From Goblin to Goblin God

Chapter 112: Begin, Reaping the Final Fruits!

TL: Sungmin

“You didn’t appreciate my kindness before, took me for a fool? Now I’ll show you who I really am!”

Rebecca made a move to attack.

Her slender tail transformed into a sharp stinger!

The air whistled as it sped towards Lin Tian’s stomach!

She didn’t aim for a lethal strike; otherwise, it would have been aimed at his head.


However, only the sound of bones breaking could be heard, and Rebecca writhed in pain on the spot.

“My tail… what is so hard?!”

Her heart-shaped stinger had bent.

Lin Tian was covered in a layer of writhing, jet-black armor that seemed almost alive.

Rebecca grew wary, “What is this?!”

Veronica immediately sensed something was wrong, “Be careful, that armor he’s wearing is world-class! This guy!”

“As expected of the Demon Lord, with such keen insight. I’ll give you both a chance: if you sign a contract to sell your souls to me, I can spare…” Lin Tian started.

Suddenly, a severely injured figure from afar spoke, “Boss, these two took your harem. Didn’t you say you wanted to take that Holy Mother away…”

Hearing this, Lin Tian’s face darkened, “In that case, there’s no chance for you. I’ll cripple you and then keep you.”

With that, he prepared to strike.

Rebecca scoffed, “A mere goblin, so what if you have world-class defensive magic gear?”

She pulled out two black daggers.

“Madam, take a rest, I’ll handle them.” Rebecca said, brimming with killing intent and confidence.

After all, her overall combat power was over 7,000.

But Lin Tian also had nearly 7,000 now, completely unafraid.

He had also learned combat techniques from Alice.

He didn’t even need to counterattack and could easily dodge all of Rebecca’s attacks.

“Hmph, all you can do is dodge?”

Rebecca sneered, thinking she had him cornered.

But suddenly.

Lin Tian stood still, slowly pulling out the Spear of Zeus, “Alright, I won’t dodge.”

He raised the spear to block the incoming daggers.

Seeing this, Veronica shouted, “Run!”

However, it was too late.

Powerful lightning surrounded Lin Tian, crackling loudly!

The strong electric current swept towards Rebecca, weakening her demonic essence.

It wasn’t over yet!

Dark clouds gathered in the sky, and a thick bolt of lightning struck down!

The thunder was deafening!

The white lightning burst forth, blinding everyone.

Next, Rebecca lay powerless on the ground, her once fair skin now gray and dirty from the lightning.

There was also the smell of burnt hair.

Every hair on her body was singed and curled.

Still, Lin Tian prepared for another strike, intending to paralyze her completely, so he could unlock the succubus illustration.

To enhance his strength.

And to capture her until she no longer dared to look down on goblins.

As Lin Tian gathered energy, Rebecca regained consciousness and used a super-tier charm spell, “I won’t forgive you! Goblin!!!”

A giant heart hit Lin Tian.

Rebecca also emitted a pink aura, like flower spores, spreading in the air.

Any male who inhaled it would become her puppet.

Let alone Lin Tian, who took the direct hit.

“Unfortunately, I haven’t had any desires of that kind recently.”

Lin Tian’s mouth curled into a bitter smile.

He ruthlessly struck with lightning again!


Rebecca’s skeleton became visible from the electric shock.

Finally, she lay paralyzed and compliant on the ground, unable to move, her minimal clothing turned to black ash.

Luckily, there was no wind, or it would have blown away.

Veronica was in disbelief, “How could you, and why aren’t those goblins affected by the charm?! Aren’t goblins the most disgusting, with only lust in their brains?”

This defied her understanding.

It was completely unscientific.

Lin Tian sighed, “I’m unaffected for reasons unrelated to you. As for them? Controlled creatures have no desires.”

They were controlled by Goblin Slayer’s royal blood, mindlessly loyal to Lin Tian.

Even if Rebecca stood naked in front of them, it wouldn’t matter.

Their brains were not under their own control.

As for Lin Tian.

He recently discovered he had a small problem.

The epic battle in the Dwarf Kingdom left deeper scars than he imagined.

He thought two months of rest would be enough.

But when he realized he had the thought and feeling but couldn’t stand up, he understood the severity.

He was impotent.

However, it wasn’t a big problem; he could always find another creature’s kidney to fuse and recover.

Anticipating a battle with Rebecca, he hadn’t done so yet.

Otherwise, he would have been at Rebecca’s mercy by now.

“You’re a real man; you have my respect! But, you picked the wrong opponent… Heretical Summon: Death Knight Army!”

Veronica gritted her teeth, expending a massive amount of mana.

