Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 3503 Being Concerned

[20 - 0 - 4]

The results of Eldia being accepted as the twenty-fifth wife also came out, but the spirit was still sleeping in Davis's soul sea.

"Now then~"

Mingzhi stood up from Davis's lap and flew back to her seat, continuing to stand in front of it with much delight.

"This hall is just the temporary venue. Soon, we'll have our own Harem Council Chamber where we can make decisions that influence or control our husband to our heart's content. The mechanism is also in the initial stages, so Bylai will make further changes upon further experimentation to close all kinds of loopholes."

Mingzhi smiled, "Who knows, we might even build a formation that blocks Heart Intent there, not particularly for our husband but for me, as it would make the process unfair if I get to know all your true thoughts, allowing me to manipulate the results even if slightly."

"We know you're fair, Mingzhi." Shirley praised.

"I'm not."

However, Mingzhi shook her head, causing Shirley to giggle.

"Sure enough. We try to be fair~"

"That's right~"

Mingzhi nodded, "As one can see, we decide if our husband can take a new woman or not, so use this power wisely, but of course, we will have the departments to look after the internal and external affairs of the Davis Family."

"For example, the Administration Department will be headed by our three big sisters, Evelynn, Isabella, and Shirley. In the same way, there would be two or three heads for each department, which we would decide later through the Harem Council. I need a bit more time to etch the rules and regulations of our family, so we'll meet after Everlight's marriage."

"Are there any questions?"

Mingzhi gave a perfunctory gaze at everyone, waiting for a few seconds before she raised her hands and cupped them.

"Then I declare the first session of the Harem Council is now over, with Tia and Eldia having become one of us now."

"Well done, Mingzhi~"

Evelynn and the others came forward to congratulate her for her wonderful leadership skills. She gracefully accepted their praises while Davis moved to Nadia and took her hand.

"If you're feeling out of it, wouldn't it be better for you to be nurtured in your shelter in my soul sea?"

"Master… no, I still need some time to learn a few things…"

"Alright," Davis nodded, knowing Nadia was taking her motherhood seriously.

She was always serious and rarely said anything unless asked. She went out of her way to learn many things from Isabella, Shirley, and Shea so she could nurture and care for her baby better in the future.

However, he knew she couldn't be using her doppelgangers as it was a species technique that would burden her body, so she had no choice but to walk in her true body.

Davis suggested, causing Clara to blink.

"That… I'm usually harsh on everyone else, so I might kill our descendants for wrongs. I'll… think about it."

"No pressure." Davis reminded, "Just think about it. If you don't want it, that's fine."

He watched her reaction, saw her pursing her lips, and nodded, causing him to follow up.

"So you don't hate me…?"

"Brother, I can never hate you." Clara lightly smiled, "Although I must say that I'm quite disturbed over this situation because…"

"…!" Davis's heart clenched.

"… the number of wives you have has reached twenty-five."


"I still remember when we were picking the absolute best within our region for you. I recommended sister Shirley to brother, and then you wed her as your fourth wife, but now, there's your twenty-fifth wife, Eldia. I simply… don't know what to think about your love life anymore that it puts me in a bind since it opens many pathways for you to be hurt as the loss of loved ones can't be mitigated by numbers as it becomes unavoidable."

Clara pursed her lips as she raised her hand and held his sleeve hesitantly, her smile receding, "I don't want brother to be hurt."

"…" Davis felt moved, finally smiling, "Thanks for your concern, but getting hurt is a part of the relationship. If there are ups, there are similarly lows. However, I'm not saying that I wouldn't do my very best to remain happy and also keep them happy, so don't worry. If someone wants to hurt me, they better have some heaven-shattering treasure with them."

Clara couldn't help but smile.

The blinding confidence her brother had always lit up her path, allowing her to remain taut and vigilant.

"Brother, you should go see Tia now," Clara advised.

"Alright," Davis nodded, "You should know I care about your opinions a lot, so don't hesitate to say if you have any problem with how I'm living my life. I don't want to be hated by you unless necessary…"

"What do you mean unless necessary…?"

"Well, I don't mean anything by it other than saying there are some unavoidable situations where I might have to put you down if you ever side with the heavens."

Davis smirked as he extended his hands and tickled Clara's waist, causing her to squirm with an amused smile.

"Brother, you can't kill me~" She giggled.

She knew it was absolute because otherwise, she would already be dead, as it was easier to abandon her than go so far as to interrupt the influence of the heavens.

"Oh, seems like someone saw right through me. Anyway, I have to return to Tia. I'll see you around."

Davis stopped tickling her as her laughter made his day. He waved goodbye and left the premises, returning to Tia.

However, even after five minutes, Clara didn't move from that place, staring at the corner with numerous thoughts crossing her mind before she shook her head and left.

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