Chapter 139 Be Pregnant?

Lang Ruoxian glances at Shu Sheng, and Shu Sheng says indifferently.

“Lady Hongyue wanted to intervene in several business proposals, which has been solved now.”

Yan Hua doesn’t follow up with her questions. She thinks it is quite like what Lang Hongyue would do. “You just come in time. Then I’ll go out.”

The two men keep silence. Yan Hua steps out of the ward and pauses. “Sure enough...”

Shu Sheng is lying. If it is at normal time, Lang Ruoxian will definitely ask her what she is going to do, but now it seems as if he eagerly looks forward to her leaving. Yan Hua smiles and keeps moving. Since they want to hide from her, she will not eavesdrop.

“Young Master, it’s all burnt.” Shu Sheng says, “There is no trace left. Those who knew about the incident are all in Eastern Europe now. Xiaokai is keeping an eye on them and will deal with them once they are disloyal.”

Lang Ruoxian’s expression is cold. His face has been in pale because of his injury, which is turning more deathly pale now. “Since she begins to doubt, she will definitely try to find it. Even if there is no trace, she will make some.”

“In fact, it doesn’t really matter if they know...” Shu Sheng thinks and says, “Now we have controlled all the Lang Family in our hands. Even if Old Master comes and finds out something, I’m afraid there’s nothing he can do.”

“He can’t do anything to me, but if he wants to protect someone of Lang Family, I’m afraid I can’t retaliate on them two, either.”

Shu Sheng pushes his glasses. “What do we need to do then?”

“Find her something to do.” Lang Ruoxian smiles faintly. “As before, let her be busy with other things. Then naturally she won’t have time for these...”

Yan Hua comes back with a heavy insulation barrel in her hand, and Shu Sheng pretends to pack up the documents and prepares to go. “Miss Yan, I’ll bring dinner tonight. Sorry to trouble you this afternoon.”

Having sent Shu Sheng away, Yan Hua opens the insulation barrel and a strange aroma fills the room.

“What is this?” Lang Ruoxian sniffs.

Yan Hua serves him a bowl and answers, “The pork intestine soup.”

“What?” Lang Ruoxian wants to hide. But Yan Hua has already handled the spoon. “There are also black-bone chicken and Chinese angelica and red dates in it, which are good for enriching blood.”

Just the taste...

Lang Ruoxian frowns. “Do I have to eat it?”

“I begged for a long time to cut in line.” Yan Hua looks at him straight. “It’s hard to make a reservation with this private chef.”

Lang Ruoxian opens his mouth without saying anything. When Yan Hua sees him finishing eating and remaining calm, she tidies up and says, “I have asked the house maid to stew soup. I will bring the soup to you tomorrow. It should taste better than that cooked outside.”

“Besides, Gungun wants to visit you.”

“Then tell him that I especially hope he will come to meet me.” Lang Ruoxian shakes his shoulder. “The way I look now won’t scare him, will it?”

Yan Hua looks at him and says, “You don’t seem to have changed much except for a little whitening.”

“Do I look still handsome?” The man smiles and his eyes bend into crescent-shape, a seductive look. “By the way, remember to inform me when Gungun starts the school in September. We shall take him to kindergarten together.”

“It is unknown whether you can be discharged at that time.” Yan Hua wipes her hands, “You just behave yourself and stay.”

Lang Ruoxian doesn’t say a word, but it is unknown what he thinks.

Lang Hongyue has investigated for several days and still could not find anything. Isn’t there really any clue left... Tian Bocheng comes in and sees her darkened face, so impatience flashes in his eyes.

“Hongyue, why don’t you go off work? I have a reservation at your favorite restaurant. Let’s go!”

Lang Hongyue says grumpily, “Eat what? I am not in the mood.”

“Haven’t you found anything?” Tian Bocheng knows that she has been busy surveying Gungun’s life experience and trying to find some evidences.

“There is nothing!” Lang Hongyue yells in exasperation, “How did he do it? Besides, why did he show up at that hotel? Has he already known the existence of Lang Zeyu for a long time?”

This is what Lang Hongyue fears most. If Lang Ruoxian knew the existence of Lang Zeyu, did he also know what she had done?

“If... if he has some evidences, and shows them to Dad...”

Then she is doomed to be finished!

“Don’t worry.” Tian Bocheng hugs her. “You shouldn’t assume the result to be so bad. Maybe he just happened to be there and then was drugged by someone, so he had a one-night stand with Yan Hua.”

“Think about it. If he really knew that we had found Lang Zeyu, then he wouldn’t have attempted and accomplished nothing for such a long time. Now he has the final say in Lang Consortium. There’s nothing Dad can do about him. But he still keeps silence on this matter. What is he waiting for?”

Lang Hongyue calms down. “Yes... Yes! If he says now, Dad will definitely drive me out, and then I won’t even have my current company. So he certainly... certainly doesn’t know that much, does he?”

“Yes!” Tian Bocheng smiles. “You don’t have to be so nervous. It’s no use worrying.”

Although Lang Hongyue says so, she is still absent-minded when she goes to dinner. During the dinner, she suddenly feels sick and goes to the restroom to vomit for quite a while.

“What’s the matter with you?” Tian Bocheng helps her back to her seat. “Does your stomach hurt?”

“No...” Lang Hongyue covers her mouth. “I just feel sick.”

Tian Bocheng serves her a bowl of fish soup. “Have some hot soup.”

“Eww...” Lang Hongyue pushes the bowl aside while covering her mouth. “Take it away. Take it away. It smells disgusting!”

