Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 249: Failed Summit (Part 1)

Chapter 249: Failed Summit (Part 1)

The Business Summit on the planet Eriadu was held as scheduled. At 10:00 a.m. local time on the planet, representatives from all walks of life came to the Seswenna Hallā€”this was newly built for this business summit, and it can be said to be the top and most luxurious venue.

The guards from all sides were also on the alert, and even the usually sloppy Republic Army was in high spirits at this time, and its eyes were wide open to see the surroundings of the venue.

100,000 B-1 Battle Droids have also been incorporated into the guard sequence. Although these Droids are rigid, they can serve as a good supplement to the guard force. Put a team of Droids in some nooks and corners, and you will feel much more at ease.

On a road outside the venue, several Republic Army soldiers whispered among each other, "Hey, how much property do you think those people in the venue have today? Do you have one trillion credit points?"

"Don't think about such nonsense, you don't even know what a trillion credits are!" Another soldier gave him a blank look.

"I just want them to finish the meeting quickly! These days we have to stand on guard for 6 hours every day. I have never been so tired in my life..." said the third soldier.

"Who says it's not? And it requires us to control our bodies and not be too fat. I dare not eat meat these days..."

"Hey, look at the Droids over there, what do you think you're doing with so many Droid Guards in a meeting of this level?"

"What are you doing? They are the real main force! Do you think you can use them if enemies are coming? With your white and fat body, it is estimated that one B-1 can hit you five times."

"Okay, thanks to these Droids. Or do you go to stand guard in places like public toilets? Are you kidding me?"

"That's right, look at those guys in Group H, it's fun to call that team of B-1 Battle Droids around."

"Who gave them the authority? I heard that the second lieutenant in Group H, his brother is in the Seswenna Sector Defense Fleet. He seems to be in charge of a Consul-class cruiser! He has something to do with it..."

"Hey, another car is coming! Stand still!"

A convoy of cars drove slowly on the road. Judging from the markings, it was the car of the representative of the Techno Union. There were hundreds of B-1 Battle Droids running on both sides of the convoy. Due to traffic control during the summit, all vehicles must not be more than 1 meter above the ground, and no aircraft are allowed to fly over the city.


After all the delegates had gathered here, the summit was officially held a day later.

In the spacious and bright conference hall, the seats are arranged according to the economic strength and political status of each organization. The Galactic Council presiding over the meeting is naturally at the top, followed by delegations from the most powerful Trade Federation and the Interstellar Banking Clan, as well as military representatives from the Republic Judicial Fleet.

The Trade Federation is a trusted group of a large number of enterprises, among which relatively large enterprises include Kuat Drive Yards, Corellian Engineering Corporation, etc., and they also sent a delegation of more than 50 people. It is worth mentioning that a super-industrial enterprise such as Kuat Drive Yards is not only a member of the Trade Federation, but also a member of the Techno Union. So they sent two groups of representatives.

Continuing down came the Techno Union and the Enterprise Union, and then representatives of the Commerce Guild, the Stark Veteran Assembly, and the Hutts.

In addition, Damask Holding Group was also in the meeting, but their position was relatively backward.

After that, there are the representatives who are present. These are just observers, and there is no room for interfering in the affairs of the Galaxy. Some companies, including the Fourth Group, are here, but even so, it is already a supreme honor to have a seat at this level of the Summit, which is equivalent to the recognition of your status by the entire Galaxy.

It is very interesting that Claire Underwood the founder of the Mutual Aid Fund for Planets Outer Rim of the Galaxy, was also invited and had a place to attend. And even Francis Underwood is not eligible to participate because, Dawn Star has not yet entered the Senate, so he has no official political status.

Of course, this should also be an olive branch extended by Sheev Palpatine to Francis and Dawn Star.

However, the summit went extremely unsatisfactory at the very beginning. In the opening remarks, Finis Valorum put forward a major proposal after talking about the Galactic Economic Community and great prosperity.

The Galactic Republic requires major commercial and economic entities to assist the Republic in completing an economic census in the Outer Rim and formally collecting taxes in the Outer Rim.

In exchange, the Galactic Republic is willing to liberalize shipbuilding restrictions on these participating commercial and economic entities. In other words, according to the size and scale of these economic entities, large warships can be built that exceed the specifications stipulated by the Russan Conference in terms of size, firepower, and hyperspace performance.

In Finis Valorum's vision, these corporate giants should welcome this proposal very much. After all, the Russan Conference was very stuck on the specifications of the spaceship. Except for the Judicial Fleet of the Republic, no organization was allowed to build and own warships exceeding 200 meters. And the power of warship weapons is also strictly regulated, and the hyperspace engine level must not exceed 1.0.

If this restriction is lifted, the Trade Alliance will be able to build no more than 150 large warships, but there are no restrictions on size, weapon power, and hyperspace engine level. This will greatly improve the strength of these enterprises.

According to this proposal, the Interstellar Banking Clan can build 120 large warships in addition to the already unlimited Munificent-class communication Frigates, the Techno Union can also build 100 ships, the Corporate Alliance can build 80 ships, and the Commerce Guild can build 120 large warships. Build 50 ships.

Once this proposal is passed, it can be said that the business ecology of the Galaxy will be rewritten. With the provisions of the treaty, the status of these enterprises will be more stable.

But this proposal, which was given high hopes by Finis Valorum, only received a sneer from the Trade Federation representative.

"The Galaxy is not peaceful now, and interstellar pirates come and go. I believe everyone has seen the disputes on the planet Tatooine a year ago. During that time, no caravan dared to pass near Tatooine because of the surrounding pirates, there were even Hammerhead-class cruisers! Therefore, it is imperative to let go of the shipbuilding restrictions of the Russan Treaty. So I would like to ask your Excellency, why do you use a confirmed matter as a bargaining chip? Trying to make us pay more?" The Trade Federation representative said coldly.

"The agreement of the Russan Conference came from the personal order of the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic at that time. This agreement cannot be questioned until the administrative order of the same level is obtained!" Finis Valorum said loudly.

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