6 Times a Day

Chapter 587 We're Going To Have So Much Fun! 5K

Brenda felt herself slowly waking. However, she was having such an arousing and enjoyable dream that she didn't want it to end. Unfortunately, that didn't stop it from ending. Before long, she opened her eyes and found herself mouthing the words "To live is to serve."

At first she didn't understand why she said that, but then her dream came flooding back into her awareness. Oh, GOD! What the hell?! "To live is to serve?!" Did I really just dream that, and say that?! SHIT!

She abruptly sat up in bed. She felt both shamed and horny as she recalled the details of her dream in surprisingly vivid detail. Shit, shit, shit! I did NOT just dream that, did I?

Of course I did. It was just like my dreams last night. Every time, Alan is my master! Except that this time I didn't even get to suck him or get fucked. All I got to do was hold his snake a little bit while Susan and Suzanne had all the fun.

No, wait. What am I saying? That's not the problem; it's all that submissive stuff. Crazy stuff! Why do I keep having these dreams?! I can't even take a nap anymore without my mind betraying me. That's wrong. Dead wrong! It's probably this goddamned poker party later tonight that's the cause. I just can't stop thinking about it! And hearing that Alan spanked Susan yesterday. Why did she have to tell me that?!

Brenda got up and hurried to the bathroom. She stepped right into the shower and made sure to turn the water to very cold. She hoped a really frigid shower would literally cool her burning hot libido. It felt like her pussy was on fire.

OW! SHIT! That's REALLY cold! But it's what I deserve. I'm so depraved. There's no other way around it. I have to admit that there's something seriously wrong with me. I've had some fantasies a bit like that before, some profoundly submissive fantasies. Okay, a LOT of fantasies about that over the years. So what? Fantasies are harmless. I'm still a modern, liberated, independent woman. I value my freedom. My fantasy life is this totally separate thing that has nothing to do with the real world.

And then. Oh God! And then... the damn Plummers had to come into my life! Suddenly, I feel there's this chance, even if it's just a remote possibility, that my fantasies could come true! And I like it! Hell, I love it! But it's wrong. So wrong!

For one thing, what about Adrian? Alan is just some guy. I barely even know him. He could turn out to be bad for me. Why am I so fixated on him? It's not like he really is a master with real sex slaves, so my dream can't come true anyway. Um, I mean, not that I want it to! It's just that he's sexually involved with so many beautiful women in his home that it seems like he has a harem, and how could I not get excited at that? Not to mention the way he sees right through me. Somehow he knows all my secret submissive desires!

Despite the coldness of the water, she found herself growing aroused. Not coincidentally, she somehow found herself extensively "cleaning" her pussy mound with her fingers, with a focus on her clitoris. It's not fair! Alan is an unstoppable, well-hung, sex stud AND he's a harem master! How can I NOT get totally horny at that? Gaawwwd, just to suck his cock would be the ultimate pleasure! And then, if he were to fuck me... SWEET JESUS!

The cold shower was having an effect though, and it helped her have second thoughts. She took her hand from her crotch in a burst of renewed resolve. Listen to me. I'm getting too worked up. These phone calls with Susan are affecting me in a bad way. Raising Adrian should be my focus. The most important thing in my life now is being the best mother to my son that I can be. Nothing else matters!

She picked up the soap and forced herself to scrub her back, since that wasn't a sensitive erogenous zone for her. Well, that's not ENTIRELY true. After all, he is at school or off doing other things a lot of the time, and I have plenty of spare time on my hands. Way too much time, to be honest. It's perfectly natural that I should want to find a man, a good man, now that my divorce is almost final. Someone to be my partner in life, to make me as happy as I make him happy. To get married again, even.

That's what I should be focusing on, helping Aidy and finding someone for a nice, normal relationship for myself. Not some sick, twisted, sex-slave thing! That's harmless enough as a fantasy, but not in real life! But tonight I'm really going to the Plummer house and I'm really going to see Alan and the rest of them again. That's the reality.

