An Exclusive love

Chapter 348 - Chen Chen's Nightmare

Certainly, Chen Chen didn’t know how shocked others were at her identity. Now, she was standing excitedly at the gate of the Sinology Kindergarten to pick up Tuan Zi. In a car not far away, Jiang Rui was sitting in the driver’s seat and waiting.

It was Chen Chen who did not want him to get off. Jiang Rui was now sure that Chen Chen was really unwilling to get involved with him or even to appear with him in public. The mobile phone rang, and Jiang Rui answered the call and then frowned.

“Boss, there’s nothing wrong with the information about Chen Chen. She grew up abroad, returned to China at age 19, and gave birth to Tuan Zi at age 21. She has neither friends nor relatives.”

Jiang Rui pondered for a few seconds and said, “Continue to investigate her. Investigate her neighbors when she grew up abroad, the elementary school, secondary school and university she attended. Also, investigate everyone she ever came into contact with.”

Bear coughed from the other side of the phone. “Boss, do you suspect that Mrs. Jiang is a spy?”

Jiang Rui was silent, and Bear became anxious and shouted from the other side of the phone, “Boss, it’s impossible. Mrs. Jiang has such a pair of innocent eyes that she cannot be a spy, let alone her low IQ!”

“I think she must be very glad to hear your praise.” A muscle twitched at the corner of Jiang Rui’s mouth. “Go ahead.”

He never doubted if she was a spy, but he was actually a little strange about his own reaction. His sensitivity to the surroundings had never been at fault. He must have seen Chen Chen before, earlier than the night when he was trapped by her.

Jiang Rui had a pair of eyes as sharp as radar, just like the eyes of a wild beast. Since the smell of Chen Chen was familiar to him, it was necessary to find out when he had met her actually. As for Chen Chen’s identity, Jiang Rui was not worried about that. No matter who she was, since she was Tuan Zi’s mother, he would protect her.

As long as she wouldn’t hurt Tuan Zi.

“Dad!” Tuan Zi opened the door and rushed toward Jiang Rui cheerfully.

Jiang Rui picked her up and put her in the front passenger seat. Tuan Zi touched the child seat curiously. “Dad, there is a cat’s pattern on it! So beautiful!”

“Your mom said you like cats best, so I chose this pattern.” Jiang Rui made Tuan Zi well fastened to the seat. Chen Chen sat behind him, finding herself really inferior to him.

Jiang Rui specially bought it on their way here. At first, she thought Jiang Rui would install the child seat on the back seat, only to find he installed it directly on the front passenger seat. Chen Chen asked if that would affect his image, but he said:

“This is the safest position. If there is a traffic accident, the person on the seat you are sitting on will be most likely to be killed.”


Chen Chen decided to sit behind Jiang Rui each time in the future. If any traffic accident, she would die with him. When they became ghosts, went to hell, and had the equal force, she would bite him to death then.

“How was your day?” Jiang Rui asked while driving.

Tuan Zi took out three small red flowers from her pocket. “Tuan Zi performed very well, and these are the rewards given by the teacher!”

Although there was no big smile on Jiang Rui’s face, anyone could find that every time he talked to Tuan Zi, he would speak very gently with smiling eyes.

“Tuan Zi is really good.” He touched her head and asked, “what you would like as a reward?”

On hearing this, Tuan Zi shouted happily, “I’d like to go to the buffet including ice cream!”

“Yeah, yeah!” Chen Chen nodded sitting behind.

Jiang Rui looked her in the rearview mirror and curled up the corner of his mouth. It was not founded by even himself that every time he faced Chen Chen, he would smile unconsciously. It was because of this that his henchmen, such as Bear, recognized Chen Chen as Mrs. Jiang.

“Okay, let’s go to the buffet.”

The family of three finished their dinner happily. In the evening, Tuan Zi took a bath and then ran to Jiang Rui’s room. Because Chen Chen had occupied his bedroom, Jiang Rui was now sleeping in the guest room. Tuan Zi’s princess room had been fully decorated, but the customized furniture had not arrived yet.

“Dad, can I sleep with you?” There was something shining in Tuan Zi’s eyes.

Jiang Rui found that whenever she asked for anything, her eyes were especially shiny and her little face was also especially cute.

“Okay, come up.” He lifted the quilt.

Tuan Zi curled herself up in his arms and said, “Dad feels not as soft as mom but warmer than mom!” “I feel very happy now. I don’t have to run around or worry that my mother would be cheated every day,” she said, pulling her fleshy small hand.

The little girl looked up and said, “Daddy, our family will be together forever, won’t we?”

Jiang Rui frowned. He could see the fear in the child’s eyes. Tuan Zi knew very well his relationship with Chen Chen, and she also knew that her parents were not like other kids’ parents.

“Yes, we will be together forever.” Jiang Rui was silent for a moment and then promised. In the rest of his life, he would never fall in love with any woman, letting alone marrying a woman. He could clearly see the rotten, greedy, and dirty thoughts of those women who had been introduced to him by the Jiang family.

After all these years, he still failed to forget what that pregnant girl standing in the moonlight and seeing him looked like in the mountains. He yearned for her clean and warm smell all the time.

“Dad!” Tuan Zi moved in his arms, and she was in a good mood because of his promise and continued, “The children in our class are too stupid and I failed to play with them.”

Jiang Rui was stunned. He overlooked the problem.

“Then don’t play with them any more. I’ll go to see the head of the kindergarten tomorrow and ask him to arrange separate lessons for you.”

