Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1038: Wei Qingzhu who is about to change career

"There are a lot of people in Origin Mall today." Free-for-all pianist Liu Ruyu just walked into Origin Mall and couldn't help but sigh like this.

"There are also many newcomers in the group chat." Yueling held the magic phone in his hand, and the screen of the official group chat of Origin Mall was displayed on the screen. "They are all sea people in the city of sea."

For now, joining the official group chat after becoming a customer of Origin Mall is the choice of most of them.

"Hai Clan, should the boss plan to develop Origin Mall in the sea?" Liu Ruyu said with a smile.

Outside the gate of Jiuyao City, the dusty Wei Qingzhu three joined the group entering the city.

"Finally back to Jiuyao City." Wei Qingzhu said with emotion as he looked at the towering city wall ahead.

It took a long time to complete the task undertaken, and only returned here today.

"Although the reward is very generous, the place to run is too far." Song Qiuying sighed softly, "Don't take on such tasks in the future."

"Indeed. I think so too." Lin Wanshuang nodded in agreement.

Remuneration is directly proportional to the difficulty of the task, which has always been the case.

"Okay." Wei Qingzhu responded with a smile, and suddenly thought of something, "I saw the origin live broadcast and origin video on the magic phone are very good, should we try it too?"

Even after leaving Jiuyao City, they are still watching the information here in real time through the magic phone.

"The live broadcast and the video sound good." Song Qiuying nodded, her expression a little worried, "But can we really do it?"

"Experience can only be gained through practice. You will never get results if you don't try." Wei Qingzhu has already confirmed this idea, "What do you plan to do first after entering the city?"

"Of course I went to the owner's shop to check it out." Song Qiuying said of course, "The owner's shop has launched Rongguang, don't you want to check it out?"

The three happily reached a consensus, and soon disappeared into the rain curtain after entering Jiuyao City.

"...So, since you haven't been to Origin Mall for so long, did you leave Jiuyao City in order to complete the task you had undertaken?" Yao Ziyan looked at the three Wei Qingzhu in front of the counter.

As a long-time customer of Origin Mall at the beginning of its opening, Yao Ziyan had a deep impression of Wei Qingzhu and the others. The most important thing was the words they said when they first met.

"That's right." Wei Qingzhu smiled and nodded, "We don't plan to leave Jiuyao City recently. See if we can change careers."

In fact, most of the customers of Origin Mall are ordinary cultivators similar to Wei Qingzhu and others, and they do not treat the various products sold in Origin Mall as ordinary food.

And it would not be like Bu Lige who can spend all day in the Origin Mall, using up all the time of the holographic equipment. This kind of cost is a bit big for the bottom cultivators.

"Change career? What do you plan to do?" Luo Chuan, who was fighting landlords with others on the magic phone, raised his head.

"The origin live broadcast also has the origin video." Wei Qingzhu replied.

According to the current popularity of the two applications, it is indeed a good way.

In addition to rewards, Luochuan also added some benefits.

As long as the live broadcast reaches a certain length or the number of three consecutive videos and the number of views is sufficient, there will be account Lingjing rewards.

Anyway, Lingjing is just a simple number for Luochuan, which can be regarded as support for emerging industries.

"They are all good, you can also consider the origin reading." Luo Chuan said.

"Writing?" Wei Qingzhu shook his head helplessly, "I don't think I have any literary talent."

The answers of Song Qiuying and Lin Wanshuang were similar to those of Wei Qingzhu.

"Try it." Luo Chuan said, "Write down your story when you were mercenaries."

"Will anyone read such a story?" Wei Qingzhu looked a little moved.

"You can write something first and see how customers react."

"Well, I will try."

Watching the three people walk into the expansion space, Luo Chuan was happy.


Residents of all races living in the city have been surprised by these mysterious people who appear inexplicably.

Even so, there are still a lot of related rumors, which are almost the same as before, and some details have been added in detail.

"The number of mysterious people has increased a lot?" Elvis got the news from the knight who came to report.

"Yes, and the number is still increasing. We can't find their source." The knight's words were full of depression.

"Okay, let those investigating people come back. Those people don't need to worry about it." Elvis waved his hand casually and gave the order.

Although a little puzzled in his mind, the Cavaliers followed Elvis' orders very well.

Watching the Cavaliers leave, Elvis sat in a chair, whispers of doubt echoing in the room.

"So many new strangers...what exactly is that outsider going to do..."

Because of these sudden arrivals, the morning of Origin Mall is very lively, and it is basically full.

Luochuan felt that his decision to expand Origin Mall two days ago was correct.

Even if there is a lot of people in the store, it seems that there are not many products on the shelves that are sold out.

From beginning to end, the number of goods placed on the shelf remained within a fixed range, and there seemed to be some invisible space device.

"Boss boss, why are so many people coming over, there seems to be no change in the quantity of goods on the shelves?" Yao Ziyue also noticed this problem and happily came to the counter and asked Luochuan.

Luo Chuan was playing Doudizhu on the magic phone. After hearing this question, he paused slightly and then gave the answer: "The details are a bit complicated. In short, the shelf is a kind of hyperspace device."

He did not pay attention to this matter, and just asked the encyclopedia system-although it is sometimes unreliable, under normal circumstances it is still very powerful and comprehensive.

"Cross-space device?" Yao Ziyue couldn't help but looked at the shelves, "Sounds great, I used to feel that those are ordinary glass shelves. What are you doing, boss?"

From her perspective, she couldn't see the screen of the magic phone Luo Chuan was holding, and she was a little curious about what Luo Chuan was focusing on.

"Fight landlord." Luo Chuan answered casually, now he is in the top few of the rankings.

First place...

It is the demon purple smoke next to it.

As a game that has a lot to do with luck, Yao Ziyan obviously occupies a natural advantage.

"Oh." The question was answered, Yao Ziyue turned and left.

Not far away, Hu Kuang and others were talking and laughing about fighting the landlords. They were using playing cards.

In some ways, the applications on the magic phone can never outlaw things in reality.

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