Retrieving his phone from the desk, Erik navigated through his contact list, seeking Noah and the other clones he had. Having started a group call, he wasted no time in giving them a brief and direct command to convene in his office right away.

As the call ended, Erik stood up from his seat and made his way to the office, which accommodated multiple people at the same time.

It was ten minutes later when the office door finally swung open. Noah was the first one to enter, and he was followed by the rest of the clones. Every single clone was dressed in complete military fighting gear, with their identities hidden behind masks.

Long coats, complete with hoods, were worn by the clones over their combat attire, heightening their already imposing presence and create an aura of mystery.

"Thank you for having come here so quickly," Erik said, gesturing for them to sit around the large oak table that dominated the center of the room. "I've called you all here for a matter of great importance."

The clones took their seats; they took off their masks. The others in the group had already assimilated human blood and gained the ability to shape-shift, whereas Noah remained the sole member who still appeared alien.

Their eyes met Erik's. They were prepared for the task at hand, yet maintained a sense of reverence. Since they were direct extensions of him, they couldn't possibly disregard the summons when their creator called for them.

Erik, feeling at ease, settled into the plush leather chair positioned behind his spacious office desk, absentmindedly tapping his fingers with a gentle rhythm on the impeccably polished surface.

"Before we get into the new business," Erik said, "I wanted to ask you if you completed the tasks I set out for you before I left on the quest."

Noah, stepping forward with the confidence of someone accustomed to leadership, began, "Yes, we've made significant progress." He paused, ensuring he had Erik's full attention. "As you requested, we've increased the number of mercenaries and workers in the guild, bringing our total count to 300." He gestured, emphasizing the expansion.

Leaning in closer, Erik raised an eyebrow, showing to Noah that he wanted more information.

Noah, catching the cue, said, "In addition to personnel, we've enhanced our arsenal with new vehicles, weapons, and armor to bolster our capabilities."

Erik, keeping his posture, said, "Go on."

With a small nod, Noah said, "We've also hired specialized personnel." He paused, choosing his words carefully. "Healers, to be precise, as per your request. But gaining their services came at a high cost." He listed their names. "They are Quenton Fenn, Wyla Gale, and Faris Cloud, who have already set up in the medical area."

Erik, absorbing this information, nodded, acknowledging the update. His gaze remained steady on Noah as he inquired, "Excellent. And the financials? How much did we spend on these upgrades?"

Noah paused, gathering the financial details in his mind before responding. "All told, the expenditures came to around 3 million Eurems, covering everything from provisions and ammunition to Intrity weights and the like."

Erik, upon hearing the figure, took a measured breath and exhaled. The number was hefty, yet he recognized its necessity for the guild's enhancement. "Very well," he said with a nod. "The reason I called you is that I have new orders."

"What I'm about to propose will require even more from our funds. However, if we do this right, the returns will far exceed the investment," Erik said.

At this, the clones moved closer, their focus sharpening. They were well-versed in Erik's approach to investments and the potential scale of his plans.

Erik, noting their engagement, continued. "I want to expand our operations further."

This statement caused Noah to straighten, his eyebrow lifting in a silent query.

"Expand how, exactly?" Noah asked, his interest piqued.

Erik leaned forward, his hands clasped together on the table as he unfolded his idea. "First, I want us to be self-sufficient. We're going to produce our own weapons, armor, and vehicles." He paused, allowing his words to settle. "I want you to recruit designers, blacksmiths, engineers, alchemists, and mechanics."

As he spoke, the clones exchanged quick glances, their postures adjusting into more comfortable positions.

Erik, noting their reaction, continued without hesitation. "But that's not all." He gestured for emphasis. "I also want to enhance our guild members' abilities. I'm going to ask the system to develop an improved version of Liberty Watch's training technique, aiming to expedite the formation of neural links in our members."

He paused, then said, "I also plan to create our line of potions, offering a cost-effective alternative to the Brain and Body Stimulating Serums. They might not match those in efficiency but will be more affordable, and we could also sell them."

