Chapter 1079: Cunt
"What did he do to my corridor?!" A shout resounded inside a simple cargo ship at some distance from Nott Station.
The human crew on the bridge couldn't help but peek past their shoulders to glance at the interactive desk. The middle-aged man who released that angry, shocked shout had his hands in his long, curly black hair, almost pulling its strands while looking at the holographic woman before him.
"The damage isn't severe, Captain Lochport," The woman claimed, "But it's damage. Also, I worry more about his threat."
"Mary, who did you send?" Captain Lochport asked.
"Amelia and Candace," Mary replied. "Just like you ordered, Captain."
"Then, why?!" Captain Lochport cried. "Did he switch teams in the last months?!"
"I wouldn't know, Captain," Mary commented while her hologram diverted its gaze. "Though, I can confirm he is everything the network said and more."
"Yeah, yeah," Captain Lochport cursed, releasing his hair to wave his hand dismissively. "He is rich, hot, famous, and strong. Dry that thing between your legs. We have real problems here."
Captain Lochport crossed his arms, rolling his brown eyes in thought. He didn't mean anything deeper with his fancy welcome. He only wanted to appease the infamous Prince Khan before their inevitable meeting, but his preparations had backfired.
'I was sure he would have appreciated it,' Captain Lochport thought. 'He shouldn't have gotten laid in more than six months. A guy like him would be exploding by now.'
Of course, Captain Lochport would have never resorted to that type of kindness if the network said otherwise. However, the clues were there. Miss Solodrey had abruptly left for Neuria and had remained there while Prince Khan was away. She even avoided talking about him and the engagement in that period, hinting at deeper problems.
It was unavoidable, really. Khan and Monica were a popular couple, one of the most popular, actually. Their love story had inspired countless people for various reasons, so many eyes followed its progression closely.
Khan and Monica's absence at the second tournament had been another glaring clue. Usually, Monica would speak for Khan when he wasn't available, but her stay on Neuria throughout the event had given birth to countless rumors, which Captain Lochport hoped to exploit.
'Did she break up with him, and he is still sore about it?' Captain Lochport wondered. 'Did they even break up in the first place? Did I tempt him to cheat on his Fiancée?'
Captain Lochport paled as cold sweat ran down his back. Prince Khan was famous for many reasons, and most weren't good. Meanwhile, the Captain was only a nameless third-level warrior. Offending Prince Khan might very well lead to his death, and it could be too late to fix things.
'No, no,' Captain Lochport thought, calming down. 'He would have already destroyed Nott Station otherwise. He is just a passionate guy who is still hurt by the breakup. The network always claimed he was a romantic.'
"Mary, show me the damage," Captain Lochport ordered, and the holograms changed, depicting the corridor Khan had partially destroyed.
"Look what he did to my baby!" Captain Lochport immediately shouted, and his crew shot annoyed glances at him again. "Mary, keep women away from him from now on. Have only men serving him."
"Captain, I've already promised Prince Khan to be his escort," Mary's robotic voice came from the interactive desk.
"Stop thinking with your cunt!" Captain Lochport scolded. "This is my space station we are talking about. Mine! And no one will take it away from me. Not even a Prince!"
"What about his statement, Captain?" Mary asked. "Prince Khan asked us to spread the news."
"I'll get there in less than half a day," Captain Lochport said. "Don't do anything for now. I'll see what to do after meeting the Prince."
"As you wish, Captain Lochport," Mary's robotic voice resounded again. "Still, should I at least apologize personally? A man like the Prince might take our actions in the wrong way otherwise."
Captain Lochport slammed his hand on the interactive desk, ending the communication. He shook his head, voicing a snort that the entire bridge could hear. "Women!"
Muffled snickers resounded on the bridge, making Captain Lochport glare at his crew members on the consoles. Yet, everyone had already gone back to their work, feigning complete ignorance.
"Accelerate, you ungrateful subordinates," Captain Lochport ordered. "I have a space station to save."
Khan was unaware of the machinations and slight misunderstanding in Captain Lochport's ships. Honestly, Khan didn't even spend much thought on them, either. His extreme announcement had served a simple purpose, and he felt to have fulfilled it.
In the past, Monica's political status vastly outclassed Khan's. Their relationship could hurt them both, but he would be far worse off due to lacking background.
However, the tables had turned now. Khan was a Prince, and being a man provided certain advantages in specific fields. Meanwhile, Monica had gambled everything on him, so the news of a breakup could destroy her position in the Global Army and Solodrey family.
Khan's extreme reaction didn't only want to keep the rumors of the breakup away. He also wished to reaffirm his support for Monica to shield her even after the news became official. After all, that outcome was unavoidable, and Khan couldn't delay it forever, so he would take precautions to protect Monica.
Of course, it might look like Monica had a crazy ex-boyfriend who wouldn't let anyone other than him touch her, but Khan was simply doing his best in a terrible situation. It wasn't ideal, but everything was better than endangering Monica's position and safety. His strength might deter other suitors but would also prevent people from trying to exploit her new, weaker status.
Thinking about other suitors made Khan freeze. He had kept himself busy enough not to consider that point, but that possibility became more of a reality as time passed. Khan obviously didn't believe it would happen any time soon, but it still might.
'Moving on, huh?' Khan wondered. The grip on his bottle had tightened during the previous thoughts but relaxed after the pondering reached that point.
'As long as she is happy,' Khan thought, some helplessness invading his brain. 'As for me, I have to make sure she has a world where to be happy. A world where George's kid can live.'
Khan didn't know how he felt at that conclusion. He only spotted a familiar sense of defeat before pushing everything to the back of his mind. A single-minded approach was stronger, and Khan couldn't let anything taint it anymore. The very universe might suffer otherwise.
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