Agatha already packed up her things when her father arrived and tell them to take her things and to escort her to the chopper. She restrained from them and faced her father.

"I am not going home!" She shouted at him.


"Don't be so hardheaded now. You nearly die."

"Correction. My bodyguard nearly died. He secured me before anything else happened."

"Let's go home," Eric said calmly and then he glanced at Zachary. "Thank you, Zach."

         Zach nodded and sipped on the juice.

"Zach," Agatha called her. "Please. I don't want to go home. I will just stay with Dmitri."

"No!" He shouted at her. "You aren't going to stay somewhere but to our house."

"Fuck! For Pete's sake! I am old enough to live alone." She argued.

"Take her!" He demanded. They didn't have a choice but to drag her.

         Dmitri come out from his room and watched her getting dragged. She tried to restrain, and she looked at him.

"Please." She mouthed at him. He froze in his position and watched her getting dragged outside. She didn't restrain anymore when he didn't make any move. His heart ached as he watched her get dragged away from him.

"Thank you, Agent Black. You are now dismissed." Eric said. Just like the exact last words, he said to him months ago. He's again alone and he can't see her again.

         Freya watched the heartbreaking scene. Her brother is sad at that moment to be away from his soul mate. Steven patted Dmitri and then he looked at her. She nodded and Fin takes his luggage as Steven helped Dmitri to walk outside.

         Andromeda and Zachary followed them and let them settle first before they also left with their chopper.


         Agatha took her bag quickly and went back inside the house without talking to her father. Her siblings are awake even her mother waiting in the living room. She didn't say anything at all and brushes them off as she walked fast to her room. She slammed the door and locked it.

         She put her bag over the bed and then she checked her phone. She doesn't even have his private number. Damn it! She exhaled and call Steven. He answered after a few rings.

"I need to talk to Dmitri. Is he still with you?" She asked.

"Yeah, we are at Selina's. They are going to stay here for a few days, maybe until he is fully healed."

"I need to talk to him. Please."

         Steven is a little stunned. Did she just say please without demanding so much?

"Okay. Right away."

         After a few seconds, Dmitri's voice came up.

"Hey, are you already home?" He asked in a sweet voice.

"Yes." She sighed. "I want to see you."

"I'll call you. Okay?"

"I want to see you now. Please…" She said in a soft voice and she sat down on the carpet and lean on her bed.

"I'll call you."

"Okay." She hung up and put her phone down the carpet. The battery is near to die, so she immediately ran to the drawers and took one of the chargers. Then she plugs it immediately and she waited patiently to his call. A message popped up and she opened it.

         She smiled when he read her thoughtful message.

"This is my number. Take a shower first, then I'll call you."

         She replied quickly. She takes a quick shower and then she went to bed and texted him.


         After a few moments, he called her.

"Can we have a video call? I want to see you."

"I'm sorry, Agatha."

"I don't want to hear it!" She sat up and fold her knees to hug it. He sighed from the other line. "I'll send you my account. I want to see, okay?"

"Yes, lady Agatha." He muttered. She hung up and send him her account in a few seconds, he's already calling. She wiped her tears and answered it. "You okay?" Dmitri asked.


"You need to eat."

"No. I'm not hungry." She lay sideways to her bed and keep her eyes on him.

"I'm sorry that we couldn't have dinner a while ago."

"Don't be sorry. Where are you staying?"

"I'm at Selina's, Fin's fiancée. My sister, Freya is here as well. We need to catch up on a few things."

"I will go there."

"Darling." He said softly. "Why won't you eat first?"

         A knock on the door makes her frown.

"Agatha?" Her mother knocks. She ignored it and keep her attention to Dmitri.

"Come on, don't break your mom's heart. I'll call you later. Okay?"

         She was silent for a few seconds and then she nodded. He hung up and then went to the door to unlock it. Her mother and her sister Sarah are outside.

