35. Flee from the Heroes (13)[br][/br] #13 Their circumstances: The circumstances of a certain hero


The Demon King gritted his teeth and said, but

“You die!”

“Trying to graduate someone who hasn’t even graduated 2 years from life!”

“If only you die, I’ll be free!”

The people in front of the Demon King gritted their teeth even more and charged at him.


The Demon King was strong. But those attacking the Demon King were not ordinary humans.

“Hurry up and kill him!”

“The Demon King is just an obstacle getting in the way! Get rid of him quickly!”

“That’s why these brats are…!”

Hoodlums with big gashes on their faces that you’d see in back alleys, and

“If we kill just you, I heard wooden bat will be gone for 3 years!”

“If we just kill you, wooden bat will be gone for the remaining 2 years!”

“That’s not right! It doesn’t fit the bat!”

Morons who got admitted into the academy the Instructor made.

“You follower of the evil god, die!”

“The dirty seeds of evil, die!”

They were elves armed with branches of the World Tree.

“Kuhk! Kuhk!”

With the attacks pouring in like waves, the Demon King could only take the hits.

The Demon King’s attacks were so tricky that even I or Mirea would have a hard time blocking them, but they were negligible compared to the number of people gathered here.

“Kraaah! Die! The world must die!”

An enormous amount of dark energy poured out from the Demon King’s body.

A huge pillar of darkness that seemed to reach the sky.

Even I felt creepy from far away.

He must be trying to use his killer move.

The only problem was…

“Who said they’d wait until he uses it!”

“Oh! That must be your killer move, right?”

“You’re supposed to attack when someone uses their killer move or transforms!”

…That every single one of the humans filling the land was associated with Instructor in some way.

From the small fries chasing after Instructor, to the beings who received Instructor’s teachings!

Normally, they would feel the tremendous power and either flee or prepare their defenses, but people associated with Instructor use the method of beating them up before they can prepare their attack!


The enormous pillar of darkness started disappearing from the attacks pouring in from all sides.

“That’s the power of the World Tree’s branches!”

“O evil one! Receive the power of the goddess of benevolence and devotion who defeated evil long ago!”


Just grazing the spears made from trimmed trees made darkness bleed out from the Demon King’s body.

The darkness flowing out like blood disappeared in smoke shortly after.

“Kraaah! All this just to… Uaaah!”

It felt like his words weren’t connecting well, but the Demon King’s sentences were getting longer and longer.

Compared to when he fought me, his sentences were over 2 times as long now, so he might be over 2 times as strong.

It was a truly absurd level of strength.



He would have to be 3 times, no 5 times stronger to be able to fight evenly with these guys.

“This… Because of this! I will… the world…!”

“Even my 2 year old half sibling can speak better than that!”

“Can’t even use the title of King properly!”

“You fool! Go get hit with a stick in Yughrasia and learn your letters!”

“Kahk! Kraaah!”

Now I was starting to feel sympathy for the Demon King who was basically being insulted.

I mean, he’s still the Demon King. The huge villain threatening the world.

Look. The heroes are up there whom I don’t know when they got here.

They were so shocked to see the Demon King who made countless victims yet couldn’t be defeated getting beaten like a sandbag.

And the opponent is the Demon King. Ask them to take down the Demon King a bit more fittingly.

Demon King, try harder too.

I’m saying your value is dropping to the floor!

Because of that, the value of the heroes destined to fight you is dropping to the floor too!

If you keep this up, these guys will look down on heroes and

“Hand it over if you don’t wanna get beat up.”

“No, it should be handed over to us.”

“All beings in this world have received salvation from the goddess of benevolence and devotion. It is by order of the high elf, her apostle. Hand over that letter.”

They’re even threatening me with swords.

“Do, don’t get close!”

I yelled while showing them Instructor’s letter that saved my life.

“You, you know what’ll happen if this burns, right?”

I’m not waving the letter around carelessly.

Someone like Mirea might snatch it away, so I’m gripping it tightly in my arms as much as possible with the letter pressed against me.

That’s why the others are only threatening me and not trying to take the letter by force.

“You’ll burn it if we get close?”

“But if that burns, you’ll burn too, won’t you?”

Uh, um… It’s very likely what he’s saying, so that’s scary.

No, guys like them will definitely tie me to a stake and burn me at stake in front of everyone.

“But if this burns by your mistake, you’ll be sharing that fate with me, won’t you?”

