August 28, 2148.
A week had passed since he started his solo subjugations in Everglade.
On weekdays Brandon would diligently attend lectures. All while meeting with the Disciplinary Committee.
Then in the afternoons, he would continue leading his class. Once those ended, another meeting with the committee would occur.
The days went by like this.
And before he knew it, the Foundation Festival was set for next week.
Things were progressing pretty smoothly.
But that was until…
“What do you mean the supplies were stolen?”
Currently, Brandon was on the phone with their food supplier.
—We’re really sorry, Sir. The delivery would be pushed back for the next two weeks.
“I can’t have that. The Festival is next week.”
—To compensate, we’ll be delivering 60% more goods than the amount you’ve requested. And all for the same price.
Brandon massaged his temples.
“Could you provide any details on what actually happened?”
At that, though it would have been confidential. The company couldn’t refuse once Brandon mentioned the Locke and Constantine name.
“‘I’ll pay you back for using your family’s name, Amelia.”
She wasn’t actually present. But Brandon silently bowed.
Apparently, the crime happened last night.
The thieves were able to bypass security and managed to steal a substantial amount of supplies.
It was a heist.
The only thing they knew from the security cameras was that it was done by a group.
But as to what group…? They didn’t know.
It seemed to have been planned since the thieves were able to escape before the guards could stop them.
“Useless Guards.”
Brandon laughed and massaged his temples once again.
It was irritating and the thought made him squeeze his temples.
But there was no other choice.
“I’ll be there in an hour.”
—Sir? What are you–
“An hour.”
He decisively cut him off.
“I’ll investigate.”
—The police are already doing tha—
“And I’m from the Locke Family.”
He didn’t want to use his family’s name like that.
But he had no choice.
It was the only way he could involve himself in the case.
—Alright, Sir. I’ll inform the police about your arrival.
“Thanks, it won’t be just me.”
Brandon looked at the familiar figure that stood beside him.
With such thoughts, he openly informed.
“I’ll be coming with a Special Force officer.”
—Special Force?!
Crossing his arms, Raven pursed his lips.
“So? What’s the situation…?”
That was when Brandon informed Raven on the gist of what happened.
It took about ten minutes before they finished and discussed their next course of action.
“I see.”
Raven squinted his eyes.
“Are you confident we’ll be able to find something?”
“It’s worth a try.”
Nodding, Brandon stood up and pulled back the black blazer that was draped on his seat.
In one swift motion, the blazer cascaded down and freely flowed down like a cape.
Looking at the other figure that stood with his arms crossed and his eyes closed, Brandon nodded at him.
“Let’s go, Reinhard.”
“Got it.”
Reinhard nodded.
The three beckoned outside, only to be halted in their steps as a woman stood to block their path.
Her dark-crimson gaze alternated between the three of them before eventually meeting Brandon’s gaze.
“Where are you going?”
“Something’s happened with the suppliers. We’re going there to investigate.”
Brandon frowned.
Trying to stop herself from further laughing, Rachel covered her mouth.
Uncovering her mouth, she pursed her lips.
“Can I join?”
“Come on, I’m sorry for laughing. It just sounded like some chuuni’s detective fantasy.”
“Can’t blame me when you talk all serious and stuff.”
“Let me join. Sounds like fun.”
“Eh… It’s so boring here—”
Cutting her off, Brandon sighed and looked at Rachel seriously.
“Stay here and keep the class in check. I’ll give you the highest authority.”
Rachel looked back at him and contorted her expressions into something serious as well.
Brandon nodded and continued to walk forward. Raven and Reinhard followed closely from behind.
Way too easy to convince Rachel.
They continued to roam around the halls. Passing by students, most of their gazes landed on the three.
“Woah… It’s Brandon.”
“Raven looks as cool as always.”
“Yuck…! Why is Reinhard always with them?”
Reinhard’s brows twitched as he heard the comments about him.
Brandon and Raven tried to hold back their laugh as they both covered their mouths.
But it was to no avail as a strange sound escaped Raven’s mouth.
And Brandon followed shortly after.
“Shut up, you two.”
His shoulders slumped down.
“This is unfair. Why am I the only one getting comments like those?”
“No idea.”
“Beats me.”
Raven and Brandon nonchalantly shrugged their shoulders.
But they knew why it was the case.
Reinhard was a well known womanizer and a party boy in the academy by now.
He was, of course, a responsible student with the strength to back it up.
It was only when women were involved when his personality became questionable.
But Brandon and Raven didn’t mind it.
Reinhard’s relationships were none of their business.
In the end, he was a good friend.
As soon as the exit was within sights, they once again halted in their steps as a voice called out to Brandon.
The three turned around, and what greeted their sight was a sight to behold.
Her golden locks were tied to a ponytail as her azure eyes met Brandon’s gaze.
She adorned a white sports bra with a white jacket to cover her shoulders. Sweat trickled down her forehead and the sun’s glow reflected the sweat on her body.
Reinhard’s eyes widened at the sight of her.
Realizing who she was, Brandon opened his mouth.
“Amelia? Why so sweaty…?”
“Haa… I was training.”
“I see.”
She approached Brandon and turned to look at the other two behind him.
She then looked up at Brandon who was taller than her.
“Going somewhere?”
“Alright, just wanted to give my greetings.”
She then turned back around and Brandon nodded at her.
They parted ways but was halted yet again as Amelia reminded him.
“Oh, and don’t be late for the meeting later.”
Just like that, they parted ways and the three finally stepped outside of the academy.
Shortly after, Reinhard’s voice reached his ears.
“Dude, how did you stay composed after seeing that?”
“Haa… You’re so lucky to be able to talk casually with Amelia Constantine.”
“You don’t get it, Brandon.”
What the hell?
Where was all this coming from?
It was then when Reinhard passionately informed him.
“Just like President Belle, Amelia Constantine is considered a Goddess in the Academy.”
“People like me could only hope to look at her. She’s known to ignore most men. But you…”
“…You are an exception. You are an anomaly Brandon. That’s what you are…!”
At the mention of ‘anomaly’, Brandon’s brow twitched slightly.
Reinhard wasn’t far off.
According to the system, Brandon was an anomaly.
Brandon laughed at that comment.
He could very well agree with most of Reinhard’s statements.
Goddess was just exaggerating it.
But he couldn’t deny that Amelia was a beauty.
It left him puzzled why Amelia treated him differently.
But it was most likely because he was her best friend’s younger brother.
It had to be that.
Else, it would make no sense.
But he dismissed all his thoughts.
She was out of his league and a senior at that. She was also his older sister’s best friend.
Not that he had any feelings for her.
She was more like eye candy.
Someone that’s pleasant to look at.
At that, the three motioned for a taxi and headed for Quinella Food Corp’s Warehouse.
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