"You have to eat." Madam Edna, her mother smiled at her tightly. "I made your favorite soup."

         She took it from her.

"Thanks." She muttered and then she closed the door and locked it. She put it on the table and did what Dmitri tell her.


         Freya watched her big brother coaxed his lover. She felt bad for her big brother that he can't have her since she's going to get married to someone else. She blew some air and Steven who is just in front of her and has been watching her all this time scooped her cheek and kissed her lips.

         Dmitri reached a slipper and throw it to Steven.

"Distance." He pointed to Steven. Steven sulked and just hold the tip of her hand. "Baby sis tell me. Is that guy bothering you?"

"Dmitri, we are together," Steven complained.

"Well, I don't know you well. But all I know is that you are a playboy."

         Steven looked away and cleared his throat.

"I only fall in love once." He said and he looked at Freya seriously. "Back then, I was a playboy but girls who come to me know what I can only give to them."

"The food is ready." Fin said as he strode toward them. "Selina's Tartiflette is the best in the world."

         Dmitri smiled and nodded.

"That's what I've been smelling a while ago. I am famished."

         Steven stood and pull Freya to him without letting her go. He's already wearing her necklace and she's wearing the one that he gave to her. Freya stared at it and she reached it. He pulled it back and told her that he's going to wear it.

"No. You will be in danger." She muttered. She removed it from him and kept it to her.

         Fin helped Dmitri since he couldn't walk because of a shot on his left leg. He sat down with a groan. Fin pulled a chair for Selina. Steven did the same for Freya and once that they are all settled, Fin sighed and extend his hand to Dmitri and Selina.

"Our family is extending. Let's pray."

         They pray together thanking the foods and the chances of meeting again. He was never been happier that they are all together again. There is also an upcoming baby to bring blessings to them. After the prayer, Fin kissed Selina's cheek and Steven did the same to Freya. Dmitri cleared his throat. He's somehow out of place.

         Well, what can he do? He reunited with his family, yet he doesn't have the woman he loves with him. He doesn't know when they are going to be together or maybe they will never see each other again. She's going to marry someone else.

         They are talking over the meal for an hour and a half and they did not notice the time. Dmitri told them his story and Fin and Freya did the same. After the meal, Fin excuse himself and tell them that Selina needed to sleep.

         Fin coaxed Selina into sleep after a quick lovemaking and then he went downstairs to the patio where they set a whiskey to drink. Freya is talking to her big brother about Agatha and how she saw her in the future.

"She was indeed going to get married," Dmitri said. "I also saw it." He muttered. "But the heartbreaking part is she wasn't happy. She became a rebel after the wedding." Dmitri's heart tightens as he recalls it. It was months ago that he dreamed about it.

"She took her own life," Freya said it with a period. They all looked at her. Dmitri's eyes widen. "You should do everything to take her back. If you thought that Agatha would be safe to be with other man's hand, you thought wrong. Agatha is safer with you, despite of the assassins lingering around to kill us." She looked out of the pool and sighed. "Andromeda saw the same, she told me how much heartbreaking it was."

"What did you say?" Dmitri muttered. "She took her own life?" He creased his brow.

"Yes." Freya nodded. "It can be changed."

"We can do something about that," Steven suggested. "If Eric Pattinson couldn't be coaxed because he only thought that you are just a bodyguard, then we can at least start with the business?"

"I have a few businesses," Dmitri muttered. "My business grows after I met her."

"That's great!" Freya nodded. "Well, do I have a part of it?" She smirked at him. Dmitri smiled at her.

"You can have one of the clubs."

"Great!" Freya smirked.

"You got a clubhouse?" Fin asked.

"Yes, I am one of the shareholders of the Country Club House of the Dragon Empire. General Alexandro sold a share to me. He said that I need to have other incomes for my future family. Phoenix should grow more. And he's right."

"Wow." Steven leaned back to his chair. "Unbelievable."

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