Now’s not the time for you to be a hero, you were a member of the Ast kidnapping group, and you had a senior-junior relationship with your boss back in Howling.

I don’t know much about elves, but… There’s a saying that birds of a feather flock together.

They’re probably not that different from the other two groups.


Proof that the other party also only glared at me and gritted their teeth instead of taking any other action.

“Let’s negotiate. We’re taking down the Demon King according to your demands. So hand over the letter to us who contributed the most people.”

A sharp-looking man stepped forward to propose negotiations first.

He doesn’t look like he’s from the empire so he’s probably the senior’s subordinate.

Senior, the standards of your subordinates have really dropped huh.

“Negotiate? Sure. But what nonsense are you spewing?”


Haha! Putting on such an intimidating look only scares small fries.

A top negotiator, on the other hand, negotiates with an metal bat.

They ask ‘You wanna negotiate after getting hit or negotiate without getting hit?’ while swinging a metal bat. Compared to me who’s tried negotiating with people like that, these guys don’t even know the ‘negotiate part of negotiating.

“I said I would take down the Demon King, I never said I would give you the letter after taking down the Demon King!”


“I meant exactly what I said. I clearly said ‘If you capture Instructor with this letter, Instructor says he’ll be captured forever hahahahaha!’”

I even imitated the way I said it earlier.

“Just what is…”

“You still don’t understand? I never said I’d give it away.”


The man finally understood what I meant and bared his fangs.

“Do you wanna die?”

“What are you saying. Doesn’t it look like I’m desperately trying to live?”

Asking if someone wants to die when they’re clearly doing their best to stay alive and escape.

Senior, no matter how many people you gather, do you really need to bring in half-baked guys like this too?

“Negotiation means compensating the one who has control.”

There is no such thing as equal negotiation.

Whether it be power, authority, or money.

How could those who have something and those who don’t even have, ever have an equal deal?

“There is one letter but three places that want it. No, there are only three forces here now, who knows if there are other forces hurrying here now.”

It was about the instructor.

The limits of human imagination cannot foresee everything.

“If you give away that letter, you die.”

I was my senior’s subordinate, I played around in the afterlife, why is my vocabulary so lacking?

I should teach him how to properly threaten after being part of the continent’s top evil organization.

“Will you really? If I give this letter away, you’ll kill me? Don’t you think it won’t happen? Do I look harmless? Even looking like this, I’m the person called the strongest hero.”

“I know that. Even the Demon King I tied up alone was overwhelmed by the power of numbers. Do you think you’ll be any different?”

Hmph! I knew you’d say that.

“Of course I’m different. If I give this letter to someone else, will you catch me or the person who received the letter?”


I had finished all calculations the moment I shouted about the letter.

Even this conversation now was one of the scenes I imagined in my head.

Okay, shall we start the threats now?

“What would happen if I dropped the letter in front of you? I know because I’m between you and my senior, you can’t just die right? No, you won’t die. You absolutely won’t die. You won’t be able to die even if you want to.”

“Wha, what are you saying!”

“What do you mean, what am I saying? Are you asking if I want to die after playing around in the afterlife? If you played around in that world, you shouldn’t ask if I want to die, you should ask if I want a body that can never permanently die!”

Death is the end of life, but at the same time, it is also relief. Because when you die, you are freed from all suffering.

It wasn’t for no reason that people suffering from terrible illnesses who couldn’t bear the pain committed suicide by drinking poison.

“What are you talking about? The moment you drop that letter, you will suffer eternally.”

“Do you think threats like that will work?”

“They won’t. I can guarantee it. Let me tell you, if I give the letter to someone else and get dragged to my senior, I’ll say this.”

“Wha, what……?”

I gave the ominous man a very evil smile.

“That I gave the letter to someone else because I don’t like you.”

“With just that….”

“You bury people right? Your boss who is also my senior.”


“Shall I do it? When there are two places that want the letter?”

As I shook the letter slightly and showed it, the man’s face began to turn white.

“Hmm, just give it to us.”

“No. Please give it to us, hero.”

The Imperial Army and Elves didn’t know what was going on so they rushed over, but I don’t plan to give it to any of you either.

I’m just threatening, I can’t give my lifeline away in an instant.

“I am a hero. A hero has a heart as vast as the ocean. I can easily forgive mistakes like yours.”

“Tha, thank you.”


