Behemoth's Pet

Chapter 110 : Mock Battle With Everyone

Chapter 110 : Mock Battle With Everyone

The next morning arrived.

「Fufufu… Good morning, Tama?」


Tama, who was woken up in between Aria’s and Leona’s twin melon sandwich, replied to his master with his lively cries.

「Oh my! You two really get along with each other, huh.」

It seems Leona had already woken up.

She gently smiled upon seeing Tama rub his head on Aria’s cheek.

「Good morning, Dear mother. Did we wake you up?」

「It’s okay, Aria. Mama feels so full and fluffy just by seeing you two getting along well since the morning?」

The morning peacefully passed by like this as the two elves conversed.

「Everyone, shall we visit the Knight Order’s barracks today?」

Leona proposed during breakfast.

「I think knowing the abilities of your comrades before the fight is a nice idea.」

Alisha was interested in the proposal.

As expected of one of the three most powerful warriors in the world, she had instantly recognized the hidden meaning behind Leona’s proposal.

「I’m down for it! I’ll go through water and fire as long as I can fight strong opponents!」

Stella was always ready for such things.

She got fired up upon hearing Alisha’s explanation.

Even though Stella had become more docile nowadays and more aware of her womanly charm, it didn’t change her nature as a former dragon.

She might even turn into a berserker during the war—a place filled with blood and killing intent.


「Fufu, it seems Tama wants to go there too. And since Lily-chan and Faeri-chan are quite curious, let’s go together with everyone.」

An ecstatic look appeared on Tama’s face when he heard Leona’s words.

Aria noticed that Lily and Faeri exchanged glances and nods with each other as if confirming their participation.

After they finished breakfast and made their preparations, all of them went to the Knight Order’s barracks.

「Thank you for coming, Sword Saint-sama and everyone else too!」

A lively female knight welcomed the group.

She couldn’t hide her grin upon seeing Aria’s figure.

It was a clear sign that they were old acquaintances.

And then, after everyone had stood in two lines facing each other, they began the introduction.

「I’m 〝Ayla?, the captain of the Amazoness corps!」

The lively female knight turned out to be the captain of the corps herself.

She was a silver-haired dark elf with a bob-cut hairstyle.

A greatsword graced her back, and her abs were splendid.

Her appearance was enough to convince anyone that she was a power fighter.

「Hou… Quite interesting fellas you got there.」

Ayla spoke with a grin on her face as her eyes fell on the person who had the same ‘smell’ like her—Stella.

Stella responded in kind with a similar grin.

Yes, it was the face of a fellow power fighter.

After every one, save for Aria and Alisha, introduced themselves, as one would expect, things somehow developed into a mock battle between Ayla and Stella.

The garden of Knight Order’s barracks―

「Okay, here I come!」

「Ou! Ready when you are!」

As soon as they entered the combat stage, Stella rushed toward Ayla, wielding both her Cladbog and Claiomh Solais.

She charged with her Caladbog in front.

Ayla caught the strike with her greatsword.

The impact between the sword and shield resulted in a loud, metallic clank.

「How bout this?」

Stella spun her body, shifted the shield, and launched a sword strike with Claiomh Solais in one fluid motion.

「Woopsie! Just when I thought that you were a mere power fighter. You almost got me!」

Smiling, Ayla stepped back to dodge Stella’s sword.

That was what everyone expected, but Ayla closed in again at once and sent barrages of thrusts that utilized the reach of her greatsword.

「Claiomh Solais!」

Stella roared as she pushed her Claiomh Solais.

The shockwave that Cladbog had just absorbed was released from Claiomh Solais’ tip.


Ayla was blown back when the shockwave hit her.

However, she stabbed her sword into the ground to avoid crashing against the wall.

「T-That hurt… A skill, is it? But, it won’t be so easy next time!」

Ayla’s surprise only lasted for a moment. After she regained her stance, Ayla thrust her sword again.

「GUHAHAHA! Strong… strong!」

Stella’s fighting spirit rose again when she fought against such a powerful opponent.

Power vs power! For Stella, nothing was more enjoyable than this kind of fight.

「Alisha… sama!」

「Fufufu, it seems Aria-chan wants to have a mock battle too after seeing their match. Okay then, you’ll have a mock battle with me?」

Saying so, Sword Saint Alisha stepped forward and took out her wooden sword, facing Aria.

Naturally, it was still too early for Aria to fight against Alisha’s real sword.

But, Aria herself was aware of that.

Rather than thinking about that, she was overjoyed at the prospect of having a mock battle against Alisha, her idol.

(Master! Show Alisha-sama the skill you got during the fight against the summoned beasts!)

Tama cheered his master as he looked at her and Alisha standing opposite each other.

Both Lily and Faeri also asked for a mock battle against the nearby Amazoness corp’s member.

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