779 Retaliation (5)

The civilians, caught in the middle of this frantic manhunt, were being handled roughly, their protests echoing through the square.

"These people doesn't know what's the best for them," Quakestrike said.

Erik, maintaining his role as Samuel, projected a facade of stoicism, avoiding any action that would draw attention to himself.

"Indeed, sir. They should bow their head and do as we say. And yet…"

Quakestrike, wrapped in his arrogance, spoke.

"Our? You mean the Blackguards' …"

"Yes, sir. Obviously."

Quakestrike turned to Erik, his voice carrying a hint of impatience. "How many people are on the scene?"

"Few," Erik said, maintaining his composure. "Just a handful of trusted men. We didn't want to make too much noise about it."

They were heading towards an alley that was completely isolated and far removed from the busy streets. In the dimly lit narrow passageway, the dancing shadows of the nearby buildings added an enchanting ambiance.

A hushed environment characterized the atmosphere in the surroundings, with the noises of the city being dampened by the towering buildings.

Erik led the way with a confidence that belied his true intentions.

Quakestrike followed, his heavy boots echoing on the cobblestone. The alley twisted and turned, leading them away from the prying eyes of the public.

"Where are those men?"

"Just a little further. We actually saw the target entering a building. So…"

"Yeah. Nevermind."

As they delved deeper into the alley, the atmosphere grew tense. The shadows seemed to close in around them, and the air felt thick.

The alley opened up into a small clearing surrounded by high walls. The spot stood completely deserted, which made it the perfect location for what Erik had in mind.

He stopped and turned to face Quakestrike, his expression unreadable behind the mask of Samuel Hawthorne.

Quakestrike glanced around, taking in his surroundings with narrowed eyes as he assessed the area.

"Was he spotted here?" Quakestrike asked, glancing around and assessing the area with narrowed eyes.

"This is the place where you will see him…"

Erik did two things at the same time. Intending to intimidate the person in front of him, he started the release of mana from his body.

The problem was that Quakestrike had almost double his mana reserves.


-Name: Unknown. People call him Quakestrike. Further information is required.

-Brain crystal Power: Vibration Burst.

-Age: Unknown.

-Personality: Quakestrike has exhibited an energetic and bold personality. His combat style is characterized by its dynamism, employing vibration bursts to disorient adversaries prior to executing forceful strikes. Outside of the battlefield, he displayed an arrogant and unapproachable demeanor.

-Physical Characteristics: Approximately two meters tall. Broad shoulders and a muscular build characterize his frame. The armor's presence prevents further comments as it covers his body.





ENERGY: 1000


Power Level: 587

Estimated Experience: 8628 (EXP per kill)

Neural Links: A1δA-level


Quakestrike noticed the mana amount and smirked.

"What the fuck are you do—?"

Erik, no longer disguised, revealed his true face to Quakestrike. The Blackguard, having seen a photograph of Erik at sixteen, recognized him.

As realization dawned, Quakestrike gathered his mana, bolstered by the false sense of confidence instilled by Erik's instability power.

Upon realizing Quakestrike's aggressive intent, Erik reacted with lightning speed.

In a swift motion, Erik became a blur, his movements creating an afterimage as he closed the gap between them.

Quakestrike's gaze, fixed ahead, plummeted. He found Erik crouched right below him, poised to strike.

His maneuver was executed so unexpectedly and swiftly that Quakestrike was caught off guard, leaving him vulnerable and with no chance of defending himself.

Quakestrike, caught in a vulnerable position, could only watch as Erik prepared to deliver his blow. The awakener delivered a powerful punch to the man's guts.


Quakestrike's breath halted, sweat pouring down his face as panic seized him.

As he fell to the ground, Erik stood in front of him, casting a disdainful gaze upon the Blackguard as if he were nothing more than a low insect.

Quakestrike, overwhelmed by Erik's powerful strike, was plunged into a state of disarray, his ability to process thoughts obliterated.

As Erik watched, he employed his instability power to probe the depths of Quakestrike's psyche.

He observed that the Blackguard's mind was engulfed in a maelstrom of pain, rendering him incapable of coherent thought.

But then, a subtle shift occurred. Amidst the fog of agony, fragments of clear thought resurfaced within Quakestrike's mind.

It took some time, but eventually, his mental faculties were able to reassemble themselves.

With great interest, Erik observed this change and quickly realized that the Blackguard was slowly regaining consciousness.

The alley was filled with the sound of Quakestrike's pained gasps echoing off the walls.

"How did you find out I was Erik Romano?"

Quakestrike didn't reply.

"Was Ms. Bannon in cahoot with you in all of this?"

Quakestrike was still having trouble breathing.

"What are your intentions after you have captured me?"

A series of questions were made by Erik. Despite this, once Quakestrike regained his strength, he defiantly spat on the ground.

"If you think I will tell you anything, your are mistaken."

"But you replied to my questions."

<Uh? > Quakestrike thought.

"You are confused now? You, a mighty Blackguard?"


<Yes. Take everything and do it quickly. >


<Let's show these fuckers what happens if they mess with me. >

May privilege price will lower.

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