The business hours of Origin Mall in the afternoon are more lively than in the morning, which may be due to the fact that the news is constantly fermenting.

Among them, the salted fish girls from the deep sea accounted for a large proportion. The Origin Mall is directly connected to the Sea-Monster City. When they come to the store, they are like going out to stroll around the neighbor's house.

It is a pity for Luochuan that those shadow residents of the Shadow Realm still haven't appeared.

When he left at the time, he left a teleportation light gate directly leading to the Origin Mall, but on weekdays only Bai Yu would pass through the teleportation light gate.

Having said that, I haven't seen 1579 for a long time.

I don't know if these shadow residents have any connection with the natural disaster mentioned by Su Nan.

Luo Chuan thinks that there should be a high probability, there is no reason, it is just a simple feeling.

Amid the noise, the business hours soon came to an end. Customers reluctantly left, and they would definitely come again tomorrow if they want to come.

In Luochuan's view, the movie world is a bit of a decrypted and advanced type, which can attract customers to keep playing. Different choices will cause different results. The unknown is often the most interesting.

The expansion of the shop naturally brooks no delay. Otherwise, the group of salted deep-sea fish can occupy most of the current 1,000 locations, as well as the strange-looking marine clan...

If the Shadow Residents come again...the ordinary customers don't even think about finding a place, just watch them honestly.

"Luochuan, do you still go to the movie world at night?"

Yao Ziyan asked while eating dinner, she was busy all day today, and just wanted to take a good rest at night.

"No, go to Kolo World." Luo Chuan replied.

"Koruo World..." Yao Ziyan thought about it seriously, "Yes, Anno should be almost ready, and Hearthstone Tavern will be officially open at that time."

Luochuan is still looking forward to the development of the world of Corot.

He had a premonition that he might be able to find the connection between Tianlan Continent and the world of Koruo, and all these things he encountered would be connected by a secret clue, and eventually the truth would be revealed.

"Luochuan, how are you going to open Hearthstone Tavern?" Yao Ziyan is more concerned about this issue. "Stay in Origin Mall during the day and go to Hearthstone Tavern at night?"

"I won't rest?" Luo Chuan couldn't help rolling his eyes.

According to Yao Ziyan's statement, he would run at both ends of the Origin Mall and Hearthstone Tavern every day.

Sleeping? what is that? Just ignore it.

"What do you mean?" Yao Ziyan was eating with a bulging cheek like a squirrel.

"Temporarily shift the focus of development to Hearthstone Tavern." Luochuan has already made a plan. "Didn't I say that I would let Elena help to look at the store, plus your sister and Qingyuan to maintain the normal operation of Origin Mall. There should be no problem."

"Hmm, so we are leaving the Origin Mall?" Yao Ziyan blinked.

"What is leaving... well, you are right to say that." Luo Chuan nodded.

When I opened a coffee shop in Saintia before, the system mentioned that there was information about the world of Koror, and mentioned a term called "the degree of world resolution". After so long, coupled with the exploration of countless customers, the world analysis The degree has reached the value that allows Luochuan to cross the world barrier.

"Without the assistance of a holographic device, we will go directly to the world of Koruo in a real state." Luo Chuan and Yao Ziyan explained, "Are you sure you want to go with me?"

"Luochuan, do you want to leave me?" Yao Ziyan wrinkled his nose.

"I didn't say that." Luochuan took a sip of fruit porridge, "In fact, it is not much different from using a holographic device, it is just replaced by a real trip."

"It's not so different?" Yao Ziyan felt that Luo Chuan's way of thinking might be a little different from hers.

"Anyway, you can still return to the Origin Mall at will. It's not that you won't be able to return after the past." Luochuan looked firm, "This time I definitely can't repeat the road of failure like the coffee shop last time. Xiaoyan, do you have any confidence? ?"

"Yes." Yao Ziyan replied with a smile. She didn't expect Luochuan to have such a side, "but having said that, how should we inform everyone about this matter?"

"This... Simply put that something needs to be left temporarily." Luo Chuan thought for a while and said, "And it's not that you can't come back at will... Forget it, let's talk about it then, anyway, I will definitely not leave in the past few days."

The plan for the Hearthstone Tavern was put on the agenda long ago by Luochuan. After such a long delay, it was finally time for concrete implementation.

To be honest, he was a little excited.

After spending so long in Origin Mall, I finally got a branch in some sense.

As for the coffee shop in Sonia, it can't be called a branch for the time being in Luochuan, it can only be regarded as a stronghold, with the potential to develop into a branch, but that is what will come later.

After dinner, Luochuan and Yao Ziyan once again came to the City of Steel through the holographic device.

It was still familiar with the smell of magic smoke, familiar taverns, familiar dwarves, familiar screams, and familiar rich aromas.

Anno's figure holding a wine barrel coming and going is like an elf in the night, adding a touch of beautiful color to the picture in front of him.


Yao Ziyan was sneezed several times by the strong aroma of wine in the air, and greeted the busy elf girl.

"Ah, you are here." Anno put the things down and greeted him with a smile.

Luo Chuan nodded lightly. This elf was still lively and cheerful, which made him wonder if all the elf had such a happy personality.

As for the soul lock, it was a special situation, and it was eroded by the power of the final master, and the brain had long been abnormal.

"How are you preparing?" Yao Ziyan asked with a smile.

"Ready, just waiting for you to come over." Anno was very happy. She seemed to be happy all the time. The whole elf exuded joyous emotions, as if she didn't know what the trouble was.

"Did you go to our tavern?" Yao Ziyan found a place to sit down.

"Of course." Anno nodded, "It's a bit different from other taverns in the City of Steel. By the way, you should think carefully about the things I said before. Dwarves are basically the kind of people who only recognize a few places. Stubborn character."

"It's okay, we have a lot of time." Luochuan lacks time most.

"Well, you can be mentally prepared." Anno shrugged. "By the way, Uncle Duke has something to tell you. He is the owner of this tavern. Don't worry, just simply talk to you. "

Luo Chuan coughed softly, as the digger was indeed a bit unreasonable.

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