Chapter 1662: 348: Miss Ye’s anger is very scary. She’s in the late stage of wife control! 5

Translator: 549690339

“The four brothers, rivers, lakes, and seas, naturally supported ye Zhuo. ”

“Professor Feng looked at Tang Mi and Yu Zifei. “Little Tang, Little Yu, you’re too young. You haven’t experienced what we’ve experienced. You have no idea what Europa means to us!” ”

“In recent years, Professor Feng and the others had put in a lot of effort for Europa. They had almost forgotten about food and sleep, all so that one day they could ascend to Europa and benefit mankind and earth! ”

“But now, a young junior suddenly stood up and told them that Europa was a planet full of dangers and would do nothing but harm to Earth! ”

Perhaps no one would be able to accept such a thing.

“It would have been fine if ye Zao had landed on Europa, but now, Ye Zao had never landed on Europa at all. Her words had no credibility at all. ”

“Ye Zao spoke faintly, “Professor Feng, I understand your current feelings. I also know that you and director Ma have put in a lot of effort for Europa over the years, but it is not suitable for survival. No matter how much effort you have put in, it can not change this fact.” ”

Professor Feng didn’t say anything.

“Ye Zhuo was indeed capable. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have led everyone to build an aircraft carrier that surpassed the speed of light in a year. ”

It was because of ye Zhuo’s ability that restricted her right to speak!

“Professor Feng only hated himself for not having this ability. If she could crack the secret of the speed of light, she wouldn’t have asked for Ye Zhuo’s opinion. ”

“Now That Ye Zao was against them landing on Europa, it would be useless no matter how much they insisted. ”

“However, Professor Feng was unwilling. ”

“He was unwilling to give up on Europa, and he was even more unwilling to let all his years of hard work go to waste! ”

“Director ma continued, “Miss Ye, nothing is absolute. I still hope that you can seriously consider it. “Europa is only 900 million kilometers away from us. It will only take an hour to land on Europa. I know that your time is very precious, but it is not to the extent that you can’t even spare a few hours.” ”

“”Don’t you understand, director Ma?”Ye Zhuo closed the computer and looked at director Ma. His gaze was already cold. “This is not a matter of Time!” ”

Director Ma shut his mouth.

“Although ye Zao was about the same age as his granddaughter, he was a little afraid of Ye Zao! ”

Professor Feng didn’t dare to say anything else.

“”Okay, let’s continue the topic of Mars,”ye Zao said. ”

“Then, director Ma and Professor Feng didn’t say anything more about the topic of Mars. ”

“In their opinion, Ye Zao was a waste of time. ”

“Instead of using Europa, they were going to use manpower and material resources to transform a worthless, abandoned planet. ”

What kind of place was Mars?

“Director Ma and the others had done their research a long time ago. It was undeniable that there was life on Mars a long time ago. However, due to the depletion of resources, Mars was abandoned by the natives! ”

What was there to study on an abandoned planet?

Director Ma was a little confused about ye Zao’s brain circuits!

“However, Ye Zao was a leader. When a leader spoke, he could only listen. No matter how dissatisfied he was, he could only give suggestions. ”

“No matter how he thought about it, director Ma felt a little uncomfortable. ”


“After the meeting ended, director Ma and Professor Feng walked at the back. Director ma lowered his voice and said, “Professor Feng, what do you think?” ”

Professor Feng was also very helpless. “It’s useless no matter what I think. The most important thing is what Miss Ye thinks!”

Director ma sighed. “Why do you think Miss Ye has such a big opinion of Europa?”

It could be seen that ye Zhuo was in a state of complete resistance to Europa. His expression even changed slightly.

He really did not know what was so scary about Europa.

Could it be that there was really a terrifying virus on Europa?

“However, such a thing as a virus could not be detected by observation alone. ”

How did ye Zao Know About It?

Was it just a figment of his imagination?

Professor Feng shook his head. “Who knows what Miss Ye is thinking!”

“”Why don’t we go and Beg Master Five?”Director ma continued, “Now that we have an aircraft carrier, going to Europa is very simple. As long as master five agrees, even if miss ye objects, it will be useless, right?” ”

“Master five? What kind of joke is this! Do you think Master Five can make Miss Ye’s decision?”Professor Feng looked at director Ma.

Cen Shaoqing was just like ye Zao’s brainless fan.

“As long as ye Zao objects, Cen Shaoqing would absolutely not get involved in the slightest! ”

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