Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 3579 Showing Off Speed?

Davis shrugged, returning his gaze to Nyoran.

"What do you want me to do, Nyoran? My hands are tied here since Queen Nadija implied that I shouldn't interfere."

"Queen Nadija…"

Nyoran turned to look at the person in question, "I-"

"Nyoran, I can take care of myself."

However, Queen Nadija raised her hand, stopping Nyoran from saying anything.

"On the other hand, you need to leave and never come back, or else you'll be on trial for trying to leave, especially with an Anarchic Divergent. You were already insulted for traveling with the Emperor of Death instead of making relations with the Ghostly Crow Clan in the true immortal world, so they'll truly take this chance to dispose of you."

"I did not plan on staying as I am a Divergent."

Nyoran wryly smiled, but she still had her gaze on Queen Nadija.

"If you were forced, then I would do everything in my power to crush the opposing forces to free you."

"Nyoran…" Queen Nadija sighed, "Just go. I'll take it up from here. Besides, Black Tyriel doesn't seem to be interested in me as he publicly stated that Rea Tyriel would be his only wife, so you wouldn't have to worry about him or even worry about me getting married to some average beast or fey."

Nyoran stared for a few more seconds, her gaze worried, before she closed her eyes and nodded her head.

"Then, good fortune, my lady~"

Nyoran stood up and cupped her hands, causing Davis and Queen Nadija to also stand up.

"There's no need to leave with me. Come to my city when you're ready. My people will always welcome you."

Davis smiled at Nyoran, causing her to look at him gratefully.

"I can't wait."

Nyoran uttered before the three of them walked out of the chamber.

Davis was about to leave when he suddenly saw Queen Nadija's expression turn solemn.

She flew outside, picking a messaging talisman that rang as it glowed with resonation. At the same time, Davis felt numerous senses fall on him.

He narrowed his brows, wondering if he was getting locked up again, but that didn't seem to be the case.

Nyoran looked left and right before she grabbed Davis's hand and flew out of the castle.

Outside, they saw smoke rising near the gates where they had come from, appearing like something had broken through and the area around the castle was burning.

"Ahahahaha! Ha!?"


In the distance, Davis caught sight of a disheveled silver-haired maniac laughing. This maniac was a man. He was about six feet tall, clad in a black-white robe, and appeared to be quite devilish in looks. Dark energy flowed out of him, but the darkness was quite strange, and it possessed a viridian glow.

Everything around him seemed to move slower, even the attacks of the Immortal Emperors of the Ghostly Crow Clan.

From the looks of it, they seemed to be defending their city from this black-white-robed man who invaded.

However, Davis narrowed his eyes.

That person turned tail as soon as he came out of the castle as though he knew not to trifle with the Divine Emperor of Death.

'It's that Time Divergent…'

Davis thought, turning to look at Nyoran, "Would you like me to get rid of him, or is there any particular reason that the Time Divergent would invade your clan?"

"This… I don't know."

Nyoran looked at the scene with anger and confusion.

Why was her clan being attacked now when there were only three days left for the Candidacy? She had just come out of seclusion and had barely heard about the rumor of this Time Divergent, not knowing much.

"Stay here and protect your lady. Don't get yourself involved."

Davis warned Nyoran before he launched himself towards the gates.

Although his prowess was lesser than his main body, it was still more than an Empyreal Monarch. Moreover, he was a soul body, so his speed was as terrifying as his main body's Essence Gathering Cultivation or perhaps even more.


Nyoran reached out her hand, wanting to stop him and tell him that he shouldn't get involved either.

This problem could be thrown on his head if things went wrong. She clenched her teeth, turning to look at the entourage of the Lunar Crow Clan and Tyriel Family, who flew out of the castle to look at what was going on.


"Go back."


Queen Nadija almost flinched as she heard a resounding sound beside her, but before she could even perceive the figure she had imagined from the familiarity of the voice, a ray of light rushed past her, shocking her.

