Behemoth's Pet

Chapter 161: Resounding Scream

Chapter 161: Resounding Scream

「But Your Majesty, we’re clearly lacking manpower to fight against demon race army.」

Cedric touching his jaw, as he asked such question with clever look on his face.

His question was only natural.

It was a fact that every single one of Aria’s party was really powerful.

Even the four demon duke was no match against all of them together.

But, Shiri clearly told them that the one who would come to attack was army of demon race.

No matter how powerful they had become, winning against an army of demon race by themself wasn’t simple matter.

「This mistress have a plan. This mistress can activate 〝Combat Automaton; Metal Organites?.」

「Your Majesty, can you explain more about that… combat automaton; metal organites?」

「As they name implied, they’re mechanical soldier you know? with one order from this mistress, they’ll turn into a terrifying combat force.」

Shiri answered Aria’s question.

Hearing that, they were reminded of mechanical-like soldier statue who was lining up in the garden when they just arrived in this castle.

It turned out, they’re Shiri’s weapon.

「They’re made with lost technology of the ancient ogre tribe king. This mistress is the only one who can use it now.」

「So that’s mean, Your Majesty’s combat automaton; metal organites and us will… confront the demon race army.」

「Exactly. It’s still early but, let me to guide you toward metal organites’ hangar.」

Shiri told them so as she tell everyone to follow her, while still holding onto Tama.

Aria and co followed her walking toward the castle’s basement.

「This is…」


Aria and Vulcan couldn’t hide their surprise the moment they entered the underground hangar.

They estimated that the hangar kept more than a thousand combat automaton; metal organites.

The combat automaton; metal organites were separated into several blocks, each held different weapon.

「The one holding spear is for close combat, the one with cane is for middle range combat, and the long range combat it the one with bow.」

Shiri then explaining to Aria and co while pointing at each metal organites along with their function.

Hearing that, Stella was raising her hand, seemingly wanted to ask a question.

「Uhm? the one who wield staff can use magic even though it isn’t living being?」


「Yes, they can. I’ve said this matter before but, they’re made with lost technology. I don’t know the fundamental principle behind that but, they can use up to intermediate-rank magic skill despite being not a living organism.」

「He~! Amazing!」

「It’s so convenient, for it to be able to use magic despite being not a living bei~ng!」

Lily and Faeri was speaking in awe after they heard Shiri’s reply for Stella’s question.

It seems the two fairies were really interested with the mid-range mechanical soldiers who could use magic skill up to intermediate rank.

「Your Majesty, can you tell us about the overall combat capabilities of these metal organites?」

Cedric asked such question while looking at the metal organites.

If they really going to fight along the mechanical soldiers, he had to at least understood the capabilities of the mechanical soldiers.

「Let see… since they’re made with the ogre-tribe standard for power, the easiest way for you to understand their combat capabilities is around C~B-Rank adventurer.」

Since Aria and co were foreign adventurer, SHiri replied by using the easiest standard for the other party.

That moment, Tama nodded, feeling reassured since the mechanical soldier’s capabilities werehigher than his expectation.

Moreover, they were different from human, metal organites were mechanical soldiers.

They had the pontential to become fearless killing machine who slaughter their way into the enemy’s ranks.

「By the way… Your Majesty, till when will you’re going to hug Tama?」

Aria asked so while glaring at Shiri.

As one would expect from her, she would feel worried when another woman carrying Tama for extended period of time.

Thereupon, Shiri’s answer was――

「It’s for this mistress sake, he’s the one who defeated the demon king after all, can this mistress raise him up until he become a proper adult? The royalty of ogre-tribe doesn’t have crossbreed skill but…」

―― So devastating to the point that Aria and co’s first impression on her was completely overturned.


Aria’s scream resounded in the hangar.

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