
The Power of the [Soul Trait]: [Mystic Bellflower Tree Dreamscape] was all I needed, and something that I definitely wouldn’t had obtained using the other items I had alone, the Soul Orb was what allowed me to get such an amazing and effective way to deal with this issue.

And well, Abe no Seimei also helped with his enchantment to the Soul Trait and him deciding what was the best for me… Although after I heard he was quite the womanizer, I’m having second thoughts about him.

Was he really nice to me just because I was his type? It’s a bit… Oh well, I mean, he wasn’t evil or anything either.

No, yeah, let’s just think positively of him and be thankful. Whatever Kaguya said, it doesn’t matter!

“Soul Traits… I had no idea such a power existed,” my daughter said. “Can I get something like that too?”

“I don’t think so dear, not for now, we don’t have any more materials to make more Soul Orbs…” I said. “Maybe I should’ve left one for you? My bad…”

“A-Ah, no mom, don’t worry, I think that was a good decision,” she said. “Maybe another time.”

“Okey then…” I nodded. “I wish Rita and Lily were here! And maybe Jenny too… But anyways, we can explain them once we log back in.”

“Yeah, what’s the other Soul Trait though?” Mark wondered, walking to my side and checking the wooden tablet. “Oh, it has… it has the name of the Japanese Sun Goddess? From Shinto?”

“Oh so you know!” I said.

“Yeah, how couldn’t I know? Amaterasu is a pretty popular deity,” said Mark. “D-Does this really have her divinity?!”

“We’ll find out once we use it,” I said. “Abe no Seimei said that she would easily approve of me using her powers so there was no issue with this… But yeah, take a look.”


[Soul Trait]: [Amaterasu-no-Kami’s Heavenly Sun Prison Pagoda]

By offering bountiful amounts of Mana, Spirit Energy, and Divine Power, call forth the Divinity of the Sun of Amaterasu-no-Kami, goddess of the eternal rising sun of Japan to your aid.

Her presence will instantly materialize, becoming a giant golden prison pagoda with up to nine floors, which will stack over one another as time passes at any foe or foes you desire to “entrap” within its endless confines.

Although it might not like they had gone to another space, the more the prison pagoda’s floors stack, the greater the weight exerted upon space, making it increasingly harder to manipulate it, while constantly dealing Sunlight, Holy, and Light damage over time to the target.

This purifying pagoda cannot be destroyed, and it will remain forever as long as Mana and Spirit Energy are constantly supplied. Over time, the Mana of the foe will also begin to be burned out by Amaterasu-sama’s Divine Brilliance, making their magic power progressively weaker.

If five or more floors are stacked together, you can entrap a foe within the interior of the Prison Pagoda, and if they’re weakened enough, they can be completely sealed. The Prison Pagoda Floors can also unleash concentrations of Sunlight Energy at foes to deal damage.


“Oh, this is interesting!” said my daughter.

“With this you guys can cancel that damn space magic, no?” wondered the Great Spirit. “Or maybe weaken it enough! Over time it’ll get worse for that old fart too! Hahah!”

“And if he uses demonic powers or turns into a demon, or brings demon souls, they’ll be constantly burned with holy sunlight of purification, so they’re going to take constant, big damage,” I smiled. “I don’t think this’ll give us an immediate edge or be the winning move, instant kill attack… But it’ll even the field, a bit.”

“Yeah, I mean these are amazing, but we can’t lower our guard just because of that…” nodded Mark. “Merlinus is a powerful arch wizard after all, he’s cunning too, very cunning. We must be prepared for anything while fighting him.”

“Even then, with this alone, mom will have an insane edge against him,” smiled my daughter. “Can’t wait for us to fight him now, I’m getting really pumped.”

“Hah, only you would say such a thing dear.” I sighed, patting her head. “Anyways, let’s take care of the Domain and then let’s go have lunch, shall we? It has been some time since breakfast. And it might be our last meal before the whole battle begins, which might take many hours, we need to be ready.”

“I wish I could go too…” sighed Gabriel. “I wonder if there’s a way for me to help… I want to help after all!”

He felt like he really wanted to help, almost desperately.

I know he’s been trying to be more useful, but I think it’s not the right thing to force him into this.

“It’s fine, Gabriel, I don’t think you should join anyways,” I said. “You should rest here, recover, and maybe occasionally hunt Hollows or something. You’ll grow stronger over time. Now that the Domain has a part of heaven, you’ll slowly absorb their energy.”

“Um, but even then, I need to do more good deeds…” he said. “You said you were fighting demons… I am an angel! I was made to combat demons after all!”

He pouted adorably, looking very decided to help.

“Ah, I wonder… we don’t have the time to buy him a new thing,” I said. “Even more, he would start so low level, it would be very hard for him to even catch up, right?”

“Hmm…” the Great Spirit wondered. “Angels… are technically Spirit-like beings, right?”

“Yeah!” said Gabriel. “Not entirely, but we are composed of spirit energy too, vastly.”

“Then maybe it should be possible for you to summon Gabriel,” said the Great Spirit. “Just like you could easily summon little Titania as a Time Spirit in here, you just need a spell that’ll allow you to summon Angels. An Angelic Spirit Summon Spell? That might be the trick.”

“So Heavenly Spirit Summon doesn’t work?” I wondered.

“Ah no, Heavenly Spirits are different…” said Gabriel.

“I see…” I nodded. “I do happen to have one spell slot left…”

Having Gabriel’s help, even as a temporary Angelic Spirit could be game-changing when dealing with the demons.

There’s no purer holy light than that of a true angel like him after all.

“Okay! Fine, I’ll try to make a Spell like that, wait a bit then,” I patted his head.


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