An Exclusive love

Chapter 345 - Dad, I Would Give the Bed to You!"

Chapter 345 Dad, I Would Give the Bed to You!”When the plane landed in the suburb of the capital, Chen Chen suddenly recalled an important thing.

“Do you want to go home directly? What about your family?”

Jiang Rui held up Tuan Zi who was asleep and said, “I live alone.”

Chen Chen felt relieved and then got nervous again, “Then it will be only the two of us, a man and a woman?”

“As you said, I feel pretty dangerous too.” Jiang Rui looked at her, “Relax, there is a lock in my bedroom.”

It was I who should be worried, okay? Chen Chen whispered to herself. She saw Bear putting the luggage onto a Hummer. And there were two soldiers in camouflage who were looking at her, surprised, as if they had seen the national treasure.

“Hi, Mrs. Jiang!” Seeing Chen Chen, they shouted out loudly.

Chen Chen was trying to get into the car when she heard the words and almost fell out.

Bear glared at them fiercely, “Damn it. Why making such a noise? You woke up my cute baby Tuan Zi.”

Jiang Rui just sat down in the car and the little meat ball moved, revealing a sleepy face.



The two soldiers almost scrambled over from the front seats.

“My God! They look so alike!”

“Bullshit! What so alike? They are actually the same, okay?”

The one sitting on the front passenger seat had a big scar on his face, which made Tuan Zi curiously look at him. Bear saw it and wanted to push his face away, “Eh! Don’t scare Tuan Zi.”

The young soldier was a little depressed. When he was about to get seated, he heard Jiang Rui’s voice.

“Tuan Zi, they are all dad’s soldiers and the scars on their faces were caused by the enemies, which are the souvenirs showing they had defeated the bad people. Do you think they are brave?”

Chen Chen paused and lowered her eyes. Tuan Zi just hugged the soldier and kissed him, “Uncle, don’t care about the pain. You are a hero just like my dad!”

“I… I’m Scar, little princess… I…”

“My name is Tuan Zi!” Tuan Zi reached out her hand and touched Scar’s head, comforting him, “My dad said scars were the medals of a man. You are the best!”

Scar had never felt that it was so lucky to have a scar on his face! He confusedly and carefully held Tuan Zi, “Tuan Zi, you can be assured that no one can hurt you in my presence!”

Xiao Si who was driving turned around, looked aggrieved, and said, “I have a scar too. Can you give me a kiss too?”

“Where is it?” Tuan Zi stared at him for quite a while.

Bear saw that he caught the steering wheel with one hand and was about to unlock his belt with the other hand. Bear hurriedly patted on his hand, “Screw you! The bullet hole is on your butt. If you dare to show it to Tuan Zi, I will give you another one on the other side.”

“Hahaha!” In the carriage came Tuan Zi’s crisp and sweet laughter. Bear secretly glanced at Jiang Rui and found that although there was no expression on his face, his eyes were smiling. Bear got even more excited and kept amusing Tuan Zi with Scar along the way.

Chen Chen kept her head low and didn’t say a word. Until they got into the complex did she begin to observe the surroundings excitedly.

“I thought you would live in a villa!” Along the way, she found the place nice with many plants and only one tall building.

Jiang Rui held Tuan Zi and got out, “That would be directly telling everyone that I’m corrupt.”

Xiao Si and Scar left as soon as they got out of the car. They invited Tuan Zi to play in the army before they left and Tuan Zi happily agreed! After Bear put down the luggage, he gave Chen Chen a confused glance and left. Chen Chen looked the house through and nodded with satisfaction.

“Nice! It’s so large!”

There were three bedrooms and two living rooms and took up at least two hundred square meters. It had nice decorations too. Although it was painted in black, white and grey, which were all low-key, it looked very classic and elegant.

“It is just a little cold, which is obviously a single man’s home.” Chen Chen pushed the door of the main bedroom open, “Tuan Zi, we can sleep here!”

Jiang Rui followed them and said coldly, “This is my room.”

“I know!” Chen Chen took a look at him, “But this one is the biggest!”

However, Tuan Zi pouted and said, “Mum, didn’t you say that I could live in my own princess room when we had a house?”

“Eh…” Chen Chen quickly rolled her eyeballs, “Aren’t you afraid of living alone?”

“I’m not you, how can I be afraid?” Tuan Zi finished her words and suddenly held Chen Chen, “Sorry, mum. I forgot that you would have nightmares. Then I will keep you company!”

Jiang Rui frowned. Having a nightmare? He couldn’t imagine such a careless person would have a nightmare… He thought for a while and pushed the nearby door open, “This room is for Tuan Zi. I’ll tell Bear to get it decorated.”

“What about me?” Chen Chen asked with her eyes glimpsing at the main bedroom.

Jiang Rui looked at her and turned to leave, “You… do as you like.”

Tuan Zi saw the proud smile on her mother’s face and said secretly, “See, I told you that dad was great!”

“Great?” Chen Chen glared at her. “A princess room bought you off.”

Chen Chen was busy putting things in order when she heard Tuan Zi playing with Jiang Rui in the living room. There came constant laughter. She thought about the words he said about Scar in the car. No wonder Bear admired him as a God.

