Alpha's Cruel Addiction

Chapter 98 Volunteered For Me

Ophelia watched as Killorn got dressed. She sported a thin white gown that he had slipped onto her before she fell into a deep slumber last night. He didn't even glance back at her as he clasped his belt and tightened his tunic. She felt her throat grow tense and her head bent. They had just woken up. 

Killorn kissed her goodbye on the cheeks and she curled into a ball when he left. His moves were always calculated and precise. His schedule was set days in advance. He was Alpha Mavez before he was Duke Mavez and then, her husband. 

Ophelia was given everything she could possibly think of. He gave her food, shelter, and money to spend. Was it just crazy thinking?

Ophelia sunk into the bed, her hand sliding over her stomach. She felt empty. In this enormous bed where the mattress swallowed her. She stared with a gaunt expression at the curtains where the birds fluttered outside. Then, she buried her face into the pillows and didn't want to think of anything.

- - - - -

Ophelia didn't realize she had fallen asleep until a soft knock came at her door. When she sat up, disheveled and confused, she wondered how much time had passed. She touched her cheeks, where dried tears stained her face. She shakingly rubbed it away, wondering who could be at the entrance.

"C-come in?"

"My lady."

Ophelia gasped, shooting out of the bed like a child. She nearly fell over in her eagerness to greet the maid that walked in with a gentle smile.

"J-Janette!" Ophelia cried out, happy to see the woman. "A-and Nyx!"

Janette let out a soft chuckle whilst glancing down at the animal by her side. "I came across him in the hallways. He was pawing at the doors for you, but it seemed none of the guards would let him in, my lady."

Ophelia saw Nyx and was befuddled by how quickly he was growing. He could weigh forty pounds by now! 

Janette placed the basin of water onto the vanity table, turning in time to see the young lady rushing to her. 

"O-oh, thank you!" Ophelia dashed to the one person who seemed to be kind to her unconditionally. She threw her arms around Janette, startling her.

"I-I'm so happy to see you!" Ophelia stated in an excited voice. "What are you doing here?" 

Janette wondered what could've influenced the lady's mood to this extent. Her attention swept over the dirtied room, wondering who the hell in their right mind would let their lady live in this filth. The vanity was unkempt with bottles here and there. The floors were filled with tossed materials, and clothes, and there was a sheen of dust on the windowsill. This place reeked of depression. Her hands itched to get into work right away.

"I have friends in the castle, my lady. Alpha Killorn also requested for a maid from the Dukedom to come and serve. And well, here I am," Janette stated.

"Y-you volunteered for me?" Ophelia breathed out, shocked at the fact.

Janette tilted her head. "Of course, my lady. You are the madam of the castle. Many were eager to come and serve you again."

Ophelia was touched by the thought. She didn't think anyone would ever be happy to see her.

"And I've heard of your great feats, my lady," Janette warmly explained. "Word of your benevolence for the humans infiltrates both the empire and the Dukedom."

Ophelia rapidly blinked. She didn't know. "R-really?"

"Yes, people speak quite fondly of you, my lady," Janette soothingly said whilst helping the young woman to her chair. Janette dipped the cloth into the basin and smiled as Ophelia's shoulders sagged with relief.


Ophelia shut the doors right in his face. Everest blanched outside in disbelief, hearing snickers right next to him. He furiously turned to them, on the verge of ripping their throats out. His hands twitched, for he had never been rejected.

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm Everest always got what he wanted in life. He had the finest of things, be it food, whores, palaces—everything under the sun was his! Everything, but a silver hair and purple eye woman belonging to his childhood best friend.

Everest's groin tightened at the thought of taking her by force. He could just kidnap her. He had everything set up for the festival, down to being the knight in shining armor. Now, she was refusing him.

"Ophelia," Everest gently called out, knocking on the door and trying the knobs, only to realize she locked it. "Please talk to me."

"I-I do not l-like festivals."

Everest was confused. "Why?"

"I-I just don't. Please l-leave, Your Highness."

Everest couldn't imagine she'd turn him down like this! He ordered for the festival to be rushed just so he could see Ophelia during one of Killorn's busiest schedules of the week. Today, Killorn would not be able to stay away from training, the war councils, meetings with people who've come from Mavez Dukedom, and the list went on. In fact, would the man even come home tonight?

"Please, I don't understand what I did wrong," Everest attempted in a softer, seductive voice. "If it's because I walked in on you dressing, it was not to my intention."



Ophelia had stopped responding. She turned from the doors and frowned whilst petting Nyx on her lap. Her fingers trembled and in return, Nyx's head perked up. He glanced at the door, almost irritated. Then, he turned and licked at her fingertips.


Ophelia jumped at this sudden aggression. Her heart raced and Janette instantly knelt to see what the problem was, believing Nyx had nipped at her finger.


Nyx revealed his canines, his lips curling back in fury. His eyes glowed and his teeth were no longer the size of a puppy. Ophelia's gaze grew wide when she saw his black tail begin to swish, the fur pulling back.

"N-no, it's alright," Ophelia insisted, hugging her pet tight to her chest. She buried her face into her dog who had always seemed to grow bigger by the minute. In fact, Nyx was a medium-sized animal now. Nyx let out a bark, but relented back into her grasp. He rubbed his head against hers, almost showing he meant no harm.

Ophelia's throat tightened and she saw Janette's disbelief. She embraced her pet, refusing to let anyone think he was anything else.

"H-he's done this before," Ophelia immediately lied. 

"Does the Duke know, my lady?" Janette whispered. "I do not believe this is just a normal dog."

"I-it's a regular pet…" Ophelia mumbled, holding Nyx close to her chest. "H-he just needs to be trained."

Janette pressed her lips together, for neither of them believed that. Instead of disagreeing, she could only let out a soft sigh.

"Very well, my lady—"


Ophelia froze. She raised her head at the thought of the elegant Princess. Now that both sister and brother were at her doorsteps magically, she began to have her suspicions. Why did they seem so interested in her? What were their motives? 

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