In Tianlan Continent, the importance of strength is self-evident.

When one's own realm is not enough, you can't enjoy it even when you encounter delicious food.

Gu Yunxi clearly understood this truth at this time.

"So, are you doing your homework?" Jiang Wanchang touched Gu Yunxi's arm.

"It's impossible to do homework, it's impossible in this life." Gu Yunxi was very determined.

Understand and understand, it has nothing to do with whether you do your homework or not.

"I can't control you either." Jiang Wanshang shook his head, "just be happy for yourself."

After speaking, I also drank the cherry blossom stuffed, and let out a small exclamation.

It looks similar to Gu Yunxi, but was also overwhelmed by this unique taste.

Luo Chuan opened his eyes and looked at the gloomy sky outside the window.

The rain is still falling, and the rain flows down the windows, like a swimming snake.

He yawned.

The room was quiet, the sky was dim, and there was an inexplicable feeling of being abandoned by the world in my heart.

Scratched his hair and left the room.

When he came downstairs, the noisy voice filled his ears.

Oh, so the world hasn't abandoned me yet.

At the same time, Luo Chuan had another idea inexplicably.

I always feel that it makes no difference whether Origin Mall has him or not.

…This does not seem to be an illusion.

Forget it.

Luo Chuan yawned, leaving these messy thoughts behind.

There is nothing special about him.

In addition to being handsome, handsome, and handsome, they also have more random views on things.

To put it more bluntly, that would be too lazy to care about so much.

Anyway, it had no substantial impact on him.

"Boss." Yao Ziyan smiled at Luochuan.

Most of the customers in the store also noticed, and some of them looked surprised.

They should all be recent new customers.

This is the first time I have seen the mysterious owner of Origin Mall in person, and it is normal to be a little excited.

It was the boss, who did not quite fit their imagination.

Apart from being more handsome and looking younger, there seems to be nothing special about it.

But think about it, this is the most normal.

To reach the boss's level of strength, customers like them must be completely blind to it, isn't it just like ordinary people.

As for appearance...

In terms of aesthetics, most intelligent races are actually the same.

Well, most, not all.

After all, there are always exceptions in this world, such as dwarves, in their eyes, those **** ones who are about the same size as wine barrels are called beautiful.

Ignoring these customers, Luo Chuan came to his exclusive position.

As for the previous period when Tiger Kuang managed the Origin Mall, he just moved his seat from another place and put the seat behind the counter.

"What time is it now?" Luo Chuan asked casually.

"It's only more than an hour before opening." Yao Ziyan said.

"That's it."

"How long did you not sleep."

"The main reason is that if you take a long nap, you can't fall asleep at night, if you can't sleep at night, you can't get up in the morning, and you can't get up in the morning..."

"Ah, I know what the boss meant."

Yao Ziyan coughed softly and couldn't help interrupting Luo Chuan's words.

The more I talk about it, the stranger it feels.

And mainly because Qing Yuan was blinking mysteriously at her not far away.

The expression is also particularly subtle.

Is the spiritual power of the Venerable to allow you to eavesdrop on the conversations of others?

Well, it's not an eavesdropping.

From Qing Yuan's expression alone, Yao Ziyan could almost guess what weird things she had added to her brain.


"how are you feeling?"

"Nothing feels."

"It seems to be exactly what the customers said."

"Would you like to try the specific impact first?"

"I think so too, so try it first?"

"Come, come, let go..."

Medicine Valley.

The strands of white mist floated in the air, and the air was filled with a strong fragrance of elixir. The rare high-level elixir took root everywhere like weeds.

As for the white mist, of course it wasn't pure mist, it was condensed from pure spiritual power.

In this place resembling a fairyland, faintly excited words sounded.

Look closer.

Several people with the highest status in Yaogu were gathered together, staring excitedly at Yaohuichen, who was refining the pill.

There is still an untimely spicy smell faintly in the air.

The blazing flames rose, scorching the pill furnace transformed with pure spiritual power, and the space was distorted under the extreme high temperature.

Yao Huichen had a solemn expression, and his mental power controlled the flames meticulously.

If there are any faults, the consequences will be extremely serious, and it will inevitably be the explosion of the pill furnace and the destruction of materials.

If the alchemist himself is weak, it is normal to be backlashed.

Dan Lu exploded against his face, it was a backlash in another sense.

But obviously, under the premise of Venerable Yaohuichen's peak realm, the probability of this happening is very low.

...It doesn't seem to be too serious.

Yao Huichen recalled the taste of rice cakes, and I have to say that I couldn't find the slightest flaw at all.

I don't know how sweet it is.

I heard that many customers on the magic phone are arguing about this, and they have not yet won.

Many thoughts flashed in his mind, and Yao Huichen's attention was once again placed on the pill furnace.

As the head of Medicine Valley, a little distraction when refining the pill will not cause any major problems.

Through the inner wall of the translucent pill furnace, you can faintly see that there is already a round pill forming inside, and the spiritual mist in the air is also converging here.

There was even a faint whistling sound.

After a few minutes, the flame gradually dissipated, and the pill furnace was also shattered, and several bright yellow pill appeared in the air.

The surface of the pill is engraved with extremely mysterious lines, and it seems to be born in heaven and earth.

At the moment they appeared, they began to tremble faintly, as if to escape from this place.

But obviously, this is impossible.

Yao Huichen smiled, the process of refining the pill did not cost him much, and the recovery speed of the Venerable's peak spiritual power far surpassed the consumption speed.

Spiritual power turned into a curtain and rolled down.

Several pills of medicine seemed to be aware of the crisis, and suddenly turned into streams of light, rushing in different directions.

But it was just in vain.

Soon they fell into Yao Huichen's hands.

The elders surrounding him immediately leaned forward, exclaiming from time to time.

"Perfect grade pill."

"All of this has nurtured spirituality, and there are also some blessings of law and power."

"If I didn't know it in advance, I would even doubt if the head had seen it in advance..."

Yao Huichen's appearance was quite useful, and he nodded repeatedly.

"With the master's medicine refining ability, even a high-level pill can be learned seven or eighty-eight with two eyes."

Suddenly, there were bursts of harmony.

"Yes, yes, the head is right."

"The head is great."

"The master's alchemy is number one in the world..."

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