She didn't have any confidence in beating the Emperor of Death as his prowess resounded across the First Haven World, but he was flying faster than her, a King-Tier Ghostly Crow!?

Of course, she wasn't flying faster since she had to get an overall grasp of the situation. She had just been informed that the invader was the rumored Time Divergent who destroyed a major power like theirs, so the Ancestors rushed to the scene to stop him.

She had been a few seconds later, intending to do her part as she was as strong as the Ancestors.

However, she didn't think the Emperor of Death could be faster than her as she saw his speed.

Davis slipped through the fabric of the Ghostly Crow Clan's city like a specter, quickly arriving at the gates, but abruptly, he felt his body slow down as he entered the jade-black zone of the Time Divergent.

Everything seemed to slow down within his perception. Time seemed to be slowing down. He could still see the others trying to attack the Time Divergent who escaped. Perhaps in their perspective, they caught him red-handed as they were smiling, but for Davis, the strange jade-black energy he perceived to be time energy didn't affect his senses.

Perhaps it had to do with the fact that he was an avatar and his senses connected with the main body, but he guessed his senses weren't affected because the Time Divergent wasn't as powerful as he seemed.

His perception came from the soul and not through the soul and brain like his main body, so it was unimpeded by the jade-black energy in the atmosphere.


Davis harrumphed coldly and lifted his hand. A string of reincarnation energy passed through the loop of his fingers and formed an iridescent black-white spear. As soon as it solidified into the mini-version of Spear of Damnation, its mysterious undulations broke the temporal change in the surroundings, finally causing everyone to be freed.


Their attacks clashed at where the Time Divergent had been standing.

However, Davis dodged their attacks with a curve along the path and followed after the Time Divergent, quickly catching up to the Time Divergent's speed as his speed didn't seem to be as fast as himself.

Without any warning, Davis threw the reincarnation spear, unleashing it against the Time Divergent.


The reincarnation spear pierced through the space, tearing a straight line. Even against the spatial resistance, it didn't seem to lose speed and went piercing towards the Time Divergent.


But suddenly, the Time Divergent disappeared from Davis's gaze, causing his eyes to narrow.

The reincarnation spear missed the target, but Davis had immense control over the minor version of the Spear of Damnation, which allowed him to retrieve it. He stopped, looking into the distance as he sensed the Time Divergent had teleported about sixty thousand kilometers away without even giving a single clue of spatial undulations.

However, Davis could sense the dense amount of energy shuddering around him, quickly turning remnant. Moreover, there was a certain amount of dissonance he felt with the main body while being enveloped in this dense amount of energy surrounding him.

Davis could tell this was time energy, but that meant…

'Did he just… stop time…?'

His eyes went wide as he had always thought this had been impossible with the way the space-time aligned itself with universe's balance! As far as he knew, the speed of time could only be increased through the usage of Space Laws and Time Laws and even then, stopping time had been publicly known as an impossible feat!

Even in the true immortal world, it was truer as space was difficult to control there, and there was much less time.

However, he only sensed Time Laws here mixed with a tinge of Darkness Laws.

This eclipsed his knowledge, momentarily stopping Davis from reconsidering his options of chasing the Time Divergent as something didn't seem right.

'He ran… without even looking me in the eye…?'

As fast as Davis responded, the reaction time of the Time Divergent was impeccable. Was he being monitored by the Time Divergent? Or did he have some treasure that warned him of some dangers somehow?

Nonetheless, the Time Divergent's fleeing speed certainly wasn't fast, causing Davis to quickly resume his chase as he was willing to sacrifice this avatar to eliminate a possible threat.

Stopping time?

He did not appreciate his enemies having that kind of power, and since he had already attacked, there was no choice but to chase him unless they could come to some kind of understanding. However, considering that this Divergent ahead of him had destroyed a major power with his Destructive Immortal Tribulation without announcing any sort of justification, Davis wondered if he would be sane enough to have a conversation.

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