Andromeda always visits Ellen's restaurant where she always stayed to prepare food for Andel. What she didn't expect is Adrian to be there sipping some coffee and having his late breakfast. She scoffed and shook her head as she approached Ellen on the counter busy with scribbling.

         Ellen looked up at her with a big smile.


"Hi." She greeted cheerfully. Andromeda glanced at Adrian who is probably watching Ellen. Then she smiled at Ellen.

"Is that guy in a black suit somehow bothering you?"

         Ellen is a little puzzled and looked at the guy.

"He's a customer."

"Yeah," Andy said. "I can see that. But that guy is crazy." She whispered covering her mouth and she winked. "Just so you know."

"Oh-kay." She nodded. Andy gave her card to the cashier.

"Give me my breakfast and cook for my husband. I am not in the mood to cook since I got loaded of meetings since early in the morning." She said glancing at her clock.

"Sure." Ellen beamed and she tidied herself and went to the kitchen.

         Andy approached Adrian and sat across him and then she yawned. She crossed her arms and Adrian gestured to the food.

"The food is great here."

"Did you happen to find this in coincidence?" She asked him. Adrian smiled at her showing his perfect teeth.

"You got me too fast." He reached his coffee and sipped on it.

         Andy exhaled and tilt her head and she smirked.

"I heard that your sister is here." She started as she exhaled.

"Yes. She said that she wanted to see the Philippines." He said. Andy observed him well and Adrian gave her a puzzled look. He doesn't know.

"Your sister is obsessed with my cousin, Steven." She said frankly that it make him stop eating.

         He looked up at her.

"You don't know what happened. That was probably last year or so—I don't know…" She shrugged. "She kidnapped my cousin and threaten him. Dragons can't be threatened by anyone."

"That won't happen again." He said.

"Make that sure. Steven is only for Freya."

"Why do you want them badly to be together?" He asked.

"Because my dear cousin loves her too much. We Dragons give our love wholeheartedly to people that are meant to be for us. So, my grandfather will never arrange marriages if we love someone already."

"So, how about you and Zachary. Aren't you arranged for him?"

"Yes and no. Zachary is my first love. That's why grandpa forced us. Let's not talk about my love story." She waved it off. "Anyway, I feel like we are already best friends. But I must warn you. Do not get interested in my cousins. They are already taken." She said.


         Ellen came up with her breakfast and she served it to her. Andy thanked her and Adrian eyed the beautiful unique stone on the ring. Dragon ring. He looked up at the beautiful young Ellen and he smiled at her.

"Enjoy your meal," Ellen said.

"Thanks, El. By the way, this is Adrian Lebedov from Eagle Empire."

         Ellen looked at him in a very friendly way and smiled at him.

"I'm Ellen." She extended her right hand to him and he stood and accepted it warmly.

"Adrian. I love the food that was served to me."

"I am glad that you love it. It's one of my experiments."

"Wow," Adrian said. Ellen withdrew her hand and then nod at him.

"I need to get back inside." She walked back to the kitchen and Adrian sat down with exhaled.

"You leave me no other choices," Adrian said with a smirked at her. Andy scoffed and started digging on her food. "She's engaged."

"Yeah. I wonder how they would settle the weddings. It wasn't just Ellen who is engaged."

         The door chimes and the host greeted them. She stopped when she heard Selina's cheerful voice. She looked up at her with Fin behind her to secure and assist her.


         Adrian stopped and he didn't turn at first.

"Selina. Fin." She greeted them and waved at them. Fin looked at Adrian as Fin lead her to the counter.

"We won't interrupt your meeting." Fin said.

         Adrian's jaw dropped seeing Selina's big stomach. The man named Fin is holding her protectively. Ellen shows herself and greets them and they chatted as Selina showed her something and Ellen congratulate them.

"I am hungry and since your restaurant is on the way—I already missed something from your recipe. We will shop for baby's clothes and other things."