Or at least that's the plan. I should cancel. No, I HAVE to cancel. I'm letting some crazy obsession take over my life! I know I've been looking forward to going all week, but that's the problem: I want it too much! It's unhealthy. At the very least, I should skip a week or two and get myself under control. It's one thing to dream about being one of his personal cocksuckers. But to dream about being his sex slave? That's a clear indicator that I've gotten too obsessed. If I go, I'm sure all kinds of exciting, sexy things will happen, and that will only fuel my Alan fixation. I have to cancel now, while I still have the resolve!

She stopped washing, quickly finishing her cold shower. It was very quick indeed, since the main reason she'd taken the shower was to cool off. She dried herself off even faster, then picked up a nearby phone and dialed the Plummer house.

As she waited for someone to answer, she looked down at herself. I should have put some clothes on first. And I should have taken a longer shower. I'm still too horny. But there's no time. I have to act fast! Already, I feel tempted to change my mind. I've gotta stay strong!

Susan picked up the phone after the fourth ring. "Hello? Plummer residence."

Brenda said, "Susan, it's you. Thank goodness. I have something important to tell you. I just had a really strange dream."

Susan's voice went from formal to confidential and even excited. "Oh, really? I want you to tell me all about it! Every last detail. I've had some great dreams lately too. But first, I had some really strange things happen to me for real that I just HAVE to tell you!"

"Oh really? What?" As soon as Brenda said that she regretted it, because she didn't want to get distracted from her goal of bowing out from that night's poker party. But curiosity got the best of her.

"Where to begin?! So many exciting things have happened since I spoke to you yesterday! For starters... oh, I don't know if I should tell you this, but I can't help myself! It's just too exciting! Alan fully tamed Amy last night!"

"What?!" Brenda felt extremely conflicted. I can't listen to this! I'm getting off track. But "taming!" There's nothing I love more than when Susan talks about taming!

"I know! Amazing, isn't it? Well, okay, maybe not fully tamed, but definitely at least partially tamed. He made her his official girlfriend!"

Brenda was a bit disappointed, because deep down she wanted something hard core, like in her dream, with collars and even chains. She griped, "That's hardly a proper taming. Big deal. She's already agreed to be one of his personal cocksuckers, which is a much more serious commitment, in my book."

Susan responded, "True, but wait! That's just the start. For one thing, it happened in the living room, with all of us there: Suzanne, Katherine, Amy, and me. Amy wound up standing completely naked while he freely fondled her luscious body and the rest of us just watched. He pretty much flat-out announced who his girlfriend was going to be as he rubbed his fat cock all over her. He made clear that he can have as many women as he wants, in any way he wants, while she has to be completely loyal to him. Naturally, she agreed! Then, he had me get up and do a sexy striptease and suck his cock! I was so scared and humiliated, but I did it anyway and I loved every minute of it!"

Brenda could feel her arousal skyrocketing with each new comment Susan made. Her heart pumped wildly and her pussy started to gush. She asked, "Hold on. You sucked his cock right there in front of everybody, including Amy, mere moments after she agreed to be his girlfriend?!"

"I KNOW! God, he really showed us all who's in charge!"

That kind of talk was a really powerful aphrodisiac for Brenda. She felt a head rush that made her momentarily dizzy. No normal man does that sort of thing and gets away with it! This really shows he's master material. "Lord and master" material! She asked breathlessly, "Why did he have YOU do that instead of Amy?"

"To put her in her place, and remind her that even though she's his official girlfriend now, she's still just one of many beautiful women who serve him sexually. And he put me in my place at the same time! I could actually FEEL myself getting tamed all over again! Falling deeper and deeper under his spell! Totally submitting to the power of his cock! It's like... Oh, there's nothing else like it! But it's the best feeling in the world!"

Brenda found herself fondling one of her bare boobs. But she forced herself to stop. Her head was still spinning with lust, but she reminded herself that that was why she'd made the call. She really needed to cancel out of that night's poker party.

However, before she could say anything, Susan continued, "And things just got better and crazier from there! I wound up spending like an HOUR on my knees with Amy, teaching her how to best suck and lick and stroke his cock. And the whole time we were practicing TOGETHER on his very real, yummy thickness! Actually, it was less a lesson for her and more just a very prolonged double blowjob!"

