
“I guess we’ll be able to decide what to do once we get to that point,” Mark said. “For now, let’s concentrate on the present.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” I nodded.

“Right, so mom, I was thinking if we could ask the help of the Time Spirits too?” wondered my daughter. “Seeing how Acorn and Nieve went to request the help of the Forest People and all.”

“Wait, the people of this Realm?! But… I don’t really want to risk their lives,” I said. “Also it’s unknown what’ll happen if they stay for a prolonged period of time in here.”

“Still, you can summon them right? With a Time Spirit Spell,” said my daughter.

“Yeah, I guess…” I nodded. “But I think I could only summon one at a time, unfortunately.”

“Ah, bummer…” my daughter said. “If we had Time Spirits helping us all, it could make things easier with their time abilities.”

“I know, unfortunately I don’t think it’s possible…” I said.

“You’re fighting a big bad?” wondered Titania. “I want to fight too! Please let me help! It’s the least I could do after you saved our world!”

“A-Ah, well, if I can, I’ll summon you,” I said. “But no promises, okay?”

“Hmm… If you summon me, then I’ll bring everyone along!” Titania suddenly had a strange idea. “You can only summon one-person, right auntie? But if I bring everyone along as my friends, maybe we can bypass that limitation!”

“How could that work?” wondered Mark. “Even if you tried… it’ll still make more than one person.”

“I-I’ll make it work!” Titania said valiantly.

“Ah, well, don’t overexert yourself,” I said. “You’ve done more than enough already, little Titania.”

“Hmph…!” she suddenly pouted. “I don’t like when people look down at me because I’m a kid! I-I can help and make a difference!”

Well, I guess she could?

“We’ll trust you then,” I nodded. “Do your best.”

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“Okay!” she said confidently.

After that, we decided to move to Cloudia, where Brisingra was.

We wanted to go meet her and tell her what we were going to do.

We weren’t going to invite her to this fight, but I thought she needed to know these things anyways.

We reached the city above the skies, people were living their normal lives, unaware of the world outside and its chaos.

“Oh, it’s Planta, our hero!”

“Welcome back!”

“Titan and the others are with her!”

“It’s rare to see them here!”


People greeted us and called our names; we waved our hands. They seemed strong, but I don’t know if they would be as powerful once they stepped outside of their Realm.

We moved towards Mercedes’ house, which we knew where it was, and we knocked at the door. We heard footsteps approaching and then, Mercedes greeted us with a surprised expression and then a gentle smile.

“Oh! Planta and everyone else! W-Welcome back! I didn’t expect you, but you’re welcome. Please come in!”

She opened the door and let us in, as we thanked her.

The house looked almost the same as before… I don’t know why it feels like a long while since we’ve been in here, even though it wasn’t even that long.

“Thank you Mercedes,” I said. “How have you been so far?”

“Yeah,” Mark nodded.

“Oh I’ve been fine, I’ve been moving on by now, slowly processing what happened…” Mercedes sighed. “My daughter’s been alright as well, she seems happy every day, and she brings me more joy than I imagined… she has been telling me so many tales of… me and her father, of the future and all of that. Brisingra has been keeping me really good company.”

“I’m glad to hear that…” I said with a nod. “I was wondering where she is right now… We wanted to tell her a few things before we go.”

“Ah, of course, she must be in her room,” nodded Mercedes. “Wait a bit.”

She rushed upstairs and knocked at the door, as I heard Brisingra’s voice, and a lot of clanking sounds, it seemed she was making trinkets.

“Planta and everyone’s back?! Oh!”

She ran downstairs, her mother following her, as she greeted us happily.

“Everyone! Hi! I sure didn’t expect a visit, I’m sorry, I was busy crafting some stuff,” said Brisingra.

She looked much more vibrant then before, radiant even, her Aura had… grown stronger somehow. It seemed she had been growing stronger in here.

I could even feel… Spiritual Time Essence flowing through her body and her Aura!

Was the Realm assimilating her over time or… giving her powers because of her mother?

Last time I checked, the Realm shouldn’t be capable of making other living beings’ spirits, only those that were pre-existing of this world.

So it shouldn’t be the former, nope.

Then she’s… gaining power.

But how? This is because of her connection with Mercedes as “her daughter from the future”?

Technically, if that’s the case, then her being from the future itself and this connection is what has awakened some sort of Time Magic Affinity.

So even a concept such as “being from the future” can give someone affinity with Time… It’s strange how these things work sometimes.

“Brisingra! Hey, you seem stronger than before,” I said.

“Yeah! What with that aura?” wondered Mark, laughing.

“You’ve become stronger?” Angelina asked.

“Eh? Me?” Brisingra wondered, seeming rather confused. “But I haven’t even hunted monsters lately… Do I really look stronger? That’s odd…”

As she wondered that, her Aura only grew bigger…


It seemed all-encompassing, and it even carried Divinity within it.

What in the world is going on with Brisingra?!

“A-Are you sure you don’t realize?! Look at your own aura for a bit!” I said.

“Huh? What are you on about…” she glanced at her own aura and squinted her eyes. “I don’t… Huh? Wait that’s my Aura?! I thought it was my mom’s presence that…”

“No, in fact your mother has a smaller aura now…” I said.

“I think I know what might be happening,” nodded Mercedes. “Brisingra is my daughter. Then as an Ancient Elf, she must’ve awakened her Time Magic Affinity by staying in this Realm for so long, which had become a Realm of Time. Maybe because she was half-dwarf, this affinity had been dormant, but now, it is fully awakening… and perhaps being half-dwarf too, is what has made her so strong.”


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