“Great!” Tuan Zi raised her little head and kissed Jiang Rui’s face. “Dad is indeed the greatest person, who can do anything!”

Jiang Rui gave her a kiss and tucked her in. “Well, have a good night!”

In the past years, he was accustomed to sleeping alone. So, holding Tuan Zi in his arms, Jiang Rui failed to sleep well. For a long time, he suddenly opened his eyes, looking at the little girl who was sleeping soundly beside him, slowly sitting up and getting up.

There were warm yellow halos around the lamps on the wall in the corridor. Jiang Rui stopped at the door of the master bedroom. Occasional crying and rapid breathing came from inside. He frowned, thinking of Tuan Zi’s words that Chen Chen would have nightmares.

He hesitated, and then quietly opened the door.

She didn’t turn off the light? The bedside lamp was still on, and when he approached the bed, he saw Chen Chen’s sweaty forehead, frowns and twitching body.

Jiang Rui held out his hand and wanted to touch her head, but Chen Chen suddenly reached out to grab him.

“Don’t… I beg you, don’t… They are innocent. Please… let them go…” The young woman’s cry echoed in the night. Jiang Rui wanted to withdraw his hand, only to find that Chen Chen had surprising strength in her sleep.

He didn’t want to frighten her to wake her up, so he had to sit down slowly. Thinking of how Ah Sha pacified his little nephew, Jiang Rui stroked Chen Chen’s head gently.

What did she dream of? If a person had nightmares for a long time, it meant that she must have experienced what she didn’t want to face and recall. However, she would behave normally at ordinary times. Jiang Rui frowned and saw Chen Chen relax slowly and finally fall asleep.

When Chen Chen got up in the morning, Jiang Rui and Tuan Zi were having breakfast in the dining room.

“Mom, didn’t you find a job?” Tuan Zi said with steamed bun stuffed with sweetened bean paste in her mouth.

Chen Chen jauntily filled herself with a bowl of porridge and said, “I’ll go to work next Monday. I need to give lessons only in the morning, so I can pick you up in the afternoon.”

Jiang Rui gave a glance at her, standing up and returning to the room to change clothes. Seeing Jiang Rui went in his room, Tuan Zi whispered, “It was Dad who pacified you when you had nightmares last night!”

“Poof!” Chen Chen spit out the porridge in her mouth. “How do you know that?”

“I woke up in the middle of the night and found dad gone,” Tuan Zi puffed out her cheek and said, “and he must have gone to your room.” She looked at Chen Chen with dissatisfaction. “Mom, aren’t you used to sleeping naked? Why did you put on pajamas last night?”

Since she moved in, Chen Chen had changed her habit of sleeping naked. Because of sleeping with her clothes on, she failed to have a good sleep and then had nightmares more frequently.

“You never understand that!” Chen Chen poked Tuan Zi in the forehead, “Eat quickly!”

When it’s time for Jiang Rui and Tuan Zi to leave, Chen Chen also got in the car specially.

“I’m free now. Let me go with you. I won’t get off the car later and you can send her in by yourself!”

Jiang Rui gave her a look and said, “You need to wait a little longer, and I’m going to talk with the head of the kindergarten.”


“It’s about education, too complicated.” Jiang Rui finished his words and then started the car, without responding to her any more.

Chen Chen clenched her teeth. “You asshole! It’s too complicated, so you don’t explain that even if I don’t understand?” One day, I’ll let you beg me! Humph…

Situ Ren was not surprised to see Jiang Rui at all.

“I’m going to see you!” He pointed to the sofa and said, “Let’s sit down first.”

Jiang Rui nodded and asked, “Do you think general education is not suitable for Tuan Zi?”

“Yes.” Situ Ren said excitedly, “She is very smart. I suggest that an intelligence test should be given to her. I think her IQ must be above 200.”

“I know.” Jiang Rui thought he was not complacent at all, but he was indeed in Situ Ren’s eyes.

Situ Ren glared at him and said, “I want to give her calligraphy and Chinese painting lessons every day. As for basic education, she just needs to learn English.”

“Thanks for that.” Jiang Rui stood up. He had planned to talk about that today.

“When she attends elementary school two years later, I suggest that you talk to her. She can skip the grade absolutely.” Situ Ren said, “However, in this way, she will have no childhood.”

After talking with Situ Ren, Jiang Rui returned to the car and found Chen Chen asleep. He stared at Chen Chen for a long time and wondered if he would be glad or sad to come across such a woman.

He was about to start the car while seeing a woman approaching.

“Master Jiang?” The woman was surprised and said, “It’s really you, and I thought I was wrong. Why are you here?”

The woman was wearing a white coat with an emerald pendant around her neck. Against the sweater, the emerald pendant looked expensive.

“Mrs. Wen.” Jiang Rui said simply to greet her.

The woman seemed to be used to his indifference. She didn’t mind that and said with a smile, “I’ve come to send my son to school, and what about you…”

“Send my daughter to school.” Jiang Rui answered frankly. Since Tuan Zi and Chen Chen had joined his life, his circle would soon know it and he did not plan to conceal the truth. Tuan Zi must stand aboveboard in front of others. Thinking of this, he decided to talk to Chen Chen after returning home.

The woman was so surprised with her eyes open widely, suspecting that she had misheard and suddenly finding that there seemed to be a woman lying in the back seat of Jiang Rui’s car, but she could not see her clearly.

It was said that the God of War hated to contact with others. No one could sit in his car except for his comrades who had been recognized by him. Even the young lady of the Bai family, who was said to have an unusual relationship with Jiang Rui, had never sat in his car.

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