Ignoring the two people, no, one person and one elf who briefly clicked their tongues.

“Let’s negotiate, shall we? I’ll give this letter to the force that makes an offer I want.”

Hmm… It felt a bit awkward using such an arrogant tone, but it seemed like no one noticed.

Good, gotta keep this up.

“No one? Then shall I burn it? Let’s just all die?”

“Wha, what is it you want, hero!”

Ho! The Imperial side bowed their head first.

“What I want most is for everything to just disappear, but that can’t happen. For now, me safely getting out of here?”

“The, then can’t you just leave the letter on the floor and go?”

…That’s right, isn’t it?

“If, if that happens, getting this letter will become the priority over defeating the Demon King. As a hero, defeating the Demon King should be the priority which is why I’m keeping the letter safe.”

I almost agreed for a moment there but maintained my poker face as much as possible so as not to show an opening.

Damn! That was an unexpected move. Why didn’t I think of that?

If it was before getting surrounded, it was a move I could have executed right away.

“Is that so….?”

The imperial soldier, still glancing at the writhing Demon King, was the first to propose a condition.

“The moment you give us the letter, all personnel will withdraw.”

Hmm… That meant to run away while bringing the other forces.

“Not bad.”

If I could just jump to where the Heroes Alliance was, even if a bit far, safety could be guaranteed.

“We will separately escort personnel to guard you.”


My senior’s subordinate added the condition of an escort on top of that.

Good, the price of the letter keeps going up.

“We will… Give this too.”

“Tha, that’s…!”

The elf added the wooden stick he was holding as well.

It wasn’t an ordinary wooden stick.

A branch of the World Tree! Ingredient for a wooden bat!

If I just had that, I might even be able to make a wooden bat!

Since this was Made in Black Anvil!

“Ah… As expected of elves with heads full of foliage. With just a single branch….”

“A, a fresh branch from the World Tree?”

“Wo, World Tree?”

“That’s right. A fresh branch the Princess cut directly.”

“Cut directly? The World Tree?”

The eyes of my senior’s subordinate and the imperial soldier widened at that moment,

“Shut up and hand it over.”

A cold voice echoed by my ear.

“You’re okay.”

“Yeah. So hand it over.”

The owner of that voice was Mirea, who had faced the Demon King alone until I gathered the others.

She had quite serious wounds but was already walking around again.


“Is it scarier than facing the Demon King?”

With that aura, it seemed like she could have fought the Demon King one-on-one.

“There will be negotiations.”

“Huh? Yeah, with this letter…”

As I raised the letter towards Mirea who abruptly started talking about negotiations, she cut me off.

“If you bring that letter, His Majesty promised to summon all the royal chefs from every kingdom on the continent.”

“So your story was about being negotiated with?”


The moment her words trailed off, I ducked instinctively.

Mirea’s palm swept past where my neck used to be.

“Hey, are you trying to kill me?”

“It’s just my palm. It won’t kill you.”

“Even if it’s a palm bound by a knight’s oath, it’s still more dangerous than a sword, you know?”

As I spoke, I rolled towards the floor again. Because Mirea had kicked towards my face.

“If you hand it over obediently, I’ll spare your life.”

Oh, yeah.

For a moment, I almost said that and handed over the letter.

“But, the negotiations…”

“The Empire does not negotiate with villains.”

“But I’m a hero…”

“You used to be a villain, right?”

I wanted to retort that you’re the same, but with Mirea’s continuing magic, I could do nothing but run away.

“Damn! When am I gonna die?!”

I wanted to toss away the letter and escape, but I couldn’t since the Demon King hadn’t been captured yet.

It was because of the contract I made with Instructor Geas Scroll.

And as if understanding my feelings,


“Now you die!”

The Demon King who had been getting beat let out a scream unlike anything before,


“Everybody run!”

“Ah, no! Pyrice!”


He started knocking down those attacking him while emitting an evil aura from his whole body.

“Damn! Is this his final awakening?!”

Baring my teeth, I looked between Mirea, who was solely after the letter, and the Demon King, debating whether to protect the letter or abandon it and take down the Demon King.

And the one who saved me from that debate was,


“That’s why Instructor called him a cockroach!”

Senior Rain who slammed the back of the Demon King’s head.

Senior will take down the Demon King!

“So run!”

“Stop right there!”

While desperately avoiding Mirea’s attacks like that, I came to understand a little why Instructor ran away like he did.


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