Chapter 13: Pink Hearts

Nine distinguished and long-established families held tremendous influence on Japan’s exorcism industry.

Among the most famous were Kuzunoha the Spirit Fox Family and Soya the Shikigami Family.

"Although I’m still inexperienced, might be a bit of a dunce sometimes, and still can’t handle shikigami very well yet… it’s simply not possible for my family’s shikigami to disappear on their own once activated."

She asserted so, firmly.

"Everything had been rather chaotic at that time since I was on the verge of being shaken off so I wasn’t able to see what happened. However, I’m certain that you did something. It must have been you who exorcised the shikigami."

"…Like I said, that’s a misunderstanding."

Despite everything I’d said, Soya remained completely convinced that I had a hidden ability.

The spontaneous disappearance of a shikigami taken out from her family’s home was apparently improbable to such an extent.

What should I do? At this rate, it would be difficult for me to play dumb for much longer… As I was struggling to find a way out of this predicament,

"…so you still intend on playing dumb. Well then,"

Soya took out four talismans from her uniform pocket and threw them into the air as she formed a hand seal.

"I’ll force you to fess up!"

Bohn! The talisman was wrapped in smoke as it changed shape. A shikigami then appeared in the form of–a two-headed girl. There was also a red bird, a blue dragon, a white tiger, and a green tortoise. These shikigami seemed to be a liberal anthropomorphic interpretation of the four cardinal directions’ gods and together with the two-headed girl, they rushed simultaneously through the air towards me.

"Even though I might be a dunce, I can still properly control first-ranked shikigami!"

"You! What the hell do you think…"

I tried to escape but ended up surrounded by shikigami from all sides. And then,

"Gyaaaah!? Stop it, stop it!"

"Tickle tickle" "Brush, brush" "You’ll feel nice and comfortable after being brushed" "Rawr–"

The shikigami tickled my sides and neck ferociously as they spoke. I tried peeling them off and tugging on their heads but their strength was slightly superior to a child’s, which wasn’t something to be scoffed at. Although they were first-ranked, there were four of them sticking to me at the same time so I was heavily outnumbered.

"If you’re the Furuya-kun who defeated a fourth-ranked shikigami, this is nothing."

As I wriggled around laughing helplessly, Soya locked the practice room from the inside to seal off my escape route.

"If you continue to attempt stubbornly hiding your power… then what do you think will happen first Furuya-kun, my spirit power running out or you dying of laughter?"

This bitch–… does she want me to reveal my ability and join her team that badly?

Although I didn’t know why she was so insistent on getting a powerful teammate… Fine, I’ll show her.

Before I came here, I had settled on not using my trump card since I thought there was no way it could work against someone who sent such shameless blackmail.

However, I changed my mind after seeing Soya blushing as she said, "Juice made from 100% breast milk".

In spite of her odd psychic ability, Misaki Soya seemed to not be very comfortable with perverted things. So what would happen if I showed her climax exorcism?–I thought about it and decided to take the gamble.

"Okay, fine, I admit it."

While enduring the tickling, I shouted at Soya.

"It’s true that I have an exorcism ability. But look, can you possibly call this exorcism!?"

I took off my silver crucifix bracelets.

Heat seeped into my hands and I felt an uncomfortable sensation in my eyes.

Strange points of light emerged on the bodies of the shikigami who tickled me from all directions. Although their bodies were covered by cute outfits, the light was easily visible even from above the clothing.

I thrust my fingertips into that glowing spot–the pleasure point–from on top of their clothes as if I were pressing a pressure point. Instantly.


Tremble, tremble, tremble!

The four shikigami twitched and rolled towards the ground, wobbling and tumbling while raising sweet voices.

Even after crashing down, the shikigami continued to stick out their tongues and drool while swaying their hips, spurting fluid from their crotch area. It was a mystery where the fluids came from.


When Soya saw this, she went rigid for a few seconds, not knowing what had happened.


Hiding her reddened face behind her hands, Soya was at a loss for words as she fell into a panic.

"W-what, how can this be? My shikigami don’t have such a weird function…"

Just as I thought. Soya was not comfortable with perverted things.

"……Now you know."

By the way, I was also not very good at dealing with this kind of stuff. I was sure that my face was as red as Soya’s. While averting my gaze from the shikigami shivering on the ground with ecstatic expressions and the bright red Soya, I continued,

"It’s this kind of power. Try going around exorcising spirits this way. It won’t be just me, anyone who teams up with me will also be scorned by everyone as pervert psychics. Just give up on me and look for someone else."

I rewound my crucifix bracelets and sealed my ability.

I unlocked practice room number five’s door and began to leave.


Soya pulled on my sleeve, shaking with a bright red face.

"A-as I expected!"

Soya’s eyes were filled with tears, probably from shame, as she turned her face away from me with all her might.

"I-I think I understand how it works. Since sexual climax can be considered yang energy, you made it explode from inside the shikgami’s spirit bodies which are made of yin energy… so it’s that kind ability!?"

Soya analyzed the situation with a sense of desperation as she watched her shikigami disappear into thin air quietly.

"I think… that with this ability, you could take down even the most powerful evil spirits with just one hit. He, hehehe, I knew my feelings were right. So let’s get started on our journey to success!"


Was she being serious? This girl.

She was already this flustered just from the climax of a little two-headed shikigami.

Her teary face made it seem like she was about to blow a fuse.

She definitely wouldn’t be able to stand the sight of an evil spirit in the form of an ordinary woman climaxing, much less an old man’s spirit climaxing.

I wasn’t kidding, giving an old man a climax exorcism was without a doubt, an absolutely traumatic and horrifying experience…

I had already almost forgotten that I was trying to escape Soya’s team invitation, and asked her curiously,

"Why do care so much about becoming successful?"

So much so that you even bothered to invite someone like me who only had a gag ability like exorcism climax.


Soya then turned her face down and placed her fingers over her eyes which were full of tears.

She took off what looked like contact lenses and then suddenly raised her face,

"It’s so I can break my eyes free from this wretched curse!"

In her eyes which were moist with tears.

Large pink hearts floated.

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