A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation

Chapter 408: Bow Down In Prostration (5)


Reforming Calendar.

Calendar Calculations.

And an unidentified disc.

The three items resonate together.

I try to guess the identity of the disc.

'I see. A failed imitation made by a True Person.'

I heard there are three in total, and it seems this is the third.

Just as I think so.


Clink, clink, clink!

The pure white divine sword, Reforming Calendar.

The red divine sword, Calendar Calculations.

The unidentified disc.

The three items appear to gather in one place before emitting a clear light as they merge into one!

And what appeared is...

"South-pointing disc (指南盤)?"

A south-pointing disc.

Also known as a compass.

Calendar Calculations seems to be pointing north.

Reforming Calendar seems to be pointing south.


I look at the enormous south-pointing disc, far larger than myself, and stick out my tongue in astonishment.

"...What is this?"

A dharma treasure that appeared out of nowhere.

A trace of civilization I haven't seen in ages.

It's a sign of intelligence, but instead of feeling joy, I feel a sense of unease and a chill crawling down my spine.

I first obtained Reforming Calendar from Yuk Rin's treasure vault.

However, in hindsight, the performance of Reforming Calendar is insane. It's a 'weapon that by itself' provides the combat strength at the Integration stage'.

It isn't quite on the level of the Mad Lord's Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress, but it is still an extremely formidable dharma treasure by itself. No matter how much Yuk Rin, a demon beast of the Demon Race, didn't use dharma treasures, it's unthinkable that such a treasure would be casually placed in the treasure mountain.

Moreover, something felt off when I fought with Jin Ma-yeol.

Salt Crystal is an excellent mineral, but it's not known for being particularly hard.

Being used for cultivation like how Yuk Rin cut off a salt pillar from the Salt Crystal Palace and ate it to enhance his cultivation, or being used for its physical properties as the keel of a ship like the Salt Bones Ship. That is the Salt Crystal.

However, even when I struck Reforming Calendar, which is processed from Salt Crystal, with the All-Heavens Sword before I was weakened, it didn't suffer a single scratch.

In the end, unlike other weapons that shattered, it merely bounced off the hands of Jin Ma-yeol.

And then there's the divine sword Calendar Calculations, which I obtained next.

Calendar Calculations was placed right below where the shard of the Colorless Glass Sword was found.

Almost as if someone had hidden it there, knowing I would come looking for the Colorless Glass Sword.

And the same is true for the disc.

As soon as the cave where I retrieved the Colorless Glass Sword shard collapsed, the disc appeared as if it had been waiting, and the three dharma treasures instantly merged into a compass.

It feels as if some entity was guiding me toward this compass.

The problem is that if I start feeling like this, it's almost never just a feeling. Nine times out of ten, it means a [Great Being] is guiding my fate.

'Some existence is trying to do something with me right now.'

Through this compass, no less.

What is that being's purpose?

It could simply be good will, but I know better.

This world is nothing but a mass of calamity.

At least for us, goodwill will never come our way.

I can't trust anyone.

Embracing Yeon Wei's philosophy more than ever, I unfold the Integrated Dao Domain.


With all the spiritual energy and dragon vein within the Integrated Dao Domain,

And utilizing attraction force, I grip the All-Heavens Sword along with the Three Great Ultimates and, with the martial technique of Deep Mountain, Emerging Dao, I strike down the compass.


The compass, struck within the Integrated Dao Domain, pierces through the domain and embeds itself directly into the planet's core.

That's right.

Instead of shattering on the spot, it was deflected and lodged itself there.

Retracting the domain, I glare at the compass.

Not a single scratch.

With my current strength, I can go hold my own against someone at the Quasi-Star Shattering stage.

It's clearly an artifact formed by the combination of the Integration-level dharma treasure Reforming Calendar, Calendar Calculations, along with the unidentified disc.

It'd be accurate if one thinks of it as a Grand Perfection Integration-level dharma treasure.

However, the single strike I just delivered isn't a joke. If hit directly, I could've sent even Hyeon Eum straight to the afterlife.

Yet, the compass took the hit and didn't even get scratched.

I let out a low growl, glaring fiercely at the compass.

I can tell.

This isn't just some Integration-level dharma treasure.

It was said to be a failed product of an Entering Nirvana Quasi-Immortal, but honestly, I don't really know.

Though the compass isn't particularly large, I can't help but feel the same unknown pressure from it as I did from the Serving Command Ark.

The legendary discarded immortal treasure that pierced through the head of Lofty Dragon, the Serving Command Ark.

Its majesty was truly overwhelming when I first saw it.

And this compass seems to exude a similar level of pressure.

After staring at the compass for a long time, I decide to ignore it and head to a planet in the opposite direction.

'Enough, I'm abandoning it.'

