Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1820: The boss is terrifying

Xin Hai Chengzi didn't understand how much information was contained in the eye contact between Yao Ziyan and Luo Chuan, and she didn't have much interest in it. Now Xin Hai Chengzi has only one idea in her mind: new products!

After talking about it for so long, the boss finally launched a new product.

Within half a year, my conscience discovered that rice cakes were launched, which was nothing compared to the time when Origin Mall first opened its doors. The speed of launching new products was slow.

Xin Hai Chengzi didn't have any thoughts about this. In her opinion, everything the boss did had his reasoning. After a few simple conversations with Yao Ziyan, she couldn't wait to check the new products.

The magic phone has been quiet these days.

Except for Luochuan's new novel that caused a burst of enthusiasm, there was nothing else for customers to talk about, as if a stone fell into a pool, and the ripples gradually calmed down after a while.

On this quiet morning, a message was quietly sent out.

"The movie will be shown today, and it can only be watched at Origin Mall. Come here as soon as you want to watch. 』

In fact, the account of Xin Hai Chengzi did not have much attention, but under the effect of the system, customers have seen this dynamic by chance. It has been passed on from ten to ten, and the virtual space built by the magic hand mechanism is almost lively at a speed visible to the naked eye. Up.

"what? the film? The boss still remembers this? 』

"Is the news true? I am ready to take the train to Jiuyao City, and I expect to arrive in the afternoon. 』

"Aren't you saying that new products will be released together with movies? Compared to movies, I actually look forward to new products. 』

"I saw this news just after I woke up, so I went out immediately..."

The divers and those who did not dive were alarmed as if they smelled the **** piranha. Those who couldn't come for the time being could only send a message to express their sense of existence, and those who could come and embarked on the trip.

White mist emerged from the cracks in the steamer, and the tempting sweet smell was in the air. The food was ready, but because it was still early, there were no guests at present, and Xin Hai Chengzi was the only one.

Yuan Gui sat in the back, flipping through the magic phone at random.

Paddling the fish and watching the magic phone's Step Lige seemed to have seen something incredible, and suddenly stood up, leaving behind the words "Master, I went to the Origin Mall first" and then disappeared.

Yuan Gui glanced at the direction where Lige had disappeared, shook his head, and didn't care much.

He also saw the news of the new movie. In his opinion, there is no need for excitement at all. Anyway, Origin Mall is here, and it won't be gone after today. When can I go to see it?

Withdraw his gaze and continue to watch the live broadcast. The young people in the live broadcast are talking about the cooking methods of the food they just found.

"...As you can see, the rhizome of this giant leaf sunflower is edible, but it has a small amount of toxicity, usually expressed as a tingling sensation in the mouth, and it is good as a seasoning..."

Learning is endless, Yuan Gui has never felt that he has reached the so-called peak. The Yaoziyan in the next-door Origin Mall is better than him, and ordinary customers can also find good points.

"Boss Yuan, have breakfast!"

"Give me a copy too!"

"Ten Lingjing has been transferred to you..."

Yuan Gui’s leisure time did not last long. After just watching the live broadcast for a few minutes, customers in a hurry came over one after another. The spiritual power in his body moved quickly, and even used it during the journey. After the repair base, the breakfast is only partly bought in Yuangui's shop, and most of them went directly to the Origin Mall.


Xin Hai Chengzi looked at the introduction information on the device, and looked a little confused and a little curious. The unfamiliar names that he had never heard before were also in line with the boss's naming habits for the products.

Then there is the price, Bai Lingjing.

Seiko Xinhai blinked and read it again, confirming that she was not mistaken, mainly because in these recent times, the new products in Origin Mall seem to be all ten spirit crystals, and suddenly there is an extra one hundred spirit crystals. Not quite used to it.

"The effect is... to strengthen the ability to concentrate?" Xin Hai Chengzi looked down and looked at a more detailed explanation. Originally, this part of the content was not available. Luochuan specially added it in order to prevent customers from bothering him, according to his understanding. Explained a bit.

Xin Hai Chengzi's eyes widened slightly, and then she took a breath.

In this very short period of time, she has understood the outrageous effect of the new products. Most of the products in the store are actually the higher the cultivation base, the less important the effect, such as potato chips to improve physical fitness, An ice cream that boosts mental strength.

However, the new product called Popcorn is different. The stronger the mental power is, the more obvious the effect will be. The Tianlan Continent also has magic methods such as the projection of the soul and the clone of the spiritual power, but Xinhai Seiko knows, The effect of new products is fundamentally different from it.

There has been no movement for such a long time, the boss is holding back his big move.

Xinhai Chengzi subconsciously looked back at Luochuan. The latter and Yao Ziyan were whispering about this. It seemed that they didn't realize what the new product would cause. However, when you think about it, this is in line with the identity of the owner of Origin Mall. .

What kind of merchandise in Origin Mall is not something that can cause a **** storm in Tianlan Continent casually, just like the bottle of mineral water that accidentally flowed to the distant chaotic city before, only the price of 10,000 spiritual crystals, but was forcibly obliterated. The people in the auction hosted by Xie Mengwu reached tens of millions.

Boss, so terrible.

Luo Chuan also looked towards Xinhai Chengzi. He felt that the girl's gaze towards him was a bit wrong. Of course, it wasn't that kind of wrongness, but something that was wrong in another sense. There was admiration, awe, curiosity... The mixed thoughts made Luo Chuan very puzzled.

No, what did he do? Even if the effect of the new product is amazing, you should get used to it so many times, right?

Luo Chuan didn't expect Xinhai Chengzi to see Origin Mall launching brand-new products for the first time. Coupled with her status as the direct heir of the Xinhai family, her perspective on things is different from that of ordinary customers. It is normal for her reaction to be a bit big.

Makoto Shinkai just took a second glance and then withdrew her gaze. In her opinion, the most important thing at the moment is the new product in front of her. As for the feeling that the boss is so terrifying, it can be any time. After all, the boss on weekdays cannot see the difference The difference between people.

The devices in the Origin Mall are all connected. You do not need to take out the magic phone to purchase the goods. Under the action of a certain perception function, the personal account will be automatically deducted. Of course, if the Lingjing is not enough, it will be another It's going on.

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