Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1544: You must be a fake boss

Step Lige feels that he is so close to passing away.

If it weren't for the obsession to go to Origin Mall...

He can definitely sleep till dark.

"I said, are you so?" Bu Shiyi looked at the song of Bu Li, like a wandering soul, with some amusement.

"It's not because of you." Bu Lige said angrily, "If it weren't for you, could I be demanded by my father? Do you know when I practiced? Do you know when I went to bed? You know..."


"Sorry, I was wrong."

Bu Lige's apology is very skillful and seems to have experienced countless times.

Bu Shiyi glanced at him, and said nothing about Bu Lige's use of his spiritual barrier to avoid the rain.

The weather in the early morning was still gloomy, with heavy overcast clouds covering the sky, and winter rains in continuous lines, splashing white water splashes on the ground.

The snow in the city has melted in the winter rain at the end of this cold winter month, but the temperature did not tend to be as high as milliliters. It seems that it has dropped a lot.

Bu Lige could clearly see the white chill out of his mouth.

In the early morning of winter, there are not many pedestrians on the street. In Jiuyao City, the concept of social animals has not yet appeared.

Not far away, white smoke curled up and finally melted into the gloomy sky.

"I smell the food!" As he approached the Origin Mall, Step Lige suddenly became energetic.

Bu poetically hugged his arms, watching Bu Lige leave his spiritual barrier and rush towards Yuan Gui's shop not far away.

She started to feel that this guy had just pretended.

"Good morning Master!"

"Oh, morning, help me move that table over."

"I'm sore all over, I don't want to move at all. Would you like to come by yourself?"

"I come?"

"Ha, ha ha, just kidding, let me do it..."

Bu poetically walked towards Yuan Gui's shop.

It was the same as before leaving without any changes.

A small shop with four tables, clean and bright, without any dust.

It seems that Yuan Gui is also prone to cleanliness.

But having said that, the eating environment is naturally extremely important, and it affects the mood of diners to a large extent.

Well, it's the same in all places where business is done.

"Good morning, Boss Yuan." Bu poetic also greeted respectfully.

Yuan Gui is a cultivator at the pinnacle of the Venerable, but he doesn't care about his name. Relatively speaking, he prefers the name "Boss Yuan".

This is the conclusion reached by many customers.

"Yeah." Yuan Gui nodded slightly as a response.

This is the early morning of Yuan Gui Xiaodian.

As Yuan Gui's apprentice, Bu Lige used his identity a bit and found a lot of food in the kitchen.

"Then what, Master, I will go to the owner's shop first, and come back later."

After leaving this sentence, Bu Lige couldn't wait to leave Yuangui's shop. With the thought that there would be nothing to do in Yuangui's shop, Bu Poetic followed.

The rain fell, meandering along both sides of the alley.

The store door of Origin Mall is open, and the lights are still on in the store, reflecting on the ground with stagnant water in front.

Walking into the store, the noisy rain suddenly disappeared for most of the time, and the whole world seemed to be quiet.

Smelling the scent of food in the air, Bu Lige suddenly felt that the things he just took from Yuangui's shop were not fragrant.

Of course this is not to say that it is not tasty.

As the saying goes, other people's may not be the best, but they are definitely better than their own. This is what Step Lige thinks now.

"Boss, Sister Ziyan, good morning, today's clothes are so beautiful." Bu said with a smile.

"Thank you." Yao Ziyan nodded lightly, feeling very good.

"Early, early." Bu Lige wiped his saliva and said quickly.

"It's not business hours yet, just find a place to sit." Luo Chuan said.

The dispute between him and Yao Ziyan came to an end for the time being, no one persuaded anyone, and judging from the current situation, both sides had ideas for the other to change.

Luo Chuan believed that it was necessary for Yao Ziyan to change this.

But not now, Luo Chuan still hopes to maintain his image in front of others-even if it has collapsed.

"Boss, what are you eating? I haven't seen it before." Bu Lige stared at the breakfast on the table.

"Oh, I don't know either." Luochuan's words were plain, with a feeling of rejection from people thousands of miles away.

Step Li Ge grinned bitterly, not asking himself for being bored.

Sitting on the sofa, took out the magic phone, looked through it boredly.

Bu Shiyi casually watched in the shop.

It has not yet reached the time for official business, and things can only be viewed, not bought.

"Nothing has changed..."

Bu poetically nodded slightly, and the inaudible words came from her mouth.

Soon the figure disappeared in the portal of the expansion space.

There was only the sound of eating in the store. Step Li Gexu felt that the atmosphere was a little uncomfortable, so he randomly found a topic: "Boss."

"Huh?" Luo Chuan glanced at him.

"The store hasn't launched any new products for such a long time. Can you consider bringing the new product that was launched with the movie earlier?" asked Bu Lige.

"It's already on the shelves."

"It's already on the shelves...Huh?!" Bu Lige nodded subconsciously, suddenly realizing the meaning of this sentence, and suddenly widened his eyes.

He was a little suspicious of his ears.

What did he hear?

New items in the store?

Bu Lige looked at Luochuan with suspicious eyes.

You must be a fake boss!

The real boss will never care about Origin Mall so much!

Of course, he just thought about these things in his heart, saying that he would definitely not say it. Bu Lige is not sure whether Luochuan will drag him to the blacklist in his heart.

He thinks this probability is very high.

"I think you are thinking about something very rude." Luo Chuan said casually after eating a piece of roasted rice cake.

Although the spicy taste is indeed good, he still thinks sweet is the best.

There is no doubt about this.

Just like he thinks sweet rice dumplings and salty tofu brains are better.

Step Lige swallowed, and a cold sweat broke out behind his back. Is the boss's strength enough to easily understand the inner thoughts of others at a glance?

The strength of the boss is so terrifying!

Worthy of being a god!

The **** of fate did not speak, but ate breakfast quietly.

The two gods were sitting there, and it really looked quite peaceful and natural, as if the soul was comforted and calmed a lot.

Bu Lige looked around and decided to change the subject: "Boss, didn't you say that there are new products in the store, where are they? I didn't see them."

"Find it yourself." Luo Chuan didn't plan to pay attention to him.

I don't know what's going on, but Bu Lige feels that Luochuan's mood is not very good this morning.

He couldn't figure it out.

If he didn't understand, he didn't think about it anymore, he stood up and began to look around in the store.

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