105. Internal Conversation Between The Gang

Good day, Demon Prince Jilbagias who lives peacefully in the Demon King Castle here.

Some time had elapsed after Lyla learned how to fly.

I spent my days as usual, busying myself with magic training, combat training, and educational learning.

「――Here you go, the tea.」

During the break of study time, Lyla, clad in a maid uniform, presented a cup of tea to me.

Lyla's talent as a dragon blossomed after she inherited the magic and knowledge of Faravugi but she was already satisfied with her position as a maid. Though the matter about Faravugi was hidden from our surroundings, the person herself seems to have made peace with that.

「Thanks Lyla.」

「Yes… Dear.」

Lyla replied coyly while hiding her flushed red face with the tray in her hands.

Uh… I knew the reason she did this but… Honestly, I couldn't get used to this! Even I ended up blushing as well.

I managed to suppress my agitation by drinking my tea. Well, that settled my turmoil. At this kind of time, my emotion was balanced when I looked at Vigne and Sofia who had a fox-like smug smile on their face!

――There is a reason why Lyla and I act like a newly-wed couple.

Lyla changed a bit after she made peace with the matter about Faravugi but her transformation had affected those around her. Especially when her naked, doll-like body which she never paid attention to until now started showing some gesture of embarrassment when I looked at her, causing my subordinates to say 「Hahaha, so you're already in Jilbagias' clutch eh?」.

That was a huge misunderstanding but…

Lyla and I agreed to act like this. There was no need to correct their misunderstanding. Since Lyla kept acting like a newlywed wife and flirted with me whenever she got the chance, I ended up playing along with her.

Though I couldn't do anything about Platy and the others around me who were suspicious of Lyla laying a trap to kill me with her act, they couldn't do anything if I told them that Lyla was acting like this after we had sex.

And though we were playing 『Flirty Couple Act』… It didn't change the fact that it was embarrassing.

Since Lyla looked bashful, even I ended up getting bashful like a teenager too. Seeing my bashful act made Lyla more bashful, thus the cycle continued into a never-ending spiral.

Thanks to that, the people around me―― Who were at first watching our bashful act with huge smiles on their faces or suspicious gaze for Lyla's case, ended up having this 「Here we go again」 face lately.

You could say that our act was perfected to an unprecedented level.

… It was also thanks to Lyla that I could decide the matter of Claire.

Though I was really surprised to find out that my childhood friend turned into the enemy of humanity, I realized that I had to deal with her after seeing how Lyla made peace with the matter of her father.

I would finish off Claire when the right time was coming.

This was my decision.

Meaning that Lyla was a special existence. There was my promise with Faravugi too. If I couldn't make Lyla happy――


Liliana placed her chin on my lap.

She looked up at me with a lonely look on her face.

「There there.」

When I placed my tea cup on the side and started brushing her head, Liliana was squinting her eyes happily. Since I've mostly spent my time with Lyla and taking necromancy lessons, it seems she felt lonely.

Fortunately, she didn't bark at Lyla but still…

For Liliana whose entire existence was centered around me, it couldn't be helped that she felt lonely…


I felt a few eyes looking at me when I brushed Liliana's head.

Lyla had a slightly troubled look on her face but she smiled immediately when I looked at her… It was her forced smile which she rarely showed these days.

I couldn't help but to notice the difference since her recent smile was so sweet as if flowers were blooming around her.

… Well, I guess it was natural for her to feel uneasy when she saw me flirting with the peerless beauty of an elf(Dog).

… We were doing『Fake Couple Act』 remember? In short, Lyla was currently showing a superb act of an uneasy wife. I mean, I wouldn't even dream that Lyla would truly love someone like me, the killer of her father.

Or so I thought but… For some reason, Lyla's golden eyes are…

Like a bottomless swamp every now and then lately…


And one more thing.

Garounya who was grinning like a fox was now making a face as if her favorite spot had just been taken away from her.

She was also suffering from the lack of time for me to brush her.

「… You can come too, Garounya.」

「Ah… Yes.」

Garounya came in a hurry to the opposite side of Liliana.


Since it couldn't be helped, I shifted Liliana's head a bit to make a space on my lap for Garounya.

After Garounya placed her head on my lap, I started fluffing her.

「Nya~~~~… Purrrrrr…」

Ma~n, I really couldn't get enough of Garounya's fluffiness…

Her glossy and fluffy fur are superb…

Truly superb, but…

Lyla… Your eyes were so damn scary…


Lyla came from behind and wrapped her arms around my shoulders.

「Your shoulders must be stiff right, Dear?」

Lyla's breath was trickling my ears. And just like that, she gently rubbed my shoulders――

「A-Aah… That part is quite stiff indeed, thanks…」

Garounya on the right hand, Liliana on the left hand.

