Kale watched as she played with him and licked and sucked. She doesn't know exactly what she's doing but he just let her. He caressed her hair that she even curled for this knight. 

"Am I doing it right?" She asked. 


"Yeah," Kale said and she went deeper and held it in her throat. He nearly came. She coughed, yet she kept stroking him. She wiped her lips and looked up at him. 

"I'm not doing it right." She frowned. He laughed and pulled her into his arms. He kissed her forehead. 

"I nearly came," Kale said softly. 

"Really?" She asked innocently. 

"Yes, you did great." He kissed her lips. "I will take over and work you all night until tomorrow." 

 She giggled at him and hugged him. 

"What if I get pregnant?" She asked. "You didn't use a condom many times although you withdrew, we didn't know if you had that pre-cum." 

"Don't worry." He pulled her panties off and then smelled it. "I will keep this." He mumbled. She laughed. 

"Why? You have a few of my clothes in here." 

"Just in case…" he winked. 

 After their lovemaking, Kale snuggled to her and played with her nipples. 



"Are you willing to stay with me?" 

"Yeah." She kissed his forehead. "If you let me." 

"I will leave in two weeks now. I can't take you with me but I promise to come back." 

"You will call and text me, right?" 

"Yes. I will." Kale moved to the pillows and pulled her in his arms securing her. "When I come back, I will be with you. I will take you to meet my family." 

 She looked up at him, full of worry. 

"Did they now?" 

"They know that I have a girlfriend. But they didn't know that it was you." 

 She exhaled and hugged him tightly. 

"I shed a lot of tears for you, Kale. I don't want to be away from you. I don't want you to be away from me. I want you to keep me close like this, always." 

"I want you close to me like this, too," Kale said softly.


 Charlotte took three pregnancy test strips. Nothing. All of it is negative. She threw it in the trash bin. She wiped her tears and fixed herself in front of the mirror. She didn't know if it's her or if it's Raiden. But she will just wait. 

 She crawled to bed and pillow over his chest and lay there. 

"Honey, you have to tell me." He said. "What's wrong?" 

"I am not pregnant." 

"Don't stress yourself. We are going to have a lot of it. We'll make a soccer team with babies." He promised and kissed her forehead. 

"I don't have my period." 

"I think we should consult a doctor." 

 She nodded at him. 

"I'll schedule a consultation on Wednesday. I don't have a lot of appointments and I will cancel a few of them." 

"Thank you." She kissed his lips. 

"First, we need to work our ass to make babies. So, we can have that soccer team!" 

 She laughed out loud and Raiden sat up and ready himself. Charlotte always loves to do it with him every night after work. Or during the weekend, they would go to some place and have sex anywhere that they felt. In the middle of nowhere and do it inside the car. Or in the cottage that they rented. 

 She panted and looked at him. 

"I want water. My throat is dry from screaming." She told him. Raiden laughed so hard and he sat up. She pinched him and pouted. Raiden is good at it. There are spots or things that she didn't know about herself. Raiden seemed to be an expert on her body. 

 She licked her lips as he walked to the small fridge in their room with his ass shown. He got a perfect body. He exercised daily before going to work. He also said that he ran on the treadmill when he's stressed. 

 He approached her and she looked at his lower part who looked hard although they were just done. 

"Why are you still aroused?" She asked. 

"Ask him." Raiden pointed his man down there. She giggled and sipped on her water. She reached it and smiled. 

"Why are you hard there, buddy?" She asked. Raiden laughed and bent down, scooping her face, and kissed her passionately. She closed the lid of the bottle, kneel up, and kissed him more. 

 Raiden is asleep beside her. However, she couldn't sleep. She looked up at him and admired him. She gave up her family and status for Raiden. She didn't care about it because the man she married is more than the man that her ex was. He's kind, sweet, lovable, caring, and doting. Raiden is simply the man that every wife would want. He helped her around and told her not to tire herself with housework. 