I don't know which True Immortal or higher being is trying to toy with me again, but there's no reason to play along.

After passing by a planet while thinking such thoughts,



I lock eyes with a True Person in the shape of a frog with its entire body covered in eyeballs, clinging to the back of the planet.


The Quasi-Immortal in the form of a frog looks at me and opens its mouth.


"This crazy!"

I turn pale and dodge the Quasi-Immortal's tongue.

No, should it even be called a tongue?

It looks like a sea anemone with soft starlight swirling around it.

If Azure Tiger Saint's Azure Spirit Starlight Quintessence Great Method took the form of a tongue, it'd probably look like that.


The starlight sea anemone-like tongue chases after me.


I don't understand why something that had no aggressiveness towards me is suddenly showing such behavior.

Fleeing in a haste, I head to a planet nearby.

Only when I return do I realize it's the place I discarded the compass.


The Quasi-Immortal's sea anemone twitches from the sky.

While searching for a place to hide, I end up diving into the spot where I smashed the compass, creating a path down to the core.


In an instant, I fall to the core and end up stepping on the compass.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, the frog-like Quasi-Immortal seems to have just flicked its tongue for fun, as it retracts its sea anemone-like tongue and disappears again. 

Gritting my teeth, I try to leave once more.

But this time, a Star Shattering Esteemed One in the shape of a continent-sized carp chases after me, forcing me to hide beside the compass again.

After experiencing these two incidents, I realize something.

"...Is this fate?"

I've experienced something similar before.

When I was still young.

It's the same feeling as the time when I struggled desperately at Ascension Path, trying to prevent my comrades from being handed over to Seo Hweol, the Mad Lord, and the Heavenly Being trio.

No matter how hard I struggled, fate would move and block my path, guiding the flow [back to its original course].

No matter what I did, my comrades were inevitably drawn to the individuals connected to them.

Recalling that time, I understand that someone has manipulated my fate to guide me to the compass.

"...So, I'm supposed to use the compass?"

I hesitate for a moment before letting out a small laugh.

After all, I have nothing left to lose.

With a bitter expression, I reach out and touch the compass.


As I infuse my consciousness into it, the name and usage of the compass flows into my mind.

The name of the compass is the South Polar Compass (南極盤).

Its ability is to guide the best path towards the entity connected by attraction force.

I can't help but laugh in disbelief.

It feels contrived.

Just when I can't find the last fragment of the Colorless Glass Sword.

Just when I need help to locate the Colorless Glass Sword, a dharma treasure that can do so appears right before my eyes?

It's clear that someone's intentions are at play, and it doesn't make me feel comfortable.

But I have no choice but to place my hand on the South Polar Compass and register the attraction force for the Colorless Glass Sword.

Someone is moving me through the South Polar Compass.

And the power and fate that this someone possesses are beyond what I can escape from at this moment.

If that's the case,

Though they are words I really despise, I have no choice but to follow them.

—This world is a play under fate, and we are merely actors acting within this play.

—Like an actor, you should just be faithful to your role. Otherwise, you'll be driven off the stage.

Seo Hweol's words.

Despite my irritation, I have to admit that in this situation, I have no choice but to follow his words as I glare at the compass.

'Fine. I don't know who is trying to do what with me, but for now, I'll act according to the role assigned to me.'

For now, I'll faithfully perform the role I've been assigned.


Riding the South Polar Compass, I cross the universe.


The South Polar Compass' needle, Reforming Calendar, points in a specific direction, and I use attraction force to fly there with the ground-shrinking technique.


And some time later.

The South Polar Compass sends a signal saying we 'arrived at the destination.'

The South Polar Compass, much like the navigation systems on Earth, sets a target and provides the best path to it, and when you arrive, it sends a signal like this.

Following the guidance of the South Polar Compass, I descend in front of a rocky cave on a certain planet.

Then, sweeping my consciousness around, I operate the Canvas of Myriad Forms and Connections across the entire planet to search for the Colorless Glass Sword fragment.

But nothing appears.

Even after fully revealing the Colorless Glass Sword and pulling with the attraction force of the Canvas of Myriad Forms and Connections, nothing comes out.


After retrieving the Colorless Glass Sword, I re-register its attraction force into the South Polar Compass and speak.

"Guide me, South Polar Compass."

The needle of the South Polar Compass spins around before pointing to some distant part of the universe.

It's saying the fragment is located in another place.

I feel my blood boil in frustration, but I calm my anger and ride the South Polar Compass towards the direction it indicates.

And there, too, the Colorless Glass Sword fragment is nowhere to be found.

And once again, the South Polar Compass points to yet another random location.

Even though I am overwhelmed with the urge to smash the South Polar Compass to pieces, it won't break anyway.

