Kronos, and everyone else watching in the stands, made faces as if they were going to be sick.
Even though gods aren’t exactly unused to gore or suicide, there was truly something unsettling about watching a woman lop her own head off with no provocation.
But more than anything, it was just confusing.
While Kronos was looking around for answers, he saw Lailah snap her fingers and erect a barrier around her and the others who were still at the table.
Kronos couldn’t exactly figure out why until he heard another wet squelching sound coming from Kirina’s body.
Her free hand had caught her head and was now holding it at her side similar to a dullahan.
Meanwhile, her neck was still gushing fountains of slowly hardening blood.
Just as dragon-headed tendrils were bursting from her stomach, they were now springing up from her neck as well.
Kronos’ ears were still ringing from the roaring of the dragon heads mere moments ago. However, he could distinctly feel ominous vibrations against his skin.
Not like the power that had been flowing off of Kirina in waves ever since this collision had started.
This was rhythmic. Primal. It was almost like…. the beating of drums.
‘That’s not my heart… is it?’
Kronos got little to no time to think about his creeping anxiety, because Kirina dramatically turned her heads towards the sky and roared right before she lost all restraint.
Her heads barrelled out in every direction with reckless abandon, striking not just her enemy, but everything around them as well.
Four tendrils slammed into Kronos’ sides, legs, and chest and hit him with the force of a Greyhound bus.
As Kronos yelled out and cursed, he rewound time by a small interval of ten seconds.
When his divine powers worked as intended, he grinned in satisfaction.
This time, when Kirina attacked, he would avoid it with the knowledge of her patterns that only he possesse-
Kronos screamed loudly again when three of the dragon heads bit his ankles while two others dug their teeth into his upper arms.
His eyes glowed bright blue, and he rewound time once again.
This time, he went back twenty seconds. His brow was creased with sweat as he breathed heavily.
He realized the problem in front of him instantly.
Kirina’s attack pattern was completely random. Not strategic or circumstantial in any way, but driven purely by the need to cause physical harm and destruction
But even though he could pinpoint her random attack patterns, he could not figure out how they were happening.
Rewinding time should mean that he was able to go back before he was bitten in certain places and avoid those attacks with pin-point accuracy.
But as many times as he went back in time, Kirina was changing what happened in their future. She never made the same move twice.
Perhaps he might’ve more easily made the connection as to why he was unable to get around her attack if his mind were not addled by madness and rage.
‘Contemtable wench… How dare you make a mockery of me..!’
Defending himself from the problem continuously yielded no results. So this time, he decided he would be the aggressor.
When Kirina started her wild, frenzied attack again where her heads destroyed everything around her, Kronos used his powers on himself and accelerated the timing of his movements to a nearly unquantifiable degree.
To the closest metric, the delay between his thoughts and his actions was as little as 0.0000001%. Not quite instantaneous, but to everyone else it might as well have been…
He moved around as if the world was fully frozen and he alone was moving at beyond mach speed.
As Kirina was seemingly stuck in place, Kronos whirled around gracefully and cut through the dragon-headed tendrils as if they were made of butter.
Kronos grinned once again. The power within this weapon was amazing.
He could passively feel it fueling his already terrifying strength to an even grander degree.
He could almost feel it speaking to him. Promoting his steps forward and urging him to make only wise decisions in battle.
No wonder Lailah did not wish to see this weapon fall into his hands. With how he felt, he could even overthrow her husband!
Kronos made no more attempts to cut apart Kirina’s body. Somehow the witch was controlling her blood as if it was a further extension of herself.
As a result, it seemed as if brute force would be required sooner or later. A true shame.
It meant that he would not only have to put his favorite new toy down, but he would have to resort to striking such a beautiful woman as well.
However, it was a sacrifice that had to be made.
How else was he supposed to break her will and force her to submit to him?
All of Kirina’s tendrils were severed, but still hanging harmlessly in the air since gravity was too slow to force them to fall.
Kronos buried the butt end of his scythe into the ground and he cracked his knuckles assertively.
As he looked at Kirina’s boy wrapped in black and violet armor, he wondered whether or not the body underneath it was as captivating as the face was…
Who would prevent him from indulging in his curiosity for just a moment?
Smiling sinisterly, Kronos took one step forward toward Kirina.
But almost immediately, he felt something wet touch his uncovered foot.
Previously, Kronos believed that Kirina randomly striking everything in a nearby radius was just for show.
She hadn’t attacked him, but instead merely destroyed the ground around them; turning once unblemished marble flooring into clunky masses of sharp rubble.
Now, he was seeing her true intention.
The blood.
Splotches of it had been displaced all along their battlefield like avant-garde artwork.
“So you noticed. I was wondering how long it was going to take you.”
As soon as he heard that sultry, sweet voice, Kronos felt his blood run cold.
Pain shot through his left foot as a jagged spear of dark blood pierced through his heel.
As soon as he screamed, blood splotches from all over rose up faster than ever before and stabbed Kronos along every conceivable patch of skin.
He wailed horrifically as they formed a bramble of bloody thorns that lifted Kronos up in the air for all to see.
Normal immortals who could not follow his movements previously were suspended in a state of disbelief.
What had even happened for the tyrannically powerful Kronos to have ended up in this embarrassing of a state…?
Kronos raged and screamed as the thorns of blood wormed their way deeper into his skin.
It was an agony even he deemed undeserving for the likes of mortality to suffer.
The thorns wrapped around his bones at least three times before stabbing him and embedding their points into the osseous tissue.
Rewinding time again was the very first thing that he thought about.
However, if time was like a wheel that only he could turn back and forth at his leisure, there was now a bar inhibiting his wheel from fully turning in his specified direction.
Kirina placed her head back onto her neck and after a couple of sickening crunches, stared up at Kronos while he roared to the heavens for this unjust treatment.
“Well… I truly do hope you had your fun. But while you lament, I am wondering… which part of you should I take off first?”
Kronos’ frantic, bloodshot eyes became blindingly blue with hate.
He turned his head to the sky and roared with power, just as his entire body started to combust from the inside out.
A blinding light filled Kirina’s eyes as she raised her hand to protect herself from the light show.
When she looked up again, there was an enormous fist heading towards her like a meteor.
Saying that it was the size of a house didn’t even cover it. This one fist probably had more square mileage than an entire college campus.
Several members of the audience screamed and teleported away.
Kronos’ fist was so big that it wouldn’t just hit Kirina, it was going to crush everyone.
Shiva and several other deities sitting at the table stood up to protest. But with one simple hand gesture from Lailah, they all sat back down- albeit with a bit of a worried look on their face.
Kirina sheathed her sword once again and closed her eyes.
The world quieted and fell away until she couldn’t hear anything except the sound of air in her own lungs.
When she sensed the fist come within her desired strike range, Kirina drew her sword once again at a blindingly fast speed.
But this time was different. Because there was no blade at the end of her handle.
A sharp whistling sound filled the air. And for a moment there was complete silence.
But soon, the cries of angels replaced the silence, as red blood fell from the sky like drops of rain, and diced chunks of flesh pelted their heads to accompany it.
A deep, slow roar rose above the disgusted cries of the angels.
It’s source was the impossibly large giant towering above the colosseum- holding his wrist while he agonized over his missing hand.
Hot blood continued to spurt down in thick droplets and Asmodeus pulled out an umbrella to shield his daughter-in-law and granddaughter.
A morbid scene to be sure, but the empress of dragons remained largely undisturbed.
‘We should have brought Camazotz. He would have loved this.’ Lailah thought in amusement.
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