Chapter 1929: 389: Some people die just because they write! 2

Translator: 549690339

“When Li Yueyue received the call again, she thought that her mother was joking with her. “Mom, it’s the New Year. It’s not good for you to joke like this!” ”

“Fang yinyue said, “I’m not joking with you. Your grandmother really left.” ”

“From her mother’s tone, it seemed that she was not joking. Li Yueyue said incredulously, “How is that possible! My grandmother is so afraid of death and her body is so good. How can she really die!” ”

Old Lady Li’s body was really good!

“Usually, she also had all kinds of nutrition and health supplements. ”

“When she walked, she could even kick a big rock. How could such a person die so easily? ”

“Fang yinyue continued, “She drank the medicine.” ”

“She really drank it?”Li Yueyue asked.

“Yes.”Fang yinyue cut to the chase. “Come to the hospital quickly. Your father is suffering now. Come to the hospital to persuade him.”

“”Okay.”Li Yueyue nodded. After a moment, she seemed to have thought of something and continued, “Do I need to inform my brother?” ”


“Li Yueyue also had an older brother, Li Ziyu. ”

“Li Ziyu was 30 years old this year. He received training in the secret army and was in a closed mode. Unless there was an emergency, his family would not be able to contact him normally. ”

“Ever since they received closed training, Li Sanzhu and Fang yinyue had not seen their son for more than two years. ”

“If Li Yueyue did not mention it, Fang yinyue had forgotten about it. ”

“No matter how much Old Lady Li had gone overboard, she was still the grandmother of two children. There was no need for the living to argue with the dead. Moreover, the dead were the most important. ”

“As the eldest grandson, if he did not attend his grandmother’s funeral, it was inevitable that he would be criticized. ”

“”I will inform your brother. Come to the hospital quickly,”Fang yinyue said concisely. ”

“”Okay, I’ll be there right away.” ”

“After hanging up the phone, Li Yueyue took a car to the hospital. ”

The operating theater was already in a mess of crying.

“What made Li Yueyue dumbfounded was that Li Erzhu sat on the ground without any image, crying and singing at the same time. ”

“In her impression, only the older generation would be like this when they were extremely sad. She didn’t expect Li Erzhu to be like this. ”

“Linda was a foreigner, so she was indifferent to life and death. But when she thought of the old lady’s death, Li Shuyi was completely hopeless. She was so sad that she lay on Old Lady Li’s body.., “Mom, how could you bear to leave us behind! Mom, Wake Up! Mom!” ”

Li Erzhu was very regretful now.

He regretted why he let the old lady drink the medicine.

“If the old lady didn’t drink the medicine, such a thing wouldn’t have happened! ”

“Unfortunately, there were all kinds of medicine in this world, but there was no medicine for regret. ”

“At this time, Old Lady Li had already gone west. No matter how regretful Li Erzhu was, it was all in vain. ”

Li Sanzhu was calling his relatives and friends.

“Seeing Old Mrs. Li lying lifelessly on the operating bed with a pale face, Li Yueyue’s mood suddenly became very depressed. ”

“This was the first time she faced death so directly, and the target was her grandmother. ”

She used to think that old Mrs. Li would at least live to be 90 years old.

This accident came too suddenly.

“But if she cried, Li Yueyue really couldn’t cry. ”

Because Old Mrs. Li had never given her any love since she was young.

“Even when Li Shuyi was caught, old Mrs. Li still asked why she wasn’t the one caught. ”

“In Old Mrs. Li’s heart, only Li Shuyi was her biological granddaughter. ”

“Although she couldn’t cry, Li Yueyue still tried hard to squeeze out two drops of Tears. “Grandma...” ”

“At this moment, Linda suddenly stood up and pointed at Li Sanzhu, she complained, “It’s all your fault! Mom died because of you! If you guys were willing to go to Cen Wuye earlier to plead with Shuyi, mom wouldn’t have taken it too hard and drank the medicine! Li Sanzhu, you’re Mom’s youngest son, do you think you can do this to Mom? Return Mom’s Life!” ”

“Li Erzhu, who was sitting on the ground and crying bitterly, also reacted at this time, he immediately stood up and said, “Yes, it’s all because of you! Since Young, mother has treated you like her precious eyeballs. I never thought that in the end, mother would actually die in your hands! Do you still have a little conscience?” ”

The husband and wife echoed each other and pushed all the questions onto Li Erzhu.

Old Mrs. Li was already dead.

They had to use old Mrs. Li’s death to make a good story and make Li Sanzhu Compromise.

“Otherwise, old Mrs. Li’s death would have been in vain! ”

“Li Sanzhu was already very sad and sad when his mother suddenly had an accident. At this time, it should be the time for the two brothers to unite, but not only did second brother and second sister-in-law not realize their mistake, they even pointed the blame at him! ”

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