 Charlotte simply wants to be Raiden's perfect wife although he didn��t ask for it. She kissed his nose gently and then his lips. 

"I love you, Raiden." 

"I love you…" Raiden mumbled and hugged her. He might be asleep and doesn't know what he's murmuring about. "Charlotte… sleep… we need to make more babies… sleep." 

 She giggled and hugged him. 

"Want another lazy round?" Raiden mumbled. 

"Are you hard again?" 

"Yeah, I have a lot of semen to release. I'm going to give you a quadruplets." 

"Not quadruplets!" 


"No." She giggled. "Twins or one is enough for a while. I have to recover first." 

"Yeah, it'll be very dangerous if you have sextuplets." 

"And that's a lot in one go." She pouted. "I can't handle it." 

"You won't handle it alone. We are going to distribute it to my family." Raiden laughed.

"My god! I can't do that. They are my babies." 

"I was just thinking." Raiden laughed. He sat up. "I'm going to search for a good position so we can fill your tummy." He reached the tablet and she watched as Raiden became busy with the tablet. She loves the man so much and she's falling for him each day and each night… maybe every hour. She loves him more than yesterday. 


 Kale gently strokes her hair while he's admiring her. His phone started ringing. He reached it and answered Cathy's call. 


"Hey, I was wondering when you are going to work your ass." 

"Wait," he kissed her gently on the forehead and he put his boxers on. He went to the balcony and inhaled the sea salt air. "What do you mean with working my ass?" 

"I missed my best friend and yet here I am, being a workaholic. And who are you sleeping with?" 

"My girlfriend." 

"What?" Cathy exclaimed and she laughed. "You can always have a one-night stand or two… but a girlfriend? Really?" 

"Yes. I'm positive." He looked at her inside. Kale doesn't want to mention that it's Christina Marie Gomez, sister of Cathy's ex-boyfriend. "She's beautiful, a great person." 

"Hmm, it seems like you are in love in a short time." 

"I am… I took her virginity." 

"Virgins are clingy." 

"I hurt her enough by trying to push her away. I don't want to push her away, Cath. I think I love her. But it's too early to know." Kale said. He looked at the neighbor and a car came. He watched from the balcony as Margarita greeted Wallace Gomez. Or more like Martin Gomez. He isn't surprised with the outcome of the new face… but it's for keeping Christina safe too. His hatred toward him seemed to come back again. He looked at Tina on the bed, tangled on the sheets. He can't Tina. 

"Kale, you there?" 

"Yeah," Kale closed the door of the balcony from the outside. "What's up?" 

"Well, I was just saying that you have to be careful." 

"I am careful," Kale promised. 

"I have to go. Work is getting on my nerves. I couldn't even get to masturbate and play with my toys at night." She complained. Kale laughed. 

"Just ride on your toys, and don't forget to clean them first. Also, you have to work out!" 

"I am doing lots of physical things, Kale. Anyway, goodbye. Love you!" 

"Bye." Kale hung up and watched as Wallace kissed his wife and they went inside. 

 He went to the bed and hugged her from behind. He didn't want her to leave. If he could keep her in his room. Locked her here or put a chain on her ankle and connected it to him. He would do that. He pulled her to his arms possessively as he stared at the window. 

 Kale might get dangerous and possessive. This is the first time that he felt this. If her father meets him, he knows a lot of things that are going to happen. He won't let anyone have her. He kissed her head that probably woke her up. 

"Kale," She mumbled. 

"I want to be inside you," Kale said, sounding dominant. 

"Hmm?" She rubbed her eyes looking so innocent. Kale unwrapped the covers from her naked body, he took the lubricant and rubbed it. She yawned and just watched him until it woke her up and she's squirming a lot. 

"You are mine," Kale murmured after he pulled out and came. "You are mine, Christina…" 

 Her eyes are closing again. He exhaled frustratingly. He almost forgot to pull out. He didn't have a condom on. But if he's crazy, he would just impregnate her. 

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