Then Lyla rubbed my stiff shoulders from behind.

Man, I feel like I'm in heaven… Or so I thought but…

Somehow I felt as if my head was gripped by dragon's fangs… I was truly relieved that I couldn't see Lyla's current expression!

『Must be tough being a Chad.』

Ante teased me from inside. Oh shut up already.

By the way, Vigne who was looking at us from the other side of the room had this 「What in the world am i seeing right now」. Sofia was glaring disapprovingly like usual.

… My throat was parched. I stopped fluffing for a moment and reached out to my tea cup that I set aside.

「How about I write a book with 『How To Conquer Women of Another Race』 as it's title.」

I almost choked on tea due to Sofia's remark.

「C-Cough, cough… What are you talking about!?」

「Well, with the perfect example in close vicinity, I do think that it will become a masterpiece.」

「As if people are gonna read something like that!」

「Even if no one reads them, I'll make sure that it's being passed down to the future generation.」


I didn't want my name to be recorded in the annals of history in such a shameful way! Rather, I got this feeling that it was already far too late at this point!

「I really want to write something for Jilbagias-sama.」

Sofia heaved a sigh of yearning for some reason.

「Why are you suddenly saying that?」

「Because at this rate, I'll run out of books to read.」

According to Sofia, if she reads books at her current pace, she'll read every book in the Demon King Castle in the next few years. And that includes the book collection in Enma's base.

「Though the number of books can be increased by gathering the books from the occupied territory… The overall number of books won't increase unless someone writes new books.」

And there was no author in the Demon Kingdom.

Though some demon races took the pen to become a writer, since the sentence's structure was crude, all of them stopped writing before getting the chance to improve their writing skill.

Her supply of books might have ceased―― Meaning that it would be a serious problem for Sofia, who was feeding on knowledge.

「I hope the demon race will gain some enlightenment in research and literature… The only one I find around me is Jilbagias-sama.」

Said Sofia while shrugging her shoulders, it seems Platy didn't have interest in literature too.

「And the field of study that felt alien to me, is naturally, the way to conquer women from another race――」

You're mistaken dammit! Rather, what are you saying right in front of the persons themselves?

「Unfortunately for you… I might not be able to meet your expectations. I mean, it's not like I have the method—」

Firstly, it was impossible to record the truth.


→I sealed her real personality and made her recognize herself as my dog after I revealed my real identity before the real her. Could it be that the reason she kept pretending to be a dog even after I released the magic that sealed her real personality was she simply didn't want to remember the painful memories during her captivity? In that way, she became attached to me, as a dog.


→My most loyal servant, but she ended up falling pretty quickly thanks to my fluffing skill that I honed on the cat in our village in my previous life. Thus, she became attached to me, as a cat.


→Though my relationship with her was the most complicated one as the enemy of her father turned benefactor, we somehow managed to come to peace with that fact. I shared my secret with her too.

… Like hell I would let those situations be recorded. I might write those once I fulfilled my duty but, even then, I doubt people would believe it…

「Well, I think you should talk about this matter with big brother Diagias.」

「A~h, you're right.」

Eh, it's a joke you know!? Are you really going to ask him such a question!?

「Moreover, somehow I've been wondering if this is the so-called destiny. Even though no one teaches me, I've gained knowledge about it before I realized it… Right?」

「Eh, ah, hah…」

Vigne replied with a rather bewildered face as if to say 「Why are you looking for my agreement?」.

「Do you know anyone among the night elf who writes books?」

「… A lot. Some of my acquaintances were researching poison and left research notes in the form of scribbles but…」


「No, I mean, that's a secret…」

「Grrh…! There must be a way around it…!」

Vigne got overwhelmed by Sofia who suddenly snapped at the former.

But man, I couldn't help but laugh at the desperate Sofia.

Meanwhile, my fluffing had already resumed, Garounya growled comfortably while Lilia was already in a dreamy state.

Lyla was chuckling quietly from behind me.

「… I'm happy.」

She whispered in a voice that could only be heard by me.

Her hands and fingers were gently massaging my shoulders… That might be just my imagination though.

「I see.」

I replied shortly while relaxing my shoulders.

If I had a wish―― It would be for this peaceful moment in this room to continue forever.

But, I myself wouldn't want that, nor will I agree to that.

… Nevertheless, since they were talking about Diagias, it reminded me that one week was about to pass. Tomorrow was the day of the moon, the time for the meal of the Demon King family.

The green bastard who had been absent since he was in the front line should've returned tomorrow.

I hope he didn't spoil the delicious food but…

It will be depressing from now on.

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