Noah straightened in his seat, his gaze fixed on Erik as he processed the scope of the initiative. "That's a substantial undertaking. Can the system handle all of this? And what exactly do you need from us?"

Erik's eyes moved from one clone to another. "The system can do this, of course, as you all are well aware." He leaned back.

"What I need from you is to manage different aspects of this expansion. The roles will be the same, Noah. You'll coordinate the efforts and keep me informed." He then addressed the other clones.

"The rest of you will be responsible for production, research, and logistics. Our budget is 20 million eurems for equipment, recipes, blueprints, and talent acquisition. I want the best of the best." Erik paused, allowing the clones to think about how to start.

"We'll have weekly updates and problem-solving sessions. I expect the major parts of this plan to be in motion within a month, as I plan to leave the city soon after."

The clones, each with a nod, acknowledged their new roles. They were extensions of Erik, after all, sharing his vision and determination.

Erik, shifting in his chair to emphasize his next point, said, "And one more thing." His voice took on a note of gravity. "This information is sensitive. Until we're ready to go public, it stays within this room. Understood?"

In response, the clones replied, "Understood." Their posture changed, each adopting a more resolved stance, indicative of their readiness to shoulder the mission's responsibility.

Satisfied with their response, Erik reclined in his chair. "Good. We have a lot of work ahead of us, but I have no doubt we'll succeed." He paused, scanning the room. "Dismissed."

The sight of the door closing behind his departing clones evoked a bittersweet feeling within Erik, who now found himself in the solitude of his office, surrounded by a profound stillness.

The air in the room was cool, thanks to the soft hum of the air conditioning, which acted as a gentle reminder of the newfound comforts he now had at his disposal.

Getting up from his seat, he made his way towards a small refrigerator in one corner of the room. As he opened it, he reached inside and took out a bottle of refreshing fruit juice before pouring himself a glass.

Upon taking a sip, he couldn't help but contemplate the remarkable journey he had undertaken. A mere two years ago, his financial situation was so dire that he struggled to make ends meet and could afford essential items, let alone indulge in luxuries such as fruit juice.

It was a simple thing, really—just a blend of fruits in liquid form. It signified something of greater significance: a life that had progressed beyond mere survival and now had space for decision-making and little joys.

Making sure not to spill a drop, he moved the glass from its original location to a lavish couch that was situated against one of the walls in the office. As he sat down, a sigh of contentment escaped from him.

A small but significant reward for the obstacles he had encountered and the burdens he still bore. The cold and refreshing juice provided a much-needed respite.

Erik, with utmost care, positioned the glass on a table that was situated nearby before he settled back into the plush cushions.

Filled with a constant whirlpool of plans, strategies, and calculations, his mind was always in motion and never stopped working. But not today.

Today, he resolved in his mind that the course of action would take a different direction. Today, he would allow himself the luxury of rest.

In a serene moment, he closed his eyes, allowing himself to be embraced by the tranquility of the room. After what seemed like an eternity, Erik gave himself the rare opportunity to savor the present moment, finding solace in the calmness that accompanies achieving success through hard work.

And as he sat there, savoring the simple joy of a glass of fruit juice, he felt happy, if only for a moment.

"System. Show me the status."


[Host Information]

NAME: Erik Romano

AGE: 17



EXPERIENCE: 92660 115600


HEALTH: 3440 3440

MANA: 3370 3370






Available Attributes points: 0


[Biological Super Computer Powers]

-Brain Crystal Manipulation

Brain Crystal Power Extraction (Allows the absorption of the brain crystal, making the host able to gain the power contained within. Notice: the DNA must be changed in order to allow the body to use the power. See DNA extraction.)

Brain Crystal power Merging (Allows to merge two powers birthing a new one. It requires the merging of the DNA to work.)

Brain Crystal Power Analysis (Allows to analyse the target brain crystal without the need to know the creature.)