The responsible part of Brenda was regretting making the call while naked, because she suddenly found herself so aroused that she couldn't stop from fingering her pussy. She asked as she started to play with her slit, "But I thought you had a strict rule against double blowjobs?"

"I know! I DID! But that was yesterday. You think Tiger cares about my rules? No! He knew it was time, time to tame me further! That was my very first double blowjob, but it sure as heck won't be my last!" She laughed.

Brenda had a hard time breathing. She was imagining herself sharing Alan with Susan, taking turns bobbing on his thickness. In real life, she had two fingers pumping in and out of her slit while her thumb diddled her clit.

Susan went on, "By the time Amy and I somehow finally managed to make him cum - ugh! Let me tell you, it was a struggle. But the BEST kind of struggle! My jaw hurts just thinking how long we sucked and sucked and licked and licked! Anyway, by the end, I found myself wondering why I had been so against that. You know, double blowjobs. Because they're AWESOME! Even now, I can't really remember what I was thinking to fight that. It just seems so RIGHT! A big, powerful cock like that needs at least two tongues on it to be serviced properly!"

Brenda exclaimed breathlessly, "Oh my God! That sounds exactly like my dream!"

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. What happened in your dream? Was it all about my cutie Tiger?"

"Of course! I meant, uh, yes. Yes, it was. I came to your house, and you and Suzanne were on your knees in the living room, licking his cock together!"

"OH. MY. GOD. Brenda, that's SO HOT! Tell me more! Were we naked?"

"Not only were you naked, you were both bound and collared! And your asses were spanked red!"

Susan gasped really loudly. "NO WAY! SO HOT! Brenda, that's just TOO HOT! I love it! Tell me more. What were you doing? Did you join in? Three tongues at once. Oh no! NO!"

"What?" Brenda asked with genuine concern, based on Susan's suddenly worried tone of voice.

Susan replied, "I'm just worried that my phone is going to burn up in my hands because what you're saying is so HOT!"

Brenda laughed, realizing Susan's "worry" was really just a joke. "Very funny." But at the same time, there was a lot of truth about just how very hot and bothered both of them were getting. And the "hot" part was true in a literal sense: she felt like her body was burning up from a fever. She put the phone on speaker mode, so she could use her other hand to play with her boobs. They needed attention as much as her pussy did.

Susan prodded, "So, what were you doing? What were you wearing? Tell me everything!"

Brenda's concerns about her dream came back as she tried to figure out how to respond to that. She even fleetingly remembered her goal of telling Susan that she couldn't attend the poker party. "Uh, I'd rather not say."

"Because it's embarrassing, right? Maybe even downright humiliating?"please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

"Um..." Brenda was glad she was merely talking on the phone so Susan couldn't see how red her face had become (let alone the way she was pulling on her long nipples).

Susan said reassuringly, "Well, don't worry about it. Think about some of the things we talked about lately, like how Alan molested you on a Japanese train in your dream. Wasn't that totally humiliating for you, yet totally great?"

"True, but that was just a dream! I'm worried about that sort of thing happening in reality!"

Susan encouraged, "Don't be! My life has changed SO much in just the last month or so, and a big part of that is being embarrassed constantly! I've gotten used to being humiliated on pretty much a daily basis. It used to bug me a lot, and it still does somewhat, but I've also kind of made my peace with it. I figure that when you spend as much time as I do slurping all over my son's cock, it comes with the territory. A clever, well-hung young man will always outsmart big-titted beauties like us, tricking us out of our clothes and onto our knees. So spill!"

Brenda was getting in the spirit of things, agreeing with every word. She giggled as she said teasingly, "Spill? You mean spill Alan's cum all over my chest, so that it covers my deep cleavage in creamy goo?"

"YES! That! Lots of that! Mmmm... Spermy goodness! Spill some on me too!"

They both laughed gaily.

Brenda was still too embarrassed to describe more of her dream, because if she was at all honest about it, sooner or later she'd have to discuss her fantasy of being Alan's collared sex slave. So instead she said, "Okay, but first I want to hear more about what happened last night with Amy and all. And did you have more fun this morning, before he went to school?"

