Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 338: The Mutant Organization Fierce Strike Back...

Chapter 338: The Mutant Organization Fierce Strike Back…

Taken completely by surprise.

That was the word that could completely describe the mutant organization. Never in their wildest dream would they have known the EIA would be striking and so soon too. But The Mutant organization being the mutant organization, based their success on firstly, their brutality and secondly, the ability to predict.

While they might not have predicted the EIA suddenly striking today. They definitely predicted it would be striking one day and they have completely prepared themselves for such an impossible scenario.

That was why when the figure of the Mutant Organization official was flung at the headquarters where the Mutant Organization higher-ups were currently gathered, they bared their teeth in anger before they all descended into absolute calmness.

“I really like how they made their intention known; it would have been a headache if they had come with negotiability. I hate paper works you know…” One of the Mutant Organization higher-ups, a middle-aged man with long dark hair that reached down to his waist, and strangely had a slit at the center of his forehead said as he raises both legs on the table and folded both hands at the back of his head.

“Hehehehe, they truly might have come a bit earlier than predicted but it’s completely fine. After all, the organization spent a total of 60% of its entire profit on preparing for hostile organization…”

“Throughout the time of the organization’s life it had made a lot of enemies, I mean a lot. That amount of the total profit percentage placed in defense is not too much at all…”

“You all shut up, and click the damn buttons already, we are losing precious skyscrapers…” A burly man with crimson-colored hair roared out loud to all of them as he brought out his card device and smashed the red button that had strangely appeared all over their card device. Even the card device had also entered war mode. A mode where it would only show a map and the attack buttons.

“Ok, ok. Let us get serious too…” They all agreed and immediately, they brought out their card device and clicked on the gigantic red buttons that were present on their screen, and immediately, unbelievable changes began appearing all over the Mutant organization.

The first most noticeable change to the EIA who were currently striking at full force was how the entire EIA skyscrapers suddenly began descending onto the ground. In less than thirty seconds, apart from the skyscrapers which were already demolished, the entire skyscrapers present in the mutant organization had all disappeared underground.

“Hmmm, they retrieved back all their skyscrapers, seems they also were about inventory. But what difference does it make…” Some of the EIA officials responsible for different categories of attack muttered to themselves but they were all silenced when the Mutant Organization made its second move.

Immediately from the area where the mutant organization skyscrapers entered into the ground, small rectangular-like structures reaching up to 100 meters in height began appearing all over the place. In a minute, they had reached a total of five thousand such strange structures.

And instantaneously, the door of the structures opened up and the EIA’s gaze welcomed the strange dark vortex present in every structure.

“Hmmm, and what is that?” They asked themselves strangely…

Meanwhile in the Mutant Organization Headquarters…

“Now we call this the BING-BANG!” The Mutant Organization higher-ups said with smiles on their faces as they all looked at the middle-aged man standing in the fathermost hall.

“Hey, Bing-bang, do your thing already, you don’t want to keep our guest waiting do you…” They all said as the middle-aged man whose eyes held the images of the dark vortexes that appeared in every structure, smiled sinisterly and whispered


And immediately, the EIA Gaze’s all changed at once as figures began exiting the vortexes. Figures that they had never before seen in their lives.

“Are these animals’ mutations…” A middle-aged man dressed in an EIA official clothes said with a raised eyebrow as they looked at the creatures which soon reached a mind-numbing level of a hundred thousand.

If Zeras had seen them, he would have recognized them as the same strange creatures that he met in one of the Mutant Organization bases. And it seemed his conjecture was right; they really were to be used for war.

“Hmm, they really are powerful strange creatures. I’m guessing their mutation forced them to climb over their natural level of strength making them reach the Cosmic rank stage. Impressive if you ask me. But there is a big defect…” The EIA official responsible for the operation combat department said, and the reply came from the green-haired lady beside him…

“They all can’t fly…” She said but their expression all changed when they looked up at their head, their gaze easily piercing through the metallic covering.

“Hey, Bing-bang, you only unleashed the Bing, what about the bang?” They all asked and instantly, the slit on the man’s forehead opened up revealing another gigantic vortex image within that singular eyeball on his forehead.

And instantly, above the entire sky of the Mutant Organization, thousands of those strange dark vortices appeared all over the sky, blocking the sky from view, and thousands of hellish-looking creatures descended the vortex.

“Another pretty impressive creation but this one has a single defect too…” The same EIA official said once again and as promptly, as his reply was answered.

“They all can fly…”

“Tch, what a hassle. We’ve been blocked from above and below. The Mutant Organization has descended on the ground, if we want to cut off their head, we would have to clear the ground to destroy them. All in all, we have to engage…” They all quickly determined and instantly the order was sent across all the EIA spaceships,

“Engage, two categories. Land and air. Complete eradication…” The order rang out and instantly the EIA faced the first move of the Mutant Organization head-on.

“Fools. This is only the first wave of attack, and there are 4 more to come. Let us see how many percent of them will be wiped out in this…” The Mutant Organization higher-ups said as they all comfortably reclined in their seats, underground, and let the Mutant beast battle for them.

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