
“W-Why are you crying?” My daughter panicked when she saw Anna cry out of nowhere, while eating pancakes. She quickly ran to her side and hugged her.

“N-Nothing… I just got overly emotional. I guess it’s not like me, haha. I’m fine.” Anna smiled. “I just… I sometimes see a lot of discrimination to LBTQ people all the time, so it makes me happy that your mom is so nice… Well, everyone’s nice.”

“Of course we are nice.” I giggled. “There’s nothing wrong with your love for my daughter, haha. People that think otherwise are just ignorant! Just try to stay away from people like that, they’re just bitter people that have probably created an army of Hollows out of their own hatred for everything.”

“Yeah, probably.” Laughed Mark.

“Hahaha, I-I guess…” Anna laughed too. “Thanks though…”

“My mom’s the best, see? So don’t worry.” Elena smiled. “We should get married later too.”

“EH?!” Anna and me both reacted in the same shocking sequence.

What was my daughter saying out of nowhere?!

“What’s wrong? We can’t?” My daughter wondered.

“I-I mean… I would gladly… I would love to!” Anna muttered. “B-But aren’t we too young to think about marriage yet?”

“O-Oh, right, my bad.” Elena gasped a bit. “Sorry… That came out of nowhere.”

“It sure did!” I laughed. “Oh well, that’s yet another surprise for today… Oh right! I haven’t told you girls about the giant talking frog that appeared out of nowhere this morning.”

“The what?” Monica muttered. “A-A talking frog?”

“How? We aren’t in Arcadia…” Elisa said.

“Hahaha, well, Earth is also a very magical place! Even before the First Contact, there was a whole world of supernatural beings hidden at plain sight. But because Magic and Mana had become increasingly weaker over time, they became less and less frequent.” I explained.

“It was only recently with the First Contact that Mana is being poured on large quantities to our world, which allowed people to awaken abilities out of nowhere, and also allowed for monsters to begin popping up, both Natural Monsters and those that come out of Gates… But well, let me explain more…”

We spent the whole breakfast talking about the world and how it had changed. Now that Anna and Elisa were part of the team, we had to update them into all these things so they wouldn’t act reckless or be clueless about everything.

They agreed on keeping their powers a secret for now, and to hide their identities if they ever use them. My contract with SWORD covers the identities of anybody related to me, so even if they discover them, they won’t do anything nor ask them for a hunter license or something.

“Woah, I never thought this world was so… complex, and you have barely scratched the surface?” Anna asked. “Yikes…”

“From angels to demons, I kind of knew about them already but about other Realms and more… Just how vast was this world? It doesn’t even feel that far off Arcadia now,” Elisa commented.

“There are probably even more things hiding out there… But for now, let’s take things one step at a time, alright? Are you girls returning home?” I wondered.

“I was planning on staying the weekend…” Said Elisa.

“I gotta go see my mom, she doesn’t know I was in that accident but still, I want to go see her and tell her I’m fine…” Anna sighed. “I know I can’t tell her anything yet but…”

“It’s fine, you can go, dear,” I smiled.

“I’ll try to come back once it gets late,” Anna said. “Can you send your butler to come pick me up, Elisa?”

“Eeh?” Elisa seemed a bit angry about that shameless request. “Ugh, ok.”

“Nice, thanks!” Anna kissed Elisa’s cheek.

“Ugeh, why did you do that?!” Elisa seemed disgusted. “Dammit…”

“Then I think I’ll get going, thanks for breakfast!” Anna said, quickly kissing my cheek and then kissing my daughter’s lips rather… passionately.

“Hmm, love you.” She said to her.

“Love you too, come back for the sleepover, okay?” My daughter caressed her face as she kissed her nose.

“Fine…” Anna kissed her lips a few more times. “See ya!”

She quickly walked away from the house after that, going by foot back to her house, which wasn’t that far away. I think she asked Elisa to pick her up because it would get late, and Hollows might appear or something.

I think she can easily deal with most Hollows, but you never know, so its better to move through vehicles at night. I think her house is covered by the range of my Domain though, so my Spirits can protect her and will protect her.

I left in her body and clothes a Spirit Protection Ward made up of several Charms combined together, it should protect her if the worst happens.

Monsters and Hollows tend to target people with Mana because that’s what they’re looking for, so it ironically becomes more dangerous the stronger you become out there… Well, not completely.

I think once you reach the Level I, Rita, Lily, and Mark got, Hollows and little Monsters are no longer a problem.

I have to do my best, so my daughter and her friends get to that level eventually. Anna did say she was going to hunt any Hollow she found around, so let’s hope for the best.

Because I’m a paranoid I even told Blackie to protect her, as he hid inside her shadows.

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Blackie’s pretty strong so, I think that’s enough protection… Yeah.

“Ah right, I wanted to ask you something…” Mark said, as we were washing the dishes.

The girls had gone to the backyard to practice their Magic and Abilities for the time being.

“Yes?” I wondered. “What is it dear?”

“I… Well, I remember you told me if I wanted to live together, so… I’m sorry I didn’t accept right away; I was honestly very embarrassed. But I think I am ready to move in, after all I already quit my job and all.” Mark said.

“Oooh! Really?!” I became incredibly happy right away. “I’m so happy! I’ll help you bring your stuff here!” I hugged him tightly.

“Haha, I didn’t expect you’ll get so happy… Thank you for letting me stay here. Let’s divide the bills at least, okay?” He asked.

“I wouldn’t mind being your sugar mommy~ But fine, let’s do it,” I giggled, kissing his cheek.

I can’t believe how hopelessly in love I am with him.


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