Not surprisingly, Susan was easily distracted by that topic. "Did I ever! To be honest, I woke up this morning second guessing what happened the night before. I even initially rejected the whole 'two tongues on his cock at once' idea. But Tiger, he's so clever, like I said. Before long, he had me naked, and Katherine naked too. And sure enough, I wound up licking his cock with my sweet Angel. Can you imagine? Taking turns bobbing on my son's cock with my very own daughter? Our tongues repeatedly meeting over his sweet spot? It's so DEPRAVED! But I loved it so much that I'm sure we'll be doing that every day from now on!"

"No!" Brenda was panting hard as she played with her pussy and tits.



"Yes, already! I'm telling you, there's just no resisting him! All we can do is drop to our knees, open our mouths wide, and SERVE!"

Brenda let out a loud erotic moan. She couldn't help but notice how similar Susan's words were to the way her dream had ended, with the line "To live is to serve" repeating in her head. But now that inspired her, more than bothered her. She was getting close to a great climax.

Susan said, "Mmmm. Sounds like someone is having fun! I can hear all kinds of squishy sounds on your end. I wonder what those are!" She chuckled knowingly.

Brenda's embarrassment grew. But thinking about the "to live is to serve" line reminded her that her submissive tendencies needed to be curbed. even if she was enjoying herself greatly. She decided to confess. "It's true. I'm playing with myself. I'm so bad! But I'll bet you are too."

"Of course. Like I always seem to do when we talk on the phone. Except you probably can't hear it since I'm not on a speaker phone like you are. Things are getting really squishy over here as I imagine my mouth opened as wide as it can get, in a perfect 'O', with my son's great big log sliding in and out relentlessly!"

Brenda whimpered. She longingly opened her mouth in the 'O' shape Susan had just mentioned. God, that sounds so good! To think that I never even liked blowjobs all that much. Now I find myself actually drooling from just thinking about HER giving him one! If only that was MY mouth stretched out over my master's cock!

The fact that she'd just called Alan "Master" in her own mind was like a splash of cold water, suddenly waking her up. Shit! Did I really just think that? That just goes to show why I can't go to tonight's party. She continued her confession, "The problem is, I find this stuff TOO arousing! I hardly even know Alan, but I feel like I'm falling under his spell!"

Susan happily agreed. "Oh, you ARE! It's too late to fight now. Once he has you in his sights, it's just a matter of time before you're fully tamed!"

Brenda moaned both with distress and lust at the same time. Susan happened to be saying the things that pushed Brenda's submissive buttons the most. "But... but... what does that mean? Not just sexy talk, but for real? Susan, where is this going? I'm getting worried!"

Susan realized that Brenda was actually worried. Susan wanted to quell those worries, so she changed her emphasis. "I know. It's tough. To be honest, I've been having issues with this kind of thing myself. Why, just today, I made arrangements with Suzanne so I'd see an understanding psychologist. Not to end what's happening, mind you. No way! I'd never want to go back to how things used to be in a million years! But so I can better cope with this whole taming process. As I fall deeper and deeper in love and in lust with my son, I don't want to lose myself and lose my identity."

"Exactly!" Brenda was still masturbating, but she had her issues with the whole "master" idea, so she was gratified that Susan was like-minded. "I've been having similar problems. In fact, I was thinking about maybe not coming to the party tonight." There! I said it!

"What? No! You HAVE to come! We're going to have so much fun!"

Brenda sighed sadly. "I know, I know. I'm sure you will. But I really need to get a grip."

"Horse pucky!" (That was a harsh curse, by Susan's standards.) "The only grip you need to get is a tight grip around Tiger's cock as you open your mouth as wide as you can! Say 'aaah', because his thick pole is on its way in!"

Brenda gasped loudly. Gaawwwd! If only I could suck his cock, just once! Maybe I wouldn't feel this conflicted! She was already on the verge of cumming.

