

The King glanced into the skies with his eyes shocked as he saw Camilla being brutally attacked by Merlinus, he couldn’t help but scream her name, losing focus as he battled two giant patchwork aberration zombies at once.

Their massive fists rushed down, punching him several times, his defenses were strengthened and enhanced thanks to Planta’s Domain and her Terrain and various other buffs, but the power of these patchwork monsters was immense, easily pushing him away.


As he rolled over the floor, David panicked.

“Protect his majesty!”

David roared, as the rest of the paladins surrounding the King, who ended being slightly overwhelmed by the Demonic Wizards attacking them, rushed towards the King.


The Paladins unleashed their strongest techniques, slashing waves of light sliced through the monstrosities one after another, as their unholy bodies were purified and exorcised, dozens of souls trapped inside of them escaping as they were destroyed.

“Your majesty, get ahold of yourself, please!”

David helped the King stand up, as the King kept glancing into the skies, sighing in relief the moment he saw Planta coming to the rescue and saving her.

“I know this might sound rude, but even if the Queen died it wouldn’t be the end, she could revive later. She’s a Player after all! Please don’t worry about her safety and worry about yourself instead!”

“D-David, but…! Dammit!”

The King clicked his tongue and grit his teeth, he wanted to refute David’s words, but he couldn’t find anything to argue against, he was completely right.

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“You’re right…!” He decided to no longer look at the Queen for the moment, setting his gaze at the several Demonic Wizards in the distance. “You traitors! Prepare yourselves for your retribution!”

“Hahaha! He said retribution?”

“What a fool you are, King of Luminous!”

“You were nothing but a puppet to our Master.”

“And now that we’ve been finally given the opportunity, we will happily slaughter you and your paladins!”

The old wizards, mostly old men with long beards and colorful robes rushed down, their bodies half-transformed into demonic forms, with larger, muscular arms and legs, sometimes tentacles with sharp bony blades coming from their backs, or their heads turning into beastly creatures such as wolves or reptilian heads.

“I’ll take his head! Gyahahaha!”

One of them descended as he unleashed a shockwave of pure Demonic Energy and Earth and Fire Magic, resembling a living magma shaped as a monster that forcefully pushed away the Paladins and broke their barriers within seconds.


“Your head is mine, your majesty! I shall feast on your blood!”

As he confronted the King, the furious King of Luminous roared back, swinging a massive golden sword he had been carrying around.

This wasn’t a normal sword though, made by Goldanaba who possessed the power of Golden Spirit Forging Magic, and further enhanced by Planta, synthetized with the Excalibur Replica she had taken from ArthurPendragon, a Player that was no more.

It began a Weapon close to a Heroic Sword!


“The Bloodline of Hero Luminous rushes through my veins! Don’t you dare look down on me, you demonic spawn!”

He leaped into the skies to the surprise of his knights and paladins, swinging the blade down, the demonic wizard laughed, generating the same magic attack!


As the explosion echoed, David rushed to help his majesty, only to stop midway through as he saw something he couldn’t believe.

“Uungh?! Aaargh! I-Impossible! Aren’t you just a damn… weakling?!”

The Demonic Wizard gasped as he realized the King’s blade had sliced through his left shoulder, reaching his chest and then going down all the way towards his hips.

“Weakling?! Hardly! I am the King of Luminous Kingdom!” The King roared, his Aura of light growing larger as something within him seemed to be unlocked the moment he wielded a near heroic weapon.

“{Holy Ascent}!”


He rushed the sword upwards as he endured the physical blows from the demonic wizard with his armor, slicing through the bastard’s head and splitting it into two, while holy light completely consumed it.


The demonic wizard screamed in agony as its wolf-like head was sliced open and completely destroyed, and so did the rest of its body, exploding into light and dissipating as mere ashes.


“He used Holy Ascent?!” David gasped. “The King is indeed the descendant of Hero Luminous, but that hero lived hundreds of years ago! Many had thought the bloodline’s powers had already banished… To think he managed to somehow reawaken them! Just what did he do to achieve it?!”

David was shocked, but at the same time he smiled, proud that his King was someone that could not just give orders but fight head-on to defend his Kingdom.

“I owe this to Planta and Camilla…!” The King thought, grasping his sword tightly. “It was Camilla’s idea to ask Planta about a weapon that could fit me, and Planta wen tout of her way to offer such a valuable weapon as that Replica of Excalibur to merge with my golden blade made by Goldanaba… the result exceeds all of my expectations!”

This was not just thanks to the King’s constant training every night with Camilla, where he always practiced swordsmanship and magic with her.

But also thanks to this majestic blade, infused with a very special Ability.

[Heroic Bloodline Awakening]!

To most people, it would never work at all, it was a useless ability.

However, for the few people that were descendants of Heroes, it allowed them to temporarily awaken their old Heroic Bloodlines, activating Skills and Abilities tied to them.

This was only possible to create because Planta herself was technically a Hero, and she infused her Heroic Powers into the sword.

Alongside that, because it was composed of Holy and Divine Spiritual Materials from the two swords that created this new blade.

And the sword’s name was…

Luminous, the Heroic Blade of Dawn!


The Demonic Wizards gasped in disbelief, moving back as they saw the blinding holy light coming from the massive two-handed blade, which many thought the King wouldn’t be able to lift due to its huge size.

“Who’s next?!” The King roared, his body growing larger and more muscular, as his Heroic Bloodline flared with holy power. “I said… WHO’S NEXT?!”

While not even waiting for a response, he leaped towards the Wizards, slashing them apart one after another!


“My love…! I’ll kill them all for you, and for our people! SO please, don’t die on me!”

The King glanced one last time at the skies, noticing Camilla back in action, as Merlinus was being attacked from every angle.

“You bastard!”

“How is he so strong?!”

“That Aura…! He’s a Hero?!”

“Impossible! The bloodline was already too weak!”

The Demonic Wizards that couldn’t be killed instantly began to regenerate and mutate into larger, demonic monstrosities, attacking the King from every angle.


He roared mightily his roar resembling that of a Lion, as the Wizards were paralyzed for a split second and pushed back, their stats decreasing.

This was one of Luminous’ famous Abilities: {Lion’s Roar}!

“Now, David, everyone!”

As he paralyzed them in that very moment, his soldiers rushed to battle, stabbing, slicing, and burning through the wizards one after another, as the King backed them up as much as he could.

“Huh?! That’s…!”

And then the King realized something, a black-winged fairy was slowly creeping closer to Merlinus.


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