Dual Cultivator Reborn

Chapter 609: A battle for regaining honor

"I know one thing that she is a warrior and fighting for her life, I don't think she is going to give up that easily, and moreover there is certain someone who is not going to let her die that easily, I am pretty sure she is going to be alright"Aana exclaimed as she looked both old man Lin and Alena with a different glint in her eyes and said those words to them,she has seen in yohan's eyes the way he asked her to meet Evelyn in utmost urgency and the way her master asked her to know about the origin of this unknown women Elsa.

The entire room turned silent and both Alena and old man Lin exchanged glances as they heard Aana's words and the way she said that there is someone who does not let anything happen to her, indeed she was talking about Yohan.

"Is that certain someone is Yohan lady Aana?" Alena asked as she looked at Aana with a bittersweet smile as she understood the meaning behind her words, hearing Alena's words a smile appeared on Aana's face and she nodded her head in a gentle manner.

"Yes indeed lady alena, he is the reason why I am here in the first place, my master asked me to look after the clan in his absence,and i am sure he intended to save Elsa that's the reason why he left the clan in the first place and i am sure there is something he was intended to do something for the sake of her "Aana responded to Alena.

"He asked lady Evelyn's help?"Hearing those words from aana's mouth Alena's facial expressions changed drastically as she couldn't hold herself but to ponder about something,while alens was in her deep thought a bright smile appeared on old man Lin's face knowing that his grandson indeed cares for the wellbeing of the clan and he finally asked lady Evelyn's help putting aside his pride, he never doubted Yohan and was aware that he will do anything for the clan and his people,this is indeed something best thing he did by asking lady Evelyn's help,he was aware that in Aana's presence no one is going to dare to attack the clan.

Old man Lin tilted his head and he looked at Alena with smile"I told you that he is not going to let us down, he knows what is he doing Alena, you are happy now, he asked lady Evelyn's help putting aside his pride, he did what you asked him to do that night,now you don't have to worry about anything,even in his absence no one is going to do anything to us"old man Lin said confronting Alena, seeing old man Lin that excited Aana chuckled while Alena reacted in a different manner,she know that he is happy knowing that lady aana is here and she is going to protect the clan by the order of lady Evelyn but still there was something that is bothering to Alena and she couldn't hold it any longer and bring herself to ask Aana.

"Why did he not come with you,is he alright lady aana,he left without saying anything to me,"Alena ignored old man Lin's words and she looked at Aana in an anticipation yet serious manner, she was feeling uneasy thinking about Yohan and his safety, various kinds of thoughts are running into her head and she don't had the proper answers of regarding those thoughts that were bothering her,she wanted to know why did he not returned along with Aana.

At this moment Alena's primary concern was yohan's safety as she wanted to know whether he is alright or not,he didn't see her before leaving, he returned to the clan after so many days and then he again left without saying anything to her.

And moreover why did he ask lady Evelyn's help when that night he discarded the idea of seeking lady Evelyn's help,it was a very serious issue because Alena was talking about the safety of the Lin clan and she asked him to take lady Evelyn's help so he can avoid the participation in royal tournament but that time he behave in different manner and was furious at Alena when she normally asked him to seek favor,but he refuses that time but right now suddenly he wanted to seek lady Evelyn's help for the unknown women whom she never seen before.

So many unanswered things are running in her head and making her anxious but she was mostly concerned about his safety, Aana has seen through Alena's intention of asking that question about yohan, she took a deep breath and approached Alena, and petted her shoulder.

"He is alright, you don't have to worry about him, he is with my master, I am pretty sure he is finding the cure to treat Elsa's condition, and for that, he needed my master's help and probably some time, just relax I know him very well, he will be fine and return safely,just give him some time"Aana assured the safety of Yohan and she tried to calm Alena knowing she was worried about Yohan.

"I am sorry I am just..."Alena's lips trembled as she couldn't complete her words,she was indeed confused at this very moment not knowing why is she behaving like this her head was mess right now and moreover she knew that he left for the sake of that unknown women who is laying over his bed but that uneasiness not disappearing from her heart.

"He is indeed lucky that there are people who cares for him, I can understand how are you feeling right now, but trust me you don't have to worry about him, he is fine, I assure you lady Alena,he will be here pretty soon,"Aana pressed her palm over alena's shoulder and said those words to her in comforting manner, at the same time old man remains standing inside not knowing what to do in this kind of situation, he knows his words are not going to ease Alena as she there is something else going with her, he decided to remain silent and let Aana to handled the current situation as he knows he can't do much when Alena lost her cool.




Meanwhile, somewhere inside the dense forest, a few soldiers wearing silver Armor could be seen standing in a single line facing a woman who is wearing red Armor and carrying a sword in her hand, her facial expressions were serious and her eyes were red in anger.

"The day has finally come when I take my revenge to that young master, because of him I lost my proud as a general, I lost my standing and face in front of the king, I am doing this for my honor that I lost by the Hand of that vile monster,"sabrina exclaimed as she faced those soldiers and she continued again.

"If anyone of you wants to leave then you are free to go, this is my fight and I am fighting to regain my honor as the proud general who is humiliated by the young man who is not even my half age, that bastard not only humiliated me but he caused great discomfort for the royal family, he is not ordinary man, that man killed Nicholas Nichole and recently he killed the heir of the xian clan, one of the associated clan that works under the royal family, do not take him as a fool, he is the biggest threat to the royal family and the people of the northern region if we let him roam freely, today we shall end this once for all"Sabrina cried out loud as she raised her sword in the air and shouted.

"Who is with me..." she exclaimed.

"I am with you my lady, I shall accompany you at the end of my death," one of the soldiers took a step and cried out loud clenching the sword in his hand.

"That bastard is going to die by your hands, count me in my lady," another soldier joined as he took a step forward.

"That bastard is going to pay with his life" one more soldier joined as he stated those words hitting his chest with his right hand.

"We shall regain your honor and bring him to justice" I shall accompany to you and fight alongside with you my lady, one more man joined, and soon one after another every single soldier who was presented there join the party of the more than thirty soldiers and everyone willing to put their life on the line for the honor of the Sabrina.

"Very well then we are going to march towards the direction of the river shore city and bring him to justice,no matter what he has to pay for his sins that he committed" Sabrina exclaimed and tilted her head in the particular direction where the river shore city is situated.

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