"Brenda, trust me. We're going to have a sexy, fun time. But we're not going to let things get out of control. I'll admit I don't have the best self-control when I get all horny around my son, but Suzanne, she runs a tight ship. If you don't want things to go beyond a certain point, simply tell her where you want to draw the line. She'll make sure you won't get any further than that. But really, you'll have the time of your life tonight! Besides, now you and I have each other. Whenever you're feeling down or worried, you can talk to me. And I hope I can do the same with you."

"Really?" Brenda brightened. "That's so nice. Thank you. I've been feeling all alone in this."

"You're not. To be honest, I didn't like you that much at first, but I've warmed up to you in recent days as we've talked on the phone and I've realized just what kindred spirits we are."

"We are, aren't we?"

"Yes. Maybe it's our bodies - our curvy, busty bodies - that make us such highly sexual beings. At first I resented that you're so well endowed, and I must admit I still kind of resent it a little bit. But now I realize that only another woman with a shape like mine can really see things the way I do."

"That's so true. I've always felt like I'm a freak, a genetic freak. But around the likes of you and Suzanne, I feel like I'm just one of the girls - one of the gang."

Susan smiled. "Yes. Birds of a feather flock together, and with good reason. But in any case, when I talk to this psychologist I'll let you know what I find out. In fact, maybe you'd like to schedule an appointment with her too. I hear she's really great."

"It's a her?"

"Yeah, she's some old friend of Suzanne's. They've been out of contact for a long time, but they used to be good friends in college."

"That's nice. But... Susan. Please! Tell me the truth! Where do you see things going? Could you ever imagine being your son's... well... his slave? His full-on sex slave?"

Actually, when Susan got very aroused, like she still was at that moment, that was one of her most exciting fantasies. She tried not to think about whether she wanted it to happen in real life, but at the very least it appealed to her a lot. However, she could tell Brenda was having doubts on that subject, so she needed to be distanced from that idea, at least for the present.

So she said, "Brenda, please. Don't be ridiculous! Sure, you know how much I love to service my son's cock, and I could see how an outsider like you could misinterpret that. Slavery is NOT on the agenda! What we have right now is heaven on Earth, so there's no need to change a thing."

Brenda asked, "But I thought you just said you're having issues, so much so that you're going to see a psychologist? And what about taming? Isn't that the same as slavery?"

Susan realized she'd have to be careful not to contradict herself. "I did say I have issues, but I also said I don't want to alter things. I just want advice to help understand and deal with these big changes in my life. For instance, I still have issues with incest - meaning full vaginal sex between mother and son. But 'taming' isn't slavery. Think of it as letting go of your inhibitions. Completely letting go! In fact, in a way it's the exact opposite of slavery. It's freedom: total sexual freedom! The freedom to do whatever you want to your man and not feel bad or guilty about it, as well as the freedom to obey his every sexy command and not feel bad or guilty about that either."

ραпdα Йᴏνê|(сòm) That answer did a lot to put Brenda's worries to rest, at least for the moment. She sighed with relief.

However, Susan sensed the danger, so she was eager to change the topic. She knew on some level that her attitudes were all over the map, as evidenced by the emotional roller-coaster ride she'd been on earlier that day. When it came to things like "taming," she didn't want to think too much about what it all actually meant, or where things were really going. So she asked, "Anyway, do you want me to tell you some more about what happened last night? Or this morning?"

"Both!" Brenda said eagerly. She'd stopped masturbating, mostly, when the conversation had turned serious. She felt a lot better after confiding in Susan. Between being able to talk things over with Susan and maybe even seeing Suzanne's psychologist friend, she hoped that she'd be able to keep her more outrageously submissive tendencies under control. So, as Susan began relating her arousing adventures in even more explicit detail, Brenda resumed playing with her pussy and nipples.

The possibility of Brenda not coming to the poker party wasn't brought up again. Instead Susan just assumed she'd be there, and eventually so did Brenda. The fact was, Brenda's desire to go was simply too strong to resist. Each party had been twice as interesting as the one before. After what had happened at the previous party, she was certain that Susan was correct in predicting that she would have the time of her life. Deep down, she'd wanted to be talked into going to the party, because she simply couldn't wait to see Alan again.

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