Chapter 1283 Defend The Forest!—–
The Domain of Decay that the Demon King of Death left behind was still there. Planta’s three Avatars were constantly fighting against it, but after leaving tens of thousands of Nether Decay Plants behind, simply expanding a domain wasn’t going to destroy them, she needed the help of many.
A giant ten-meter-tall Bone Tree started walking with its spindly spider-like root legs rushing towards something it could devour with its bony jaws.
“Is this supposed to be a tree made of bones?! This is so weird!”
Mark was right there, swinging his blazing blade and releasing a powerful blazing attack, slicing the bone tree into two perfect halves and then making them explode.
However, more and more of these strange Nether Plants appeared everywhere, accompanied by giant mushrooms with legs and arms.
“Planta brought the Demon King away from the forest, her three avatars are at each cardinal direction clearing the forest constantly… but if we don’t get rid of these pests the forest is not going to heal!” Mark roared, rallying the rest of the fighters that had gathered to fend off the Undead that infiltrated the forest. “Everyone! Don’t falter, we can do this!”
Fairies, Gnomes, Ents, Brownies, Myconid, and more roared in unison, rushing towards the Nether Plants and the still surviving Undead coming from the gates only occasionally now.
Mark wasn’t the only one there though, as Lily was right there, alongside Elena, Elisa, Anna, Monica, and even the craftmanship competition participants plus Ambil.
They were all joining into the battle, with their superior tech and weapons, skills and abilities, these Nether Plants and Undead were a literal joke!
“We’ve definitely grown much stronger since then!” Erdragon roared, swinging his fists as he unleashed a draconic aura from his body, crushing the Undead with his fists covered on large mechanical gauntlets that released shockwaves when he punched them. “And also I’ve prepared for battle now! These Shockwave Gauntlets release a shockwave based on my power! Amazing, isn’t it?!”
He was completely decimating the undead and the nether plants with each fist, sending them flying into scattered pieces.
“Don’t get too cocky Erdragon, you might get killed if you’re too overconfident!”
A Brownie wearing pure gold armor and a giant golden hammer jumped from Undead to Undead, crushing their heads with her hammer growing several times larger.
With each attack, a shockwave of liquid gold would be released, burning and melting the bodies of the monsters she attacked and also their surroundings.
“Goldanaba, you should watch your words when talking to your seniors, damn brat!”
Horshen rushed forward, the dwarf conjuring fire spirit magic and unleashing storms of spiraling flames with each swing of his hammer, decimating his foes rapidly one by one.
“Hahah! Feels nice to be around this forest! Wha the hell?”
While being in this forest, several fire spirits would also constantly help him, enhancing his magic power by a lot!
“Don’t get too comfortable, Horshen. We’re fighting to protect Lady Planta’s home.”
Melisa was also there, her cursed magic releasing shockwaves of darkness and purple fogs that weakened the Nether Plants and Undead and then, from her own Cursed Aura, large physical masses of Cursed Energy would emerge, taking the form of Hollows.
Yes, the strange entities Melisa could control and create were actually Hollows, made out of the Cursed Energy and Negative Energy her body produced constantly.
And they obeyed her very will!
“Fight and protect the forest.”
“SHAAAH!” Stay connected via empire
They had different shapes than Earth’s Hollows, as they didn’t had masks, but were made of black and purple shadow masses. Either taking the form of giant spiders, scorpions, or crows, which were the body shapes Melisa could remember the most.
“Huh, you guys aren’t half bad!”
Ambil smiled slightly more confidently as he glanced at the competitors fight through the forest, his hammer crushed his foes, and his fire magic burned the Nether Trees and Plants into cinders.
As Ambil fought, he noticed DarkReaper and her friends clashing against the undead farther away, with Monica using her phantasmal powers to control a portion of the Undead as a ghost herself, and also growing strangely strong within this domain.
“Oooh! I had no idea I could do this?!” Monica gasped. “T-The Undead are hearing my orders! Now fight your kind! A-And defeat them!”
Her entire phantasmal body had even grown larger too, making her even more intimidating as a spectral princess of sorts.
“This is unexpected…” Elisa said. “Maybe we should somehow make you learn how to set up this domain so you can grow stronger and be more useful in battle!”
“I-I’m trying my best to be useful, don’t be mean Elisa!” Monica cried, as she saw Elisa fighting with her fists, tail, and claws.
“I’m not being mean, this is a game so you have to optimize and min-max to get anywhere!”
Elisa crushed her foes with her draconic fists, her draconic aura exploding and releasing beams of light.
“Like me! Look!”
Elisa suddenly erupted with an explosion of light, her entire body transforming into a fifteen-meter-tall golden scaled dragon.
“I can turn into a dragon! How cool is that? This is the pinnacle of min-maxing my avatar!”
With her draconian powers, Elisa made quick work of the undead and nether plants, burning them to ashes with her holy light breath, claws, spear tail and magic.
“Oooh, amazing, amazing!” Monica nodded, clapping as she saw Elisa fighting and showing off. “You’re so cool Elisa!”
“Heheh! That’s right! Keep praising me!” Elisa nodded.
“Your dragon form is also super cuteee!” Monica cheered. “I want to kiss its snout…”
“K-Kiss? Cut it off with that!” Elisa felt embarrassed out of nowhere.
They had yet to address what happened yesterday with the kiss…
But as teenagers, things always get more complicated than they should, so they’ll have to deal with this on their own, over time…
Meanwhile, Elena and Anna slashed foes and bombarded them with elemental magic conjured by summoned familiars respectively, clearing a large group of monsters.
“I hope mom can handle it…” Elena said, glancing into the distance. “Huh?”
And then she saw a small black-haired fairy fly into the skies, where Planta was.
“Who was that?”
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