Bedding My Vampire Mate

Chapter 515 Joanna Stepped In

"Where do you think you are going?" Joanna asked the boy who had just stood up from his seat and was about to leave.

"I need to stop Mum...,"

"And how will you do that when even your father and sister were unable to stop her?" Joanna demanded. 

She held his hand so that he wouldn't leave her side no matter what.

"But she is going to kill him if I don't stop her. And can't you see that Laura won't stop crying because Mum is beating him up?" Anthony shouted to Joanna's bewilderment.

The astounded Joanna gazed at his worried face as he wrestled to free himself from her hold.

How could her love for him make her forget that the people she schemed against were his closest family?

Why did she forget that blood will always be thicker than water?

These were the thoughts that occupied Joanna's mind as she stared at Anthony.

"Stay here with Drey while I go and talk to your Mum," Joanna offered to help as she stood up from her seat.

She was a bit surprised when he refused to let go of her hand.

"What's wrong now hmm?" Joanna asked in her softest tone.

"You will be the one that Mum will beat up if you intervened...,"

"Then what do you want exactly?" Joanna asked the boy who was clutching her hand as if she was gonna run away and abandon him there.

"Do you want to save him or not?" Joanna asked. 

"I...I...," Antony hesitated on making up his mind.

Although he wasn't a grown-up like everyone else there, he was well aware of what would happen to Joanna if she dared as much as get close to his mother.

He indeed wants to help out Laura but he also didn't want to see Joanna hurt because of him.

"Being indecisive will not solve anything, little rice ball. Your Mum has told you this countless times so why are you...,"

"I want to help him and Sister Laura too but...,"

"And that is why I am offering to help right?" Joanna abruptly interrupted him. His conflicted expression didn't escape her notice.

"Mum will surely hits you if you stop her...,"

"For every decision you make, there is a price to pay. I guess getting beaten up is the price I have to pay to make your wish come true," Joanna pats his hand and quickly signals Audrey to watch over him in her absence.

"Big Sis...,"

"Just do as she said because you won't be able to change her mind. Treating her injuries when you get home won't be bad compensation if you ask me," Audrey muttered.

She held Anthony firmer to stop him from chasing after Joanna.

Though she looked composed, the truth was Audrey was nervous. Because she couldn't guess what her best friend was scheming again, she failed to keep her racing heart in check.

"Are you planning to murder another mate?" Joanna's loud voice made Adhara retract her raised fist.

She turned and peered at the lady standing behind her with her butts leaning against the white table.

"Actually, I don't give a damn if you kill every guy that shows interest in your daughter but I am here to remind you because it seems like you are forgetting something," Joanna paused.

She slowly raised her hands and wrapped them just below her boobs.

Those who weren't aware of what the new Joanna was capable of marvelled at the boldness of the girl who always hides in a corner and dares not to talk to anyone in functions like this one.

They couldn't help but wonder what or who gave her the guts to behave the way she did.

"It seems like you have forgotten where we are and that your little son is watching each of your actions from his seat...,"

"And why do you care huh when he is not even your son," Adhara berated, her bloodshot eyes stabbed at Joanna's face.


"Also, you are nothing other than his stepsister and his servant. Never forget that," Adhara thundered.

"Laura," Joanna called and tilted her head to look at her weeping stepsister.

"I know you are conversant with the palace rules since your great-grandmother was among those who established them...," Joanna trailed.

Those listening to her thought she was speaking out of context because she didn't have what to say. 

What they didn't know was that the evil girl was aware of exactly what she said.

"So tell me, isn't the crime of calling the future Queen of this kingdom punishable by death?" Joanna demanded to the astonishment of everyone including Adhara.

"That... that...," Laura stuttered, her eyes moving from one curious eyeball to the other.

No matter how much she hated her mother at the moment, how could a daughter pronounce her mother's punishment in the presence of so many people?

"See, I could easily put you to death right this minute but why would I do such a thing to you? You are my stepmother after all...,"

"How dare you?" Adhara bellowed and charged towards Joanna.

"Your husband values his reputation more than anything in this world. Are you sure you wanna continue ruining his good image?" Joanna quizzed before Adhara could lay a finger on her.

"I am asking because I don't care about things like reputation or whatnot. I wonder if you share the same thought as me, stepmother?" Joanna said provocatively.

Adhara so much wanted to rip her stepdaughter to pieces at that moment without giving a damn about the consequences but she had second thoughts after she got a glimpse of her husband's neutral expression.

Yes, he didn't utter a word nor did he glare at her but she knew this neutral expression of his was worse than if he were to glare.

She has lived with him long enough to know what this neutral expression of his meant.

He was mad to the point of exploding. And she is aware that a little action from her might trigger the explosion.

Adhara definitely didn't want him to explode there so she held back from attacking Joanna with all she has got.

An evil smirk plastered on Joanna's face the instant Adhara turned her back to her.

"You made the right decision, stepmother," Joanna clapped. 

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