- Brain Crystal Power Strengthening (Allows the gaining of the energy attribute points)


-DNA Manipulation

DNA Extraction (Allows the absorption of foreign DNA, making the host able to replicate it inside his own body. Notice: Changing the DNA is a slow process, and it is required to use new brain crystal powers.)

DNA Merging (Allows to merge two DNAs, birthing a new one. Required to accommodate merged powers.)

DNA Analysis (Allows to analyse the enemy DNA from the distance for a better understanding of the target's stats.)


DNA Strengthening (Allows the gaining of the Strength, Intelligence, and Dexterity attribute points)


- Analysis (Gives the host information about his surroundings, plants, creatures, and ores.)

-Brain Information Injector (It allows the injection of information directly to the brain. Based on touch)

-Device Manipulation (Allows the Host to manipulate electrical and mana-driven devices. Based on touch)

[Host's Powers]

POISONOUS MANA DARTS: Cσ3D-RANKED (Conjure poisonous mana darts whose lethality depends on the mana injected)

POISONOUS ASTRAL WOLF BITE: Cσ2D-RANKED (Conjure an astral but solid projection of a Leylarhad's head whose only aim is to bite at whatever target the host is aiming. Its teeth have a poisonous element whose toxicity depends on the mana used. Notice: the target must be close to the projection.)


driven force to produce powerful shockwaves that can change in intensity, radius, speed, and power. It is also possible to use the power differently as to generate force shields.)

PARALLEL WILLS: Cν1C-RANKED (Allows the user to passively increase intelligence based on the number of neural links. It also allows the construction of a mana brain that allows independent thoughts and can be used for multiple purposes.)

ICE SWORD: Cσ1E-RANKED (Allows creating a powerful ice blade, but needs a real weapon to be used as a base)

STRENGTH ENHANCER: Cρ2D-RANKED (Depending on the amount of mana used, the amount of strength increases)

PLANT MASTER: Cπ1B-RANKED (Allows to grow and control plant based organism. The usage depends on the plant and the user's will.)

CHAMELEON VEIL: Cρ1C-RANKED (Allows to turn totally transparent and to project what is behind you, making it almost impossible to be seen. The user can move while using this Brain Crystal power. However, notice that the ripples in light the power creates while moving decrease the power's hiding abilities, increasing the chance of being seen.)

BESTIAL ROAR: Cσ2C-RANKED (Allows to emit a roar that can instill fear into the surrounding creatures. It affects all but the user.)

TARGET LOCK: Cσ3D-RANKED (Allows the user to lock onto the mana signature of a target in order to always find it.)

CHIMERIC BIOMETAL SOLDIER: Cο2A-RANKED (This power allows the user to create a human-worms hybrid with 50% of the user's physical stats. The clones are permanent, but to make them, a lot of mana is necessary; they can't use brain crystal powers. The clone is born from an egg, and it takes a month for them to reach maturity after having hatched two weeks after the eggs were made. Before that, their physical stats are lower than 50% of the original's body. The clones are half as intelligent as the main body, but know everything the main body knows when he created them. They also have several biological abilities.)

THELEPATHY: Cρ1C-RANKED (It allows Telepathic talk with creatures of the same species or similar DNA)

SOLIDIFYING SLIME: Cσ1D-RANKED (It allows to produce a slimy substance whose viscosity, stickiness and quantity depends on the amount of mana used. The Slime can solidify and its hardness depends again on the mana used)

AEROKYNESIS: Cσ1A-RANKED (This innate ability grants the wielder precise control over wind generation and manipulation. The potential of this power is intricately linked to the proficiency of the user, affording them the capacity for both offensive and defensive maneuvers, as well as the versatility to engage targets both near and far.)


Kyokar hand-to-hand style (ADVANCED) (A military fighting style developed in Frant)

Crypt of the Desert Style (ADVANCED) (Flyssa fighting style developed by Master Nieminen)

Etrium's sword style (INTERMEDIATE) (Basic Sword Style developed in Etrium.)


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