A huge magic circle formed beneath her feet, from which emerged hundreds of giant skeleton warriors clad in tattered armor!

They wielded shields and longswords, emanating dark energy!

[Death Knight: Lv95

Race: Undead

Profession: Knight

Title: Death Knight, Dark Follower, Sleepless Killer…

Health: 3000

Strength: 800

Defense: 1200

Skills: None

Equipment: Rusty Shield, Rusty Sword

Overall: 5000]

Lin Tian frowned slightly. Each one was four or five meters tall and had nearly 5,000 strength!

And there were hundreds of them!

This was too terrifying!

But seeing Veronica weakly half-kneeling on the ground showed she had gone all out.

Although the goblin leaders’ overall strength was only 4,000.

Their advantage was in numbers, and they all had magical equipment.

With coordination, they could still defeat these hundreds of Death Knights.

“Spread out! Use the magic equipment to wear them down!” Lin Tian commanded.

The numerous goblins dispersed, surrounding the Death Knight army.

They began attacking with their magical equipment.

Most of the equipment had long-range effects and immense power!

A single strike could shatter the bones of these Death Knights, though not completely break them apart.

But the Death Knights had strong attributes, and their innate combat skills were not inferior to those of the goblins.

Soon, some goblins were killed.


Suddenly, a longsword came slashing, shattering an Death Knight into pieces.

It absorbed the black magic energy surrounding it.

It was Gobu Jian, the overlord-level goblin, clad in black armor and wielding a black greatsword inscribed with strange runes.

A world-class magic weapon, the Demon Sealing Sword.

For magic-reliant creatures or attacks, it was a natural nemesis.

The Demon Sealing Sword could greatly absorb magic power.

Facing several Death Knights surrounding him, Gobu Jian remained calm, using the techniques taught by Alice.

He leaped several meters high.

He struck down on an Death Knight’s head with great force.

The Demon Sealing Sword’s ability activated, draining all the magic power from them.


The giant skeleton crumbled instantly.

It could also release the absorbed magic power.

The power contained in several Death Knights was enough to kill one on the spot.

Lin Tian couldn’t help but praise, “Well done.”

“It’s thanks to you and Lady Alice’s excellent teaching.” Gobu Jian said humbly.

He didn’t dare to steal the spotlight; after all, Alice had taught him that a swordsman should be humble.

Though Alice herself wasn’t, she often instructed other swordsmen to be humble, lest they suffer her wrath.

Watching the goblins coordinate and quickly destroy the Death Knights, Veronica panicked. She struggled to open a portal to escape with the unconscious Rebecca.

Seeing this, the Holy Mother got up from the ground, her expression resolute, “I won’t let you escape! High-tier Magic: Divine Might!”


A golden light exploded in the surrounding space, with no special effects.

But it prohibited any teleportation magic in this area.

Despite being a high-tier spell, it put Veronica and her allies in mortal danger.

“You! Why are you doing this? I didn’t kill you!”

Veronica was furious but helpless.

Her strongest ability was Heretical Summon.

Now, with no mana left, she was like a wizard out of spells.

How could she fight with ordinary attacks?

Weapons? Her staff had no offensive capabilities, only enhancing magic.

The Holy Mother laughed, “I don’t know why you turned on each other, but helping him is better than helping you, isn’t it?”

She didn’t need to guess to know who the goblin leading thousands of leaders was.

The root of all evil.

The goblin who completely changed Alice.

As the Holy Mother, she would rather see Alice living with this goblin.

She didn’t want to see Veronica succeed.

Lin Tian and his group annihilated all the Death Knights.

Although there were some losses, they damaged over a hundred pieces of tenth-tier magical equipment and lost over two hundred goblins.

After all, the Death Knights’ swords were seven or eight meters long and could kill a goblin in one blow.

Then, Lin Tian turned around coldly, “Stop running, Demon Lord. Do you know why I willingly walked into your trap? I was waiting for today!”

If he hadn’t nurtured these goblins, he couldn’t have managed it alone.

It was sheer luck that the Corpse Pope had greatly exhausted her.

Otherwise, even with Alice and the others, plus these goblins, they’d face Rebecca and the Corpse Pope in peak condition.

The odds would be slim.

Who knew the old Pope was so weak? He thought it would be a fifty-fifty fight.

After all, Veronica’s previous signs showed she was terribly afraid.

“I underestimated you, goblin. Secretly building power, what are you planning?” Veronica said with mixed emotions.

And helplessness.

At this point, she couldn’t use Heretical Summon again.

Rebecca’s combat power wasn’t high, and she was a support type. The other demon subordinates were taken to the royal city.

Now, it was a dead end.

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