Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1068: Full-time job hunting

The dazzling thunder was shining in the dark clouds surging like thick ink, and many creatures living in the Jiuyao Mountains had gradually become accustomed to the mighty heavenly might shrouded in the sky.

In order to survive, many monsters and ordinary creatures have left their lairs and began to forage in the dark and humid dense forest.

Because there are dense leaves as a barrier, the rain curtain becomes a lot softer after passing through the barrier, and large and large drops of water fall into the puddles on the ground and make a clear sound.

The moisture in the air has risen to a high level, and almost all objects are condensed with crystal clear water droplets, which also slows the flight of those insects.

The body is about arm length, dark brown fur like bark, and sharp nails grow on the limbs, which firmly fixes himself to the trunk.

The tongue was like a sharp sword, turned into a phantom and hit the slow-flying flying insect just passing by, completing a successful predation.

Then he was penetrated by the spear.

"It seems good luck this time." The young man stepped forward and picked up the spear. The creatures were still struggling. "Although everyone should be staying at home now, for most animals, they are prey now. good time."

"The rainy season in the Jiuyao Mountains is a time of reproduction for most insects. Most predators will be dispatched at this time to store the necessary energy or food for the next cold winter months."

Speaking of this, the young man smiled and took out the sharp blade to bring about the life of the creature: "Of course, for most predators, they also play the role of being preyed. The crisis in the dense forest is always present.

"I think the biggest crisis is you, right? 』

"Teached, I like this live broadcast style. 』

"Are you preparing to seek a full-time job?" 』


"Seek a full-time job?" The young man noticed the barrage that appeared on the screen of the magical mobile phone suspended in front of him, and nodded with a chuckle. Killing monsters is no longer done. After all, it is relatively easier to survive, and the danger is greatly reduced..."

Luo Chuan is very optimistic about this young man. Not everyone can accurately grasp the opportunity. The few people who can get the most benefits are often at the forefront of the wave.

"Boss, are you watching that young man's live broadcast again?" Yao Ziyan heard the voice from the magic phone in Luochuan's hand and leaned in curiously.

Luo Chuan could smell the elegant scent on her body, and turned the magic phone sideways to the monster purple smoke: "It just feels very interesting."

Yao Ziyan knew about Luochuan's preferences and nodded clearly: "By the way, Ziyue and the others have left the ruins and are ready to return."

"According to An Weiya, the scope of the ruins should be very large, don't you continue to explore?" Luo Chuan asked casually watching the live broadcast.

"She said that except for the ruins, it was still ruins, so she came back because she felt nothing interesting." Yao Ziyan smiled, "Yao Huichen and they passed by."

Medicine back to dust? I think it should be the news from Elena's live broadcast, but the speed is quite fast.

As alchemists, it is normal to be crazy about "spiritual medicines" they have never seen before, but they don't know what kind of medicine they can make with that special plant.

The gray-black sky was almost pouring down, and there was a dull roar from time to time, and the world became unclear under the dense rain.

The dark clouds were surging, the black-haired woman appeared, looked at the Jiuyao City like a giant creeping beast in the distance, and sighed softly.

A long black dress with a slim fit, decorated with purple-gold patterns on the edges, with a pretty face, amber-like sky blue eyes, a small nose and thin lips, giving a noble feeling.

Then he looked back, that was the direction of the ancient ruins, hesitating flashed in his eyes, as if he was weighing which way to go first.

He quickly made a decision and flew towards Jiuyao City.

Elena's live broadcast continued, and the customers in the store had gradually calmed down beyond their initial curiosity.

Of course, there are still many customers who speculate about what other magical things are hidden deep underground in addition to the special plants in the ruins.

The stream of light flew from far and near, and finally landed in front of the store of Origin Mall. Yao Ziyue and others returned to Origin Mall.

"It feels like this trip has gone for nothing. There is nothing interesting in the ruins." Tiger Kuang said with regret, "It's all in ruins, and there is only one interesting place. I found it."

"It's alright, you're complaining all the way." Yuwei frowned, she was a little tired of hearing it, "and you didn't take those plants? I think you picked a lot, right?

Yao Ziyue happily came to the counter and took out the special plant from the space ring: "Boss boss, didn't you let me bring you this plant back?"

Ice-blue flowers, purple-black branches, and silver-white metal blocks below.

Yao Ziyan's words were full of doubts: "Below here...Did you dig down those walls directly?"

"That's right." Yao Ziyue nodded, his face was full of expressions of "Quickly praise me", "In order not to damage the roots, I will bring it back together."

Yao Ziyan was startled for a moment, and couldn't help but laugh: "This is really your character."

Luochuan is now observing the plants brought by Yao Ziyue.

There is not much difference from what it looks like in the live broadcast. The live broadcast quality of the magic phone is basically not much different from the reality, but it is 1080000000P.

It doesn't matter how many zeros there are in the back, anyway, the picture quality is very good.

What interests him most is the root system hidden inside the metal.

Except for the obvious boundary with the surrounding silver-white metal, the rest is not much different.

This made Luochuan feel a little surprised.

I just don't know if this civilization has survived deliberately in the destruction of self-knowledge, or it has changed during this long period of time.

But these are not important now.

"System." Luochuan began to call, now it's time to need a system, "Can this plant be copied?"

It's pretty, and in line with his aesthetics, he feels that the expansion space can be greened.

If it doesn't work, there is nothing to lose. After all, this is just an idea that Luochuan gave birth to casually.

"Yes." Luochuan felt that the half-metal plant had undergone some kind of invisible scanning, and the system then responded, "After testing, the plant has the function of purifying the air and condensing energy."

In addition to being beautiful, it also has a special effect, although this effect is basically the same as it seems to Luochuan.

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