And if I can't control my anger and throw it away, I will immediately find myself under the bizarre misfortune of being chased by Quasi-Immortals or Esteemed Ones, binding me right back to the side of the South Polar Compass.

Even if misfortune arises, I can't neutralize it like before.

If I use the Phenomena Extinguishing Mantra to nullify the misfortune, the Owner of Great Mountain would come looking for me again.

At this point, I have no choice but to play along with this puppet show, the intentions of which remain unclear.

And so, tens of thousands of years pass.

One hundred thousand.

It's my hundred thousandth birthday.

Once again, I sigh at the stupidity of the South Polar Compass pointing to yet another strange location, and I adjust the compass to embark on another journey through the universe.

How many tens of thousands of years has it been?

I don't know what the intentions of the being that sent the South Polar Compass to me are but,

Without any explanation as to why they're doing this to me, they tied me to the South Polar Compass and dragged me around like a dog, forcing me to travel to every corner of the universe.

"What dog-like place will I travel to today?"

For tens of thousands of years, I've been traveling with the South Polar Compass.

Even with just the intermittent cultivation I managed during these travels, I have already reached the mid Integration stage in both Heaven and Earth Tribe.

Is it because the new Heavenly Domain has not been around for long?

Every corner of the universe is overflowing with Heaven and Earth spiritual energy.

Thanks to that, I am able to reach a somewhat corresponding realm after tens of thousands of years.

With exhausted eyes, I arrive on some star, guided once again by the South Polar Compass, and as always, I can't give up hope, so I struggle to find the last fragment of the Colorless Glass Sword by moving the star's dragon vein and activating the Canvas of Myriad Forms and Connections.


The dragon vein of the planet roars under my influence, briefly operating according to the formula of the Canvas of Myriad Forms and Connections.

"Not here either, huh."

I sigh and once again fly off towards the next location indicated by the South Polar Compass.

And just then,



Suddenly, I notice the energy of the dragon vein, which has been boiling throughout the entire star, seems to be stretching beyond the star.

'What's this? Did I see it wrong?'

I rub my eyes, and the sight quickly disappears.

However, after reviewing the records stored within the Canvas of Myriad Forms and Connections, I realize that it wasn't a hallucination.

'I definitely saw it. Just what was that?'

When I examine the planet again, I see that the dragon vein has quietly returned to its dormant state within the planet.

Time passed.

As I continue traveling through the universe with the South Polar Compass, I begin to see the vision I previously witnessed more frequently, and at some point, I become certain that it isn't an illusion.


The dragon vein is extending beyond the star.

The dragon vein, stretching beyond the star, connects to another star like a massive pillar.

And I can vaguely see that the other star is also connected to another.

It isn't a hallucination.

"...I see."

Only now do I understand why the South Polar Compass has been dragging me around the vast Heaven and Earth and Four Directions of the universe.

'Was it to give me this vision?'

It seems that way.

This vision of the dragon vein is unique.

All the stars in this universe have spirit veins of Heaven and Earth spiritual energy flowing within them.

And that level of spirit vein can be seen by anyone at the Core Formation stage.

However, the pillar of spirit veins that 'extends beyond the stars' is not easily visible.

Only those who have traveled to millions of stars, analyzed their energy, and repeatedly activated the dragon veins can see this pillar.

At first, I wasn't accustomed to this vision of seeing those pillars, but after becoming familiar with it, I felt like I understood the identity and origin of those pillars.

"The dragon veins of the stars have reached an extreme point, transcending the plane, and have entered the Plane of Fate."

It was something I couldn't perceive at first because the endless spirit veins of the stars simply transcended over the Plane of Soul.

The stars seem to be far apart, but that isn't the case.

In reality, they are closely connected, emitting attraction force towards each other in the Plane of Fate. Only through the spirit veins that shot up into the Plane of Fate can I faintly catch a glimpse of this.

All the stars in this universe are connected by countless pillars of light.

This is truly a scene that brings to mind the concept of Indra's Net.

I give to this pillar of light,

That is, the 'dragon vein of the stars,' a name.

The star's dragon vein, Star Vein (星脈).


Together with the South Polar Compass, following the star veins, I fly towards the direction the compass indicates.

As expected, I can't find the Colorless Glass Sword fragment this time either.

However, since the day I clearly gained the eyes to see the star vein, I realized that the South Polar Compass isn't leading me aimlessly.

With each journey with the South Polar Compass, my ability to see the star vein, the Star Vein Eye, is further enhanced.

I can now see the star vein from farther and farther away, and with more detail.

160,000 years.

I, too, having lived for 160,000 years, have become a living fossil. 

The lifespan I received in the Integration stage is nearly exhausted, and as a result, wrinkles are gradually appearing on my skin and face.

