You might as well say 'play the whole thing by ear.'"

She grinned. "I know. But I like improvising, and I think you do too. It's more fun that way. I know you don't want me to scheme about your conquests, but what can I say? I'm incorrigible." She winked.

"I'll forgive you this one time." He winked back.

She smiled widely at that. "We all know that Brenda is bound to play a big role in our lives from now on, if only because she knows our secrets. So, along with having some sexy fun, it wouldn't hurt to try to get to know more about her, as well as telling her more about yourself. This is a woman you're almost certainly going to be fucking for many years to come. I think it's a given that she'll be one of your personal cocksuckers before long, and probably more after that." She faked a cough and muttered "Sex pet!" as she was coughing. "Given that, wouldn't it be better if you could get to really know her, and maybe even someday love her?"

"Oh, man!" His dick was already hard, but now it seemed to get even stiffer. Brenda, my totally adoring, dedicated, loving, super-stacked sex pet! That could happen. With Aunt Suzy working on it, it's probably almost a done deal! He leaned forward to revel in Suzanne's arousing ideas. He tried to kiss her some more but she just pushed him back.

She'd been loosely embracing him, but when he leaned toward her she disengaged completely and stood up. Then another thought hit her. "Oh! Important! Never forget her submissive tendencies! Although I know you may not feel in your heart that you're an alpha male, you need to act that way around her. You should act somewhat aloof but at the same time totally in charge. Order her around as much as you can get away with, and do NOT take 'No' for an answer!"

"But what if she really means 'No'?"

pΞ±ΠΏdΞ±-ňᴏνΓͺ|·сóМ "She won't, trust me, not with you. She's totally fallen for you already. The more you play hard to get, like you're mainly interested in me and only somewhat in her, the deeper she'll fall for you. Remember, we need that, to keep the family safe."

"Do you really think I could wind up fucking her for years and years?"

"Probably. Let's just say the odds are leaning that way right now, but it's not a done deal, at least not yet."

"I... see..." he said, not entirely convinced.

Suzanne hastened to reassure him, "I keep saying 'sex pet' because I think that's HER ultimate end-goal fantasy. It doesn't need to be yours or mine. So why not make it real for her and for you?" And the rest of us while you're at it, she thought eagerly.

"Are you sure?"

"As sure as I can be at this stage. All the Magic 8 Balls are saying 'yes', if you want to know."

"Huh. So... then...?" he looked at her expectantly.

"Right, it all depends on how you play your cards, starting today. Be confident and dominant! Actually, the things I've told you to do with Heather, you should do those too, but without the mean, insulting edge that gets Heather off in her very unusual way. Cocky and aloof is good. Similar to Heather, at least a bit, nothing bores Brenda more than guys who chase after her and attempt to ingratiate themselves with her. Remember that everyone wants what they can't have, not what they're offered on a silver platter. At the same time, just relax and don't worry too much. Enjoy yourself! If anything, you'll probably have trouble keeping her away from your cock, just so long as you keep doing the thing you do."

"Which is?"

She grinned slyly. "I don't know, but just keep doing it." She winked. "Now, I've really gotta go. She might have arrived already. She thinks our time is limited to when you and Susan are in church, so she wants to maximize that."

He nodded. As Suzanne walked off, he thought, And to think I figured I'd have an hour or two of boring normality this Sunday morning. I was almost looking forward to going to church, just for a break from these non-stop wild adventures. But I have to admit, this is something I don't want to miss out on!

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