Dark Magus Returns

Chapter 294 The Birth Of A Real Demon

The commotion outside of the Alchemist building had grown larger, and a big crowd had gathered, staying several metres away from any of the warriors. 

Although they weren't able to see much other than a bunch of Behemoth Clan members standing by the doorway.

Finally, breaking through the crowd, wearing his golden silk and accompanied by his huffing and panting worker, Bubble had arrived at the area. His presence as he waved his hands through the crowds, while looking at the scene made it so none of the others wished to stand next to him.

He had an air of importance that told people to move away, while also an air of arrogance around him that caused people to scorn him as they moved out of the way.

"The Behemoth Clan, they have really gathered here, and judging by the door, we seem to have missed some of what has been happening," Bubble's tone was a little downhearted.

He wanted to be there when the magic had occurred, where the headline-grabber of the event would occur, but it looked like he might have missed it.

Just as he was thinking about whether to stay or turn away, that's when he saw a Behemoth Clan member flying through the air. He was lifted up high in the sky and then came falling down and smashed into the ground, in the open area just in front of the Alchemist building.

The Behemoth Clan was moving back. Not only that, but Bubble was seeing something he thought he would never see, and that was the group of Behemoth Clan, some of them appeared to be running.

Just at that moment, as one of the Behemoth Clan members had turned around, he had seen a man in dark robes burst right through behind him. In his hand was a large curved sword with an orange hilt.

"The first Devil's formation!" The hooded man called out as he swung his sword down.

A large strike occurred, and a giant afterimage of a sword even larger appeared. It appeared to be a type of visual Qi. Immediately as the strike hit, the area around had slightly exploded, causing several of the members to be thrown out from the side.

'This man... he's attacking the Behemoth Clan without a second thought. How could anyone be so crazy to do such a thing, and who is he with the hood?' Bubble thought.

He could feel several pops going off in his head. He could feel it; this might be the article he was looking for.

Once again, the hooded man jumped to the side, bursting past the others, and then with his sword, he swung it to the side again, crashing into a large number of them.

Some of the Behemoth Clan seemed to be standing their ground as they charged in to attack, but jumping from above, there was a man with wild hair and a scar on his face who landed, smashing two of the attackers' heads into the ground.

"As for me, if I still carried that sword, then I wouldn't be able to do this."

Raze moved in on one of the injured men that was getting off from the ground, and before he had completely recovered, Raze grabbed him right by the face. As a stage four Pagna warrior, he had strength beyond that of a regular human, as did everyone else.

So just with his grip strength alone, he was able to lift the man in the air, but that was when they all could see what was happening. Right in front of their very eyes, the man's muscles were shrinking, his skin was drying up, and it looked like he was starting to age.

Eventually, Raze dropped him to the ground, and that truly had nearly stopped all of the commotion that was happening so far.

"The Dark Magus," Reno said slowly, moving his lips. "knows how to use the extraction technique, the technique that belongs to the demons. This is the same; it's the same as I saw that day, that time! I thought as much!"

He said this in a low voice, so no one could hear. Right now, the Behemoth Clan was conflicted on whether or not this really was the Dark Magus in front of them or not.

However, it wasn't the fact that this hooded figure knew the extraction technique. What had shocked all of the Pagna warriors there was the speed of the extraction technique.

"What's going on? Why are all the warriors frozen?" Bubble's coworker had asked.

"I guess those that aren't familiar with the Demonic Arts wouldn't know," Bubble started to explain. "What that guy just used was the extraction technique. It's a trademark of the Demonic Faction, allowing a person to draw the life energy out of a being into their own."

"I see, so they're surprised that someone from the Crimson Crane can use this technique?" The worker asked.

Bubble shook his head. "No, there are many that come and go that have tried to learn the techniques, but without Demonic Qi, it seems to not work so well. However, even among those in the Demonic Faction, it is a technique that can almost never be used in battle.

"The technique varies from person to person in how well it works, and I've heard there are some that have trained to try and perfect the technique, but the speed of extraction has still been too slow to be used in a fight.

"This is the fastest I have ever witnessed someone use the extraction technique before. He drained him, and we could see it right with our own eyes. What we might have all just witnessed right here in front of us is the birth of a Demon."

It was the final nail in the coffin for the Behemoth Clan; after seeing this, they felt like they were dealing with a monster, someone that was beyond what they could deal with. But Raze, he wouldn't forgive them.

He chased after one of the men that was running away, pulled him by the back of his clothes, and slammed him on the ground, holding onto him, he started to drain the energy from his body into his once again.

"I thought you wanted to invite me into your clan. You were very keen to show those Alchemists what would happen to them if they didn't accept. Were you planning to do that to me as well?" Raze asked.

Although some watching might have thought that the sight in front of them was cruel, it was the state of the Pagna world. If Raze didn't intervene, maybe Reno and Kizer would have been killed as well as the alchemists.

Watching the hooded man chase down the Behemoth Clan, striking them down and then using the extraction technique to absorb them, Bubble knew he had his article name that he wished to spread to the whole world.

"The Birth Of A Real Demon! This is it!"

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