"Lady Pattinson." Adrian is too surprised to see Ellen Pattinson.

"You." She wiped off her wet cheek and looked up at Andel. He remained expressionless.


         A woman came in red pissed speaking to her bodyguards in her language. She stopped seeing them with her brother.

"Adrian." She greeted with a smile. But Adrian gave her a deadly glare. She exhaled and looked at the girl. "I—I was just greeting our guests."

"Yes. I see that." Adrian said and looked at Ellen. "Ivana this is Ellen Pattinson and her—fiancé." He greeted.

"Oh," Ellen said and faced the woman. Andel tried not to attract any attention but it wasn't that good enough. "So, she's your sister? I can see the resemblance."

"I apologize, Lady Pattinson." Adrian bow at her.

"Don't apologize for someone else's fault. She tried to seduce my fiancé and buy him from me." Ellen is completely pissed and he can't stop him. He can carry her up to their room and then stop her for backfiring. "You are scary when you have your bodyguards, but not scary enough to provoke me."

         Ivana's nails are digging on her palm and she gritted her teeth as she looked straight at Ellen.

"This is why Pattinson rejected a lot of proposals from your family," Ellen said in a low voice enough for Adrian and Ivana to hear. She looked up at him. "You are a nice guy, Adrian. But your sister is a brat."

"That's enough, baby girl," Andel said from her behind. "You already broke someone's nose and I don't want you to hurt your fist again." He lifted her from the floor and carried her.

         He walked past them as he strode to the elevator.

"I am not done!" She hissed at him.

"Enough, Ellen." He said in a serious voice. She frowned and let him take her to their suite.

         Once that he put her down, he received a big slap on his chests, and she keeps on punching his chest. He remained like a post there, not even hurting from her violence. She screamed and then she took a pillow and started killing it on the mattress.

"Baby, I told you. I don't know the woman. Until I saw the brooch that she's wearing."

"How did she even know that we are there? She wouldn't just simply go there and kiss you while I am sleeping! Did you trigger her?"

"I didn't!" He scooped her face and squeeze her cheeks. "Baby, she saw me while she's passing on our suite. And she even sent a gift to our suite, but I rejected it."

"Why didn't you tell me?" She screamed at him.

"Baby come on. Let's not fight over it."

"I am so fucking mad!" She screamed at him as she plays on her mind on how the woman touched him. What if something happened between them a long time ago? "Have you ever met her before here?"

"No." He said truthfully.

"You better!" She warned him.


         Adrian nearly slapped Ivana. He clenched his fist and glared at her.

"How long are you going to keep these scandals? First, Steven Mondragon Smith. Now, you are provoking a Pattinson!"

"I—I don't know that she's a Pattinson."

"So? What if she's not? Are you going to just steal and seduce other's fiancé? It's clear that the man will do everything to protect her. He nearly killed your bodyguards!" He punched them one by one but despite the pain, they must standstill. "Pieces of trash!"

"She just throws some tantrums," Ivana said and rolled her eyes. "I am sure that he's into someone like me."

"How can you be so sure?" Adrian asked and he scooped her jaw tightly. "If you wanted to stay here, you better behave yourself. I am trying everything to have a good relationship with Mondragon. And Mondragon is Pattinson's ally, do you understand me?"

"Yes." She said submissively and trying not to show any

"I wanted you out of my sight." He pushed her face and he turned back from her.


          Andel never thought that Ellen would be so adorable when she's mad. But he won't say that. She will burst more and probably would kill the woman a while ago. Now, she pushed him to bed and ripped his shirt. Then she took the wet tissue and rubbed the lipstick away. If she only knew that he's already hard under her core. She even forgets to wear her panties and it's in his pocket.

"Fuck that woman! I will bald her and removed those fake nails."

"Relax." He rubbed her sides. "I am only yours."

"Good! Because if I learned that you had fucked her before—I am so killing that woman."

         She pulled her dress up and then she quickly pulled his hard shaft. She didn't think twice about sliding it inside her. She gasped and she started riding him like crazy. The woman is mad and it's better to let her have her way, even he's near to explode.

"Don't you fucking, come yet!" She growled at him. His baby girl becomes a big growling wolf. Damn… that's sexy.

         He reached the vibrator from the corner to make her come quick because he can't take it any longer. She becomes wild than he thought. She squirmed and collapsed on his chest as she kept coming. He rolled over her and pushed her down on the mattress and thrust fast to her. He sucked each of her perky nipples and watched her gaped and licked her lips.

         She had her orgasm again and then he followed shortly. He gave her short kisses as he panted. He wanted to rest with her for a while, but his phone started ringing. He immediately took it and answered Sabrina's call.

"Hey, Brina…" He murmured and gently pulled out from Ellen. He reached the tissue to wiped away his mess.

"Check my email," Sabrina said monotonously on the other line.

"Okay." He hung up and checked her email. He frowned. His mission from Sabrina is getting more intense. He glanced at Ellen who is still recovering from the angry sex that they had.

         He replied to her email and then he put away his phone to cuddle with her.

"Who is it?" She asked and hugged him.

"Sabrina." He answered. "Let's leave?"

"Yeah. I don't want to see that woman."


         They both remain on the bed for ten minutes.

"I am still lazy." She murmured and yawned.

         He gets up and gathered their things. It's her day. She needed to relax so he's the one to organize their things and put it all in the Louis Vuitton bag. Once that he set it all, he dressed up and suddenly the doorbell rang. He peeked on the peephole to see Adrian with the manager.

         He put his eyeglasses on and mess his hair. Then he opened the door.

"Yes?" He asked in a plain sound. Adrian gave him a small envelope and he took it.

"This is our compensation from what happened," Adrian said. He opened the small envelope to see a golden VIP card for the hotel. "You are our VIP guest and we apologize for what happened." He gave it back to him, but Adrian didn't accept it.

"I don't need it. Your sister's men touch my woman. It exceeded already and I don't accept any compensation. We are leaving the hotel and I hope that you wouldn't get in our way." He closed the door. Completely disrespecting them.

         He wakes Ellen and she rubbed her eyes. He took a panty and gave it to her.

"We are leaving." He checked the bed if they forget something. Like her ripped panties or so.

"I feel lazy." She murmured.

"I'll carry." He put his phone to the bag, and he took her purse. She yawned and watch him put her sneakers on. Then he checked under the bed if they drop something there.

         He took the card key of the room and then he carried her at his back like a backpack. She wrapped her arm around him and kissed his neck. He walked to the reception and checked out. Then he took his card and they went to his car.

         He gently put her inside and buckles the seatbelt. He put the bag at the back seat and then he walked around to the driver's seat.

"Let's just stay at home." She said softly. He took her hand and kissed it. "It's better that we stayed home."

"As you wish." He drove to their penthouse and as they arrived, Ellen removed all her clothes and kicked her shoes. Then she dropped her body to the sofa.

"Next time, when we go on a date like that—we will just stay home." She had decided.

"Do you want to eat?" He asked. "I can order a pizza."

"Yes, please."

         After thinking a lot, Ellen crawled to the side table and took the iPad as she searched for Ivana's name. She read a lot about Adrian and about their business. Then suddenly she felt Andel join her to bed and he scooped her waist, pulling her close to him. 

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