Fallen Chronicles

Chapter 355 355: The Fourth Option

Chapter 355 Chapter 355: The Fourth Option

Chapter 355: The Fourth Option

In a small alley, the Succubus Princess, who was lying on the ground, was both nervous and expectant as the footsteps drew closer. She was a "barely alive" survivor, but she had her standards.

At first glance, she appeared to be a malnourished refugee, but through the holes in her clothes, one could see her pale skin. Her chest, half-exposed through the collar, was still alluring despite her poor nutrition. Her short top revealed her thin but well-shaped legs.

With the Succubus' magic enhancing her appearance, she looked more like a homeless, hungry, beautiful girl than a "barely alive" survivor. Anyone who saw her would be drawn to her and aroused by her.

For instance, ordinary people would immediately have wicked thoughts, like feeding her and then asking her to "repay the favor" in bed.

So, Momo was curious about what kind of wicked thoughts Ashen would have. And she wondered if this legendary leader of Ashen's base would succumb to her charm and give in to his desires. If he did, she would consider him as nothing more than that, and he would only be worthy of kneeling before her.

Finally, the footsteps stopped, and the Succubus Princess, with her eyes tightly closed, could sense that Ashen was standing right in front of her.

"Please… help me," Momo said weakly, opening her eyes and pleading.

But before the Succubus Princess could even think that Ashen would hesitate, he acted decisively.

In response to Momo's plea, this "cloaked figure" reached into his chest and quickly produced a bottle of medicine.

This scene left Momo feeling both pleased and disappointed. She was happy that he had resisted her charm and had not made any moves driven by desire. Instead, he had quickly and decisively offered her his precious medicine, clearly intending to save her.

From this, it can be seen that Ashen is kind-hearted and has a firm will, unaffected by the Succubus' charm, indicating that he is a pure and clean person at heart, completely different from the rumors of being ruthless and cold-hearted and doing whatever it takes to achieve his goals.

However, as a Succubus, she is not too fond of such "good people" from the bottom of her heart, as honest people cannot satisfy their needs.

Of course, as the Succubus Princess, she does not have such lowly thoughts. Her disappointment is that honest people cannot become saviors, and such kindness is actually an obstacle to saving the world.

While the Succubus Princess was lost in her complex thoughts, Ashen had already stretched out his powerful hand from under his cloak and gently helped her open her mouth. He then slowly fed her the medicine, pouring it into her body.

His considerate method and the powerful aura that she felt as he drew closer made Momo's heart flutter, triggering her Succubus instincts and giving her a strange feeling.


[Such a foolish good person, you will be easily deceived in the future. Since you passed the test by feeding me today, I will reluctantly assist you in the future?... Huh??]

[My consciousness...my body...what is happning!?...]

[Wait, wait, wait!]

[Did he...]

At first, the medicine felt like a clear stream, and Momo didn't feel anything. Instead, she felt very comfortable and wanted to fall asleep. But as her consciousness and strength became more and more blurred, she suddenly realized that something was wrong.

However, it was already too late.

No matter how many magical techniques the Succubus Princess knew, she could not use them now. She never thought that she, who was always clever and liked to play with others, would fall into someone else's trap today.

Before her vision completely fell into darkness, the last thing Momo saw with her blurry eyes was the female maid who had been standing behind Ashen, walking towards her, step by step, under Ashen's command, as she lay there, her body completely limp and powerless from the medicine.


'Where am I?'

When Momo regained consciousness and opened her eyes, she found herself in an unfamiliar, dark, and gloomy dungeon.


The Succubus Princess's beautiful eyes first showed confusion, but soon after regaining her memory, they turned to extreme anger.

'Damn it!'

'I had fallen into his trap!'

Momo tried to run out quickly, but instead, she heard a "clang clang" sound coming from her wrists and ankles.

It was then that the Succubus Princess realized that her four limbs had been bound with handcuffs and shackles similar to those of a prisoner, and she was tied to a pillar in the dungeon.

What made Momo even more disheartened was that her disguise spell had been lifted, revealing her true form. Her pink hair, demon wings on her back, and even the tail behind her had a very heavy lead ball attached to it.

This appearance proved that the other party had seen through her disguise long ago.

'Damn it!'

After struggling a few times to no avail, Momo was annoyed but not too panicked, as such chains could not restrain her.

She activated her spell, and the shackles easily fell off one by one.

Just as the Succubus Princess felt smug and was about to escape and take revenge for today's humiliation, a demi-human with a knife appeared as if they had been waiting for her for a long time.

"It's you!"

Momo recognized the other party's identity at a glance with her distinctive dragon horns. It was the dragon woman guard next to Ashen.

However, the Succubus Princess was confident in her power.

A mere Vanguard, in the face of their Special Ability users, was nothing but a clown!

The battle began instantly.

And the outcome was as expected.

"If it weren't for this place being too small, I would never have lost... ugh."

The defeated Succubus Princess used her magic staff, transformed into a cane, to barely support her body.

Behind her, the dragoness bound and restrained her once again. And this time, when Momo saw the dragoness coming towards her with various "interrogation tools," she showed some fear but still shouted defiantly:

"I warn you! Tell that stinking Ashen to release me quickly, or else... ugh you... ah!"

"Don't, don't do this, we can negotiate, I have... ahhhh."

"It's useless, I, I won't… give up."

After a round of interrogation, the Succubus was drenched in sweat, but still clenched her teeth, showing that she was indeed determined.

A little while later, a young nun also walked into the dungeon.

When the Succubus saw her appearance and the many potions she was carrying, she immediately became furious.

She knew that there was not a single good thing about religious people, and all nuns were liars!

Under Momo's humiliated gaze, she was forced to drink many new potions from the nun's bosom.

These potions began to make her body hot all over, and her bound body began to twist and turn on more and more. Her once determined eyes now looked confused, and her chest heaved violently.

Finally, in the dizzy mind of the Succubus Princess, she saw the last two people to appear in the dungeon, the master and maid from before.

The mechanical maid whispered in her ear and used a screen to display various strange patterns in front of her eyes, beginning to modify her common sense in conjunction with the drug's effects, making her more and more confused, and it seemed that the only thing left in her mind was that person in the dungeon wearing a gray robe.


"I can't act anymore!"

"I can't continue this!!!"

After seeing the "content" script written by Renji, the actress playing the Succubus Princess, Eileen, strongly protested.

She had a dream of being an actress, but she would not sell her body.

'If the director insists, at least it should be done privately with old timer... Wahhh, what the f*ck am i thinking, Never,never,never!'

This scene could not be broadcast in the official movie and was quickly deleted.

It was originally intended to be discarded and deleted, but considering that this was Renji's first time directing, this scene was filmed and given to Renji as a keepsake.

During this time, many people at Sin City Media admired Renji. In their impression, scholars should be very conservative and old-fashioned, but they did not expect that there was someone like Renji, who had such talent and imagination for shooting action films. Many of the scene arrangements were professional.

However, to the regret of many media people, Renji did not seem to have any plans to continue to delve into this area. When they proposed that after this play was finished, they hoped to invite Renji to make some low-cost small movies as a director and screenwriter, they only received a glare from Renji.

In response to this, the media could only sigh for the millions of action movie fans in Sin City and feel regret for those actresses who thirsted for good scripts.

Renji had to explain himself here.

"Fallen Chronicles" is a serious real-time strategy game with no vulgar content. Even if the fourth option is selected in the game, nothing will actually happen. Instead, it will cause you to miss the character "Momo."

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