Tian Bocheng looks at her with doubts and surprise. “Hongyue, you... You don’t have one, do you?”

“What do I have?” Lang Hongyue doesn’t react, then she freezes the next second. “You... What do you mean?”

“Are you pregnant?” Tian Bocheng is not sure. After all, she has already been in her 40s.

Lang Hongyue rises to her feet suddenly. “Really?”

“Sit down quickly!” Tian Bocheng looks at his watch. “Let’s go to the hospital now.”

When Lang Hongyue gave birth to Lang Jia, she was always suspicious and suspected that Tian Bocheng had a mistress outside. Therefore, during her postnatal confinement, she almost got postpartum depression and her body was also affected.

Later, it was difficult for her to conceive. Now this reaction makes her ecstatic. If she is really pregnant, she will have a son. If she has a son, she can struggle for the right to inherit property with Lang Ruoxian...

“Congratulations, Lady Hongyue, you are indeed pregnant, just 27 days.” The doctor is on Lang Hongyue’s side. After he finishes speaking, Lang Hongyue excitedly covers her abdomen and says, “I am really pregnant! Really pregnant!”

Tian Bocheng glances at her with complicated expression in his eyes and then asks the doctor, “Does it have any effect on Hongyue’s body? She threw up badly just now.”

“This is a normal pregnancy reaction.” The doctor writes a few notes. “You should go back and have a good care of the fetus. You should keep a happy mood, which is good for you and the fetus.”

Lang Hongyue can’t believe that she is pregnant when she returns Lang’s mansion from the hospital.

“Am I really pregnant?”

Tian Bocheng helps her to sit on the sofa. “Yes, you are really pregnant.”

“I hope it is a son.” Lang Hongyue touches her abdomen and says.

“Don’t put too much pressure on yourself.” Tian Bocheng hands the dietary precautions written by the doctor to the house maid, turning to say, “Boys and girls are the same. I like girls more!”

Lang Hongyue glares at him. “What do you know? How can they be the same! I must have a son this time.”

“Yes, yes, yes, have a son!” Tian Bocheng smiles, “Then you should stop messing around, and nourish the fetus. Just leave the company to me. You stay comfortably at home, and don’t go out before the fetus is 3-month-old. Wait until your situation is more stable several months later.”

Lang Hongyue nods frequently. She doesn’t care about anything else at all except the fetus in her abdomen, which is her lifeblood. “Then you work harder, please.”

“It doesn’t matter for me to work harder. The key is that you shouldn’t be suspicious like last time. That I am wronged is not big deal. But if you upset the fetus, that will be troublesome.” Tian Bocheng sighs. “We have been married for a long time. Last time you wronged me, which resulted in causing yourself a physical problem. This time you should learn the lesson and stop messing around. Do you hear me?”

Lang Hongyue almost swears by all that is holy. “I definitely won’t think about anything bad and keep myself in a good mood.”

“That’s right!”


“Young Master, Lang Hongyue has gone home for miscarriage prevention.”

Yan Hua just left. Lang Ruoxian is staring at the window and wants to go there to watch her leaving. But he gives up at the thought of Yan Hua saying that he cannot move. He leans back to the head of the bed sullenly. “Keep an eye on Tian Bocheng. His secret mistress in the love nest outside is just pregnant.”

“I am keeping an eye on him!” Shu Sheng thinks and asks, “Li Yi’s cooperation intention has been passed, but he says that it is not urgent and it can wait until you are discharged from the hospital.”

Lang Ruoxian smiles faintly. “That guy is an old fox. He is waiting for me to pay him back. Don’t worry. Do as he says.”

Without Lang Hongyue making trouble behind his back, Lang Ruoxian quietly recuperates. It is soon the end of August. He has already been able to stand up and sit in the wheelchair to stroll, but the doctor still won’t let him walk by himself.

“Has no one asked him to take part in any movie?” When Yan Hua comes in this day, Lang Ruoxian asks.

Yan Hua puts down the insulation barrel and glances at him. The man is sitting in a wheelchair, leaning against the French window, and staring at her with a darkened face.

“If he wants to be a driver, just be a driver. Why does he do everything to please you?” Since Lang Ruoxian knows that Fei Shan picks up Yan Hua every day, he often says in a voice dripping with sarcasm. Especially now that he can move, he just lies prone in front of the French window to watch every day.

Seeing Fei Shan send Yan Hua to the hospital gate, and even talk for quite a while, Lang Ruoxian just wants to get a gun to fire at him.

“Uncle!” A little head pops out at the door.

Lang Ruoxian stares blankly, for he didn’t see Gungun just now...

“Sister Xiaojiu said it would be a happy surprise!” Gungun runs in, “Mommy said you would peek, so I hid behind the tree and sneaked in. Uncle, are you happy? Are you pleasantly surprised?!”

Lang Ruoxian picks him up. “I am very happy and pleasantly surprised. Thank you for coming to see me, Gungun. I miss you very much.”

“Uncle, then see me quickly!” Gungun says hastily, “I’m going to the kindergarten the day after tomorrow, and I won’t be able to visit you all the time.”

This summer vacation, Gungun comes to the hospital with Yan Hua at regular intervals. Yan Hua will feel less embarrassed when Gungun is also there. If it is someone else, Lang Ruoxian will be impatient, but he always grants whatever is requested to Gungun.

“The day after tomorrow...” Lang Ruoxian touches his chin. “Uncle will take you to kindergarten the day after tomorrow.”

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