This man seldom revealed his real emotions and seemed arrogant all the time. But he protected his soldiers whole-heartedly. So maybe, he was not that cold inside?

Chen Chen had always felt that there was no guarantee in her life and who knew when Jiang Rui could remember to get even with her. But… if she could maintain a good relationship with the soldiers, maybe he would leave her alive for their sake!

Thinking about that, she decided to treat Bear better.

After she got packed and went to the living room, she found that they were gone and there came the smell of dishes from the kitchen. She quietly walked through the passage and saw them having lunch by the table.

Jiang Rui was dressed in a black sweater that highlighted his thin but muscular physique. Those legs which stretched under the table had the length that Chen Chen had always dreamt of. However, this shining attractive man tied a pink flowered apron in the back.

“Dad, the food you cooked is so tasty.” There was a big shrimp in Tuan Zi’s mouth and Jiang Rui was peeling another one.

“Your mum can’t cook well?”

“My mum can’t cook. She can only cook instant noodles.” Tuan Zi sold Chen Chen out without hesitation.

Jiang Rui looked up and down at Tuan Zi and thought that it’s lucky that she had got his great genes and grew up so lovely and tender while eating junk food every day…

“Er! What does that look mean?” Chen Chen couldn’t stand it and came over to ask, “I didn’t feed Tuan Zi with instant noodles every day. It’s I who have been eating instant noodles.”

“I can see that.” Jiang Rui glanced at her and his eyes fell on her breasts for a second.

Chen Chen got angry and patted on the table, “I only eat it occasionally. I have developed greatly. Can’t you see my hot shape?” After finishing the words, she was astonished herself. She couldn’t imagine how stupid she was to say those words.

“Ahahah!” Chen Chen covered her face with hands and ran back into her room.

“What’s wrong with mum?” Tuan Zi looked at Jiang Rui, “Why did she become so bashful all of a sudden?”

Jiang Rui wiped away the sauce on her mouth, “She felt embarrassed because she told a lie.”

“Dad…” Tuan Zi suddenly approached him, “Mum didn’t tell a lie! She actually has a perfect figure.”

Jiang Rui’s body froze and was about to speak when Tuan Zi said, “You see, I’ve offered to sleep alone. You should seize the chance to sleep with mum and win her heart completely with your manly charm!”

Seeing his daughter who was clenching her fist, Jiang Rui’s face turned dark, “Who taught you those words?”

“I learnt that from the TV!” Tuan Zi confidently patted on his shoulder, “Dad, I have great expectation on you!”

Jiang Rui frowned hard. Sometimes it might not be a good thing to have a child that was too smart…

Bear came the next day and brought along a designer. They spent quite a while in Tuan Zi’s room, and then he brought Tuan Zi and the designer to choose furniture.

“The cleaner comes here to clean every two days and I’ll bring a cook back from the army. Tuan Zi’s kindergarten will be settled and contacted tomorrow.” He took a look at Chen Chen, “Then someone will send her to the kindergarten and pick her up every day. You only have to stay here.”

Chen Chen laughed, “I’m not a bum. I have a job too.”

“Oh, what’s your job?” Jiang Rui lifted his eyebrows. Chen Chen really wanted to throw the slippers onto his face. She suddenly stood up, “Wait, I’ll show you!”

She hurriedly rushed into the room and turned on the computer. She wondered where Ah Zi had delivered her resume to. Chen Chen murmured inside that it would be best if it was a famous university. Then she could use it to scare the man who had looked down upon her.

But when Chen Chen saw the name of the university, she couldn’t smile anymore.

“National Military Academy?” She glared and called Ah Zi the moment she collected herself.

As soon as Chen Chen got through, Ah Zi shouted on the other side before she could say a word, “How is it? How is it? Have you seen the invitation?”

“I’ve seen it clearly.” Chen Chen clenched her teeth, “Why did you choose this one?”

“Or?” Ah Zi said as if Chen Chen was difficult to satisfy, “This is the best military school full of generals’ children. If anyone of them is blind and falls in love with you, you will have a powerful connection. If someday the God of War wants to deal with you, you still have someone to turn to!”

Chen Chen really wanted to strangle her to death, “What do you mean by blind? And the most important thing is that what if someone notices me and investigates me? Besides, who will have the courage to offend the God of War? Even if someone likes me, do you think he will displease Jiang Rui for me?”

“You’re so stupid!” Ah Zi sighed, “What I really meant is that the school is pretty close to the troops of the God of War. If you work there, you can see him every day.”

“Why do I have to see him?” Chen Chen couldn’t keep up with her friend’s minds.

Ah Zi said helplessly and desperately, “Aren’t you afraid that the God of War will deal with you because you have stolen his stuff?”

“That’s true.”

“Are you willing to live under panic every day? It won’t be a problem if you can solve him!”

Chen Chen nodded right away. “You mean I should take action first. Approach him slowly and kill him when he doesn’t notice?”

“Haha.” Ah Zi smiled with coldness, “Is your brain full of muscles? I mean you can seduce him with this favorable location and let him fall in love with you. Then he won’t be willing to kill you, idiot!”

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