"I will cook whatever you wanted to eat," Ellen said.

"Thank you. You can come with us."

"No. It's fine. I have to cook for my brothers and then for my fiancé."

"Ah. Tsk. I better meet that guy!" She said.

         Fin laughed and kissed Selina's temple. Adrian watched how the couple shows big affection at each other. Adrian rose his brow to Andromeda and Andy watched the couple take their seat on the corner that wasn't exposed outside. They are sitting close at each other not across and Fin covered her from Adrian.

         Andy wanted to laugh at how he became possessive. It's not like Adrian is going to steal Selina on the spot.

"She's married?" He asked her.

"Engaged." She said with a smile. "Our family is growing bigger. Their love story is amazing." She winked. "Are you interested?"

"Yeah." He muttered. They finished their food and then they walked outside as Andy told him about Fin and Selina's love story. Adrian felt like they are indeed best friends but best enemies when it comes to ruling different empires.

"Wow." He said. "How about Ellen's?" he asked.

"Ellen's love story is different. But I can't tell you about that. It's just too private. Lots of sex scene, very SPG."

"Oh." He shook his head. He opened the glass door for her in the café and she thanked him. "How about Steven and Freya?"

         They entered the café and they both stop seeing three familiar bodyguards and a woman in a red dress. On the other side is Steven in disheveled hair. Steven looked up at her and Andy knows that it's a big problem for Steven.

"Steven." Andy looked at him with a question. Steven glared at the woman and he exhaled. Still, looking suave and sexy.

"Do not touch my lover." Steven threatened Ivana. Andy faced Adrian and gestured to his sister.

"We have an agreement. Do not break it." She told him.

"I assure you that my sister wouldn't make anything childish." He said the last word strongly and glared at Ivana. Ivana only acting innocent.


"Thank you for your protection, big sis. But I will make my move if the Eagle would surprise my Freya." He said and he left.

         Andy massaged her temple and looked at Ivana with dagger eyes toward her. She only smirked at her and she faced Adrian with an angelic smile.

"We are now best friends, but I can't promise anything." She said and cock her head to his sister. "You better discipline your sister." Andy followed Steven and grabbed his arms. She put a hand over her waist and exhaled exasperatedly.

"What was that?" She asked.

"Freya left me." He said looking all broken. "We—we make love a lot these past few days and I am pissed knowing that one of my friends is Freya's subject and he had something to her. I begged her not to leave me, but she just did." He exhaled. "Then, just early in the morning, I got a call from Ivana. She threatened me to kill her."

         Andy felt bad for Steven. Ivana is threatening a Dragon and a Phoenix. Too bad for her. But, seeing how heartbroken he is, makes her feel bad. She can't intervene in Freya's decisions. Phoenix is rising and they are getting ready for the upcoming war.

"Tell me. Where is she?" He asked.

"I don't know," Andy answered, her eyes directly to him. "I'm sorry."

"I need to find her. In Manhattan or wherever she is."

"Don't be to rush," Andy said, and then she grabbed him to Ellen's restaurant. He sat down and she asked for some food for Steven. "Let's talk."

"What are we going to talk about?" He asked and looked away.

"Why is she so obsessed with you?" She asked and glanced at Fin and Selina who are busy with their food.

"Well—I just had sex with her and watched her have sex in a very dominant and kinky way with her boy-toys. I didn't know that she is a Princess of the Eagle Empire. If I knew, I wouldn't fuck her." He exhaled. "The same month, I met Freya." He whispered.

"Oh-kay. Then, you better work yourself to be the greatest warrior of our Empire." She said. "Ivana is a stubborn spoiled brat bitch. Freya can protect herself more than you could protect her. You better start with that. Instead of sulking, why won't you train yourself like assassins are trained?"

         Steven ignored her but then he somehow considered it.

"If you want Freya back, be the person you need to be."

         His life becomes jaded because of a woman.

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