“Chapter 1684: 351: No Way to advance, no way to retreat, killing everyone! 2”

Translator: 549690339

“Then we’ll leave first.”


“Looking at the backs of Ye Zhuo and Lin Shasha, Zou Feifei narrowed his eyes. ”

“Ning LAN asked curiously, “Feifei, why did you invite them to dinner just now?”According to her understanding of Zou Feifei, Zou Feifei was not such a warm person. ”

“Let’s make friends. What else can there be?”Zou Feifei said.

“Ning Lan nodded. “If they don’t want to eat, let’s go. I know a Japanese restaurant that is especially good.” ”

“Zou Feifei was a little annoyed now. How could she be in the mood to eat? But since Ning Lan had said so, she could not refuse. “Let’s go.” ”

The Japanese restaurant that Ning Lan chose was indeed not bad.

It was just that the per capita consumption was a little high.

The cars parked in front of the shop were all luxury cars.

“Ning Lan said in surprise, “D * mn! A limited edition Lamborghini! What kind of immortal or big shot has come to our city!” ”

“Zou feifei usually didn’t know much about cars, but she also knew about Lamborghinis. Zou Dabiao’s beloved car was of this brand, she snorted lightly and said, “Isn’t it just a Lamborghini? What’s so great about it!”Who couldn’t afford a Lamborghini? ”

“Ning LAN said, “Feifei, this is a limited edition luxury car launched by Lamborghini. It sells for more than 30 million US dollars! There are only 10 of them in the world! You have to be rich and powerful to be able to buy it. You Can’t buy it with money alone!” ”

“When she said that, Zou Feifei was also shocked. ”

“After all, Zou Dabiao’s Lamborghini was only around 6 million US dollars. This Lamborghini was sold for more than 30 million US dollars. If converted into RMB, it would be more than 200 million US dollars! ”

“200 million yuan was not a lot, but to buy a car with 200 million yuan was not to be underestimated! ”

“One had to know that the Zou family had 500 million yuan in liquid funds, but they did not dare to buy such a car! ”

“There were many rich people in Yun Jing, but the number of people who drove such a car could be counted on one’s fingers! ”

“Zou feifei continued, “Are you sure this kind of car is so expensive?” ”

“”Yes.”Ning lan nodded, “My brother even dreamed of buying this car!”Unfortunately, the Ning family was also limited in their ability. They could take out 200 million yuan, but they did not have the power to get the source of the car. ”

“Zou feifei frowned slightly. “Is there a new force in Yunjing?”Although Yunjing was a small city, it was full of outstanding people and hidden talents. Big families often came to live in seclusion. ”

“”Aiya, don’t care so much! Let’s go in first.”Ning Lan held Zou Feifei’s arm. ”

The two walked into the restaurant.

“As soon as they walked in, Ning Lan saw two familiar figures near the window. She frowned slightly. “Feifei, look who it is!” ”

Zou feifei also turned around and frowned when he saw them.

They were none other than Lin Sha and Ye Zhuo.

This Lin Sha was really two-faced. She said that she had something to do in front of her and didn’t have time to have dinner with her!

What did Lin Sha mean by this?

Looking down on her?

“As the daughter of a rich family and her father was a famous figure in the financial world of cloud capital, she was always looked up to no matter where she went. ”

But today.

“She took the initiative to express her goodwill to Lin Sha, and Lin Sha actually rejected her. ”

This made Zou Feifei very uncomfortable.

Especially in front of Ning Lan.

“Lin Sha was born in a small family, how could she reject her! ”

What the hell!

“Ning LAN continued, “Feifei, this Lin Sha doesn’t know what’s good for her! You invited her to dinner, and she said she had something to do, but now she’s eating here with Ye Zhuo! What does she mean by this? Is she deliberately giving you a hard time?” ”

Zou Feifei narrowed his eyes. “Let’s Go!”

“Ning Lan followed Zou Feifei’s footsteps. “Feifei, where are we going?” ”

“Aren’t there VIP rooms here?”Zou Feifei asked.

“”Yes,”ning LAN continued, “But there’s a fifty percent service charge for the VIP rooms.” ”

“Let’s go to the VIP rooms.”She would never sit in the same hall with a lowlife like Lin Shasha.

“Okay.”Ning Lan nodded.

It was a coincidence.

Zou Feifei walked out of the restaurant with Ning Lan after dinner and bumped into Lin Sha again.

“Lin Sha smiled and greeted him, “Feifei, are you and Ning Lan coming over for dinner too?” ”

“Seeing that Lin Sha didn’t look embarrassed at all, Zou feifei smiled and said, “Yeah, I didn’t expect to bump into you guys here!” ”

“At this moment, a Bentley stopped at the door. ”

“Zou feifei continued, “Our driver is here to pick me up. Sha Sha, why don’t you take our car back with your friend?” ”

“Although the Bentley wasn’t expensive, it still cost more than three million! This kind of car wasn’t something Lin Sha’s family could afford! ”

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