In just 30,000 more years, I will likely die.



My cultivation has now reached the late Integration stage.

My attainment in Seated Detachment, Entering Hope has reached a level where I can freely unleash individual strikes with ease.

'How long will this journey continue?'

Will I be able to find the Colorless Glass Sword before I die?

Unable to hide the slight desolate feeling in my heart, I continue to travel through the Astral Realm with the South Polar Compass.

Star Vein Eye, in a way, is a sense far more difficult to attain than Nether Perception.

Anyone who cultivates the Ghost Path Method or is deceased can obtain Nether Perception. But to obtain Star Vein Eye, one needs to fulfill the extraordinary condition of having visited millions of stars and drawn out the dragon vein in each and every star.

Moreover, unlike Nether Perception, Star Vein Eye does not grow easily.

Even after wandering for tens of thousands of years with the South Polar Compass that seems to help the growth of the Star Vein Eye, all I can see after a long time is the vast network of constellations spread across the entire universe.

But one day,

One day, after finishing a journey with the South Polar Compass, my Star Vein Eye breaks through a certain 'critical point,' and upon surpassing that point, I become able to see something incredible.

It's history.

Through the dragon veins, I can now see how the constellations have moved up to that point. I can now see their records.

One might ask, what's so remarkable about such records?

It's not like I can peruse all records like Oh Hye-seo―and records of constellations at that?

But indeed, it is something extraordinary.

The records of constellations are guiding me through a path.

A [path] that leads to the original great explosion, the very starting point of the Heavenly Domain.


Looking at that [path], I finally realize where the last fragment of the Colorless Glass Sword is.

It's beyond that [path].

And I can guess what lies at the end of that [path].

Perhaps, there's an exit that leads out of this Heavenly Domain.

Yes, the final fragment of the Colorless Glass Sword has existed outside of this Heavenly Domain from the very beginning.


Upon realizing this, the South Polar Compass finally begins to guide me accurately along the [path].

I am now 192,202 years old.

I have 400 years left before my lifespan runs out.

The time it took to reach the exit of the Heavenly Domain is precisely 400 years.

The timing is so exact it almost feels contrived.

I touch the wrinkles on my face and my beard.

At this point, my cultivation has reached Grand Perfection Integration stage in Heaven and Earth Dual Cultivation and the equivalent level in the Heart Tribe.

In other words, I am on par with, if not superior to, [Her] in her prime.

My death is not far off, and my cultivation has been raised to its fullest extent.

But even so, I feel fear as I look at the [door] before me.


A [door] that leads out of the Heavenly Domain.

I realize there are two diverging paths beyond that door.

One is just the normal path leading out of the Heavenly Domain.

The other is a suspicious path leading [somewhere].

And the last fragment of the Colorless Glass Sword is on the path leading to [somewhere].

I'm not afraid of the unknown.

What I truly fear is,

'The existence that lies beyond...'

I can tell.

Beyond there is the being who gave me the South Polar Compass and manipulated my fate for hundreds of thousands of years, forcing upon me the Star Vein Eye.

I can feel that being trying to meet me.

Even now.

Even now, the image of the Owner of Great Mountain slaughtering all my comrades and reverting the universe to its primordial state has not left my mind.

However, despite that, I ride the South Polar Compass towards that place.

There is nothing left to lose.

The only thing to lose is my memory.

Even though it's a mere speck, that fragment of the Colorless Glass Sword,

That Canvas of Myriad Forms and Connections.

Contains my history, our history.

I ride the South Polar Compass and take a step outside this Heavenly Domain.


The Heaven and Earth and Four Directions are dyed pure white.


The galaxy!

At the center of countless galaxies.

There is a certain throne, and the South Polar Compass brings me right in front of that throne.

And suddenly,


The South Polar Compass, which has carried me all this time, shines white and transforms into an old man.

I look at him calmly.

"...Is it you? The one who wished to see me?"

I can feel it.

The being before my eyes is at least a True Immortal.

"No, I am but an incarnation of the main body. I took this form out of consideration, since you would go mad by gazing directly upon the main body."

"...If you have something to say, you could have summoned me directly. Why wait so many long years to call me?"

"Haha. Long years, you say?"

The old man strokes his beard and asks,

"Do you know who I am?"

I cautiously ask the old man,

"Who are you?"

"I have many titles. Some call me the God of Calendar, others call me the Owner of Time."


When He snaps his fingers, the surroundings transform into a paradise-like pavilion.

As He sits in the pavilion, He speaks,

"You may call me the Heavenly Venerable of Time."

I kneel involuntarily before His solemn presence.

"Bow down in prostration before me. I have been watching over you for a very long time."

Translator Notes: No chapter tomorrow would be pretty brutal, right? lol

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