From Goblin to Goblin God

Chapter 38: I am the Goblin King!

TL: Sungmin

“Clear the way!”

At this moment, Gobu Shan shouted loudly.

So the goblins retreated one after another.

In the distance, on the tree branches, graceful figures lurked, drawing their longbows.

The sound of taut bowstrings echoed!


Countless arrows shot towards Goblin Slayer.

However, they were all blocked by the heavy iron armor.

Lin Tian found it hard to believe, “No wonder the armor is so heavy; it can ignore ranged attacks and even withstand magic.”

The arrows were ineffective, so the elves ceased their attack.

Continuing to shoot would be a waste, and in a melee, they might accidentally injure the goblins.

“Come on, entertain me.”

Goblin Slayer said contemptuously, looking at Gobu Shan.

It seemed she didn’t regard the mutant variant at all.

Seeing this situation, the people who were still barely hanging on felt a glimmer of hope!

Gru hurriedly said, “Your Excellency, can you let me down first? I beg you, I’m about to die! I have high-level recovery potions!”

With high-level recovery potions, there was still hope. But if he continued to be skewered, not even a god could save him.

However, Goblin Slayer swung her broad sword!

She directly beheaded him on the spot, cutting him in half along with the bone spike!


The others were frightened and tensed up; she actually killed someone!

Whose side was this guy on?

“Quit your whining and just die already, to avoid more pain.” Goblin Slayer said nonchalantly.

Killing a person meant nothing to her.

Unlike the legend that said she only killed goblins, she would kill anyone she didn’t like, even humans.

Gobu Shan’s face began to twist grotesquely, and the bone spikes on his body mutated!

The spikes on his back grew longer, the chest armor thicker, and his tusks protruded almost covering his eyes.

The nails on his hands turned into long sharp spikes, with bone spikes around his wrist guards providing even more protection.

Bone horns also sprouted from his forehead.

Blood-red energy spilled from his eyes!

Berserk transformation!

“A mad bull? Heh heh heh.” Goblin Slayer said calmly.

Gobu Shan, like a crazed bull, lunged forward!

The blood light from his claws almost seemed to carve the space itself!


Immediately, Goblin Slayer swung her broad sword, forcibly knocking Gobu Shan away. He slammed into a boulder, cracking it.

In the next second, Gobu Shan had already charged back!

His bone claws scraped the heavy armor, producing an ear-piercing ‘zzz’ sound.

After a long bout, they only left five-millimeter-deep claw marks.

It couldn’t penetrate directly.

Lin Tian observed from afar, realizing that using the Elemental Hand Crossbow would be useless.

Wind, water, fire, poison—all couldn’t penetrate.

The armor was too thick and heavy; even wind elements couldn’t create an impact.

Perhaps lightning elements could work, but it was autumn, and he hadn’t heard a single thunderclap in a month.

Facing the berserk Gobu Shan, Goblin Slayer didn’t want to play for too long, so she simply grabbed his bone horns and broke them off!

She then thrust them into Gobu Shan’s eyes!

The intense pain made him turn to flee.

But he was grabbed by the tail again.


Goblin Slayer raised her broad sword high, ready to chop Gobu Shan to death!

Seeing this, the other goblins rushed up!

But it was too late. Without Gobu Kuang’s violent output and Gobu Tian’s sneak attacks, the other big goblins were at most super soldiers.


She cut off all the bone spikes on Gobu Shan’s back and shoulders.

However, the broad sword only embedded partway into his shoulder and didn’t go all the way through.

Without the bone frame’s protection, he would’ve been cut in half long ago.

Lin Tian didn’t just stand idly by; he gathered a large amount of earth elements and fired charged attacks!

The sticky clumps of earth directly stuck to Goblin Slayer’s feet and body, making it difficult for her to move.

In this situation, Lin Tian pondered, “Should we retreat? But this guy has many mysteries, and is an excellent breeding tool.”

The mystery was why her dagger could temporarily incapacitate Gobu Kuang and Gobu Tian.

Low-level goblins died immediately.

And those ears.

After much deliberation, Lin Tian decided to change his attack strategy.

If melee, ranged, and ambushes didn’t work, then use attrition warfare.

At this time, Lin Tian appeared, riding a wyvern, and commanded, “Everyone back up, form a circle! Advance when she retreats, retreat when she advances! Throw stones if you have them, use ranged attacks if you can!”

Hearing this, Goblin Slayer was slightly surprised and looked up, “A wyvern-riding goblin?! I knew this place wouldn’t disappoint me!”

Lin Tian continued to use earth elements to restrain her.

The other goblins started to harass her.

Large stones were continuously thrown at Goblin Slayer, making her stagger as she struggled to stay upright.

Goblin Slayer mocked, “Is this all you can do? Don’t let me down.”

“Hmph, it’s not over yet. Cut down the trees!”

At Lin Tian’s command, the other goblins began chopping down trees over ten meters long.

A few goblins lifted the trees and repeatedly rammed them against Goblin Slayer.

Although the effect was minimal, constantly wearing her down would soon exhaust her.

This lasted for over an hour. The goblins kept sweeping and ramming with the trees, bombarding her with large stones, and using earth elements to weigh her down and slow her movements.

Finally, Goblin Slayer began to pant heavily from exhaustion.

But the surrounding goblins were also almost too tired to continue and needed a break.

Lin Tian proudly said, “I wonder how long you can keep this up? Underestimating the goblins will be your death!”

At this moment, Goblin Slayer lifted the visor of her helmet.

He was puzzled, not knowing what she intended to do.

Goblin Slayer picked up Gru’s corpse, cut off pieces of flesh, and stuffed them into her mouth!

After chewing a few pieces, she stuck out her rosy tongue to lick off the remaining blood and meat.

She then put the visor back down.

While the goblins were resting, she suddenly seemed revitalized, launching a surprise attack!

Goblin Slayer coldly said, “Resting? How can it compare to directly replenishing energy?”

In a flash, she was among the goblins, swinging her broad sword and killing one with each strike! Some were directly cut down, while others died from the mysterious power that caused them excruciating pain.

The goblins who had the upper hand just moments ago were now fleeing in all directions!

Even Gobu Shan dared not approach.

But from a distance, Goblin Slayer pulled out a small dagger from her waist and flung it at Gobu Shan!

Prepared for the attack, Gobu Shan watched it carefully.

However, he had seen Gobu Kuang collapse after being stabbed just once.

He hurriedly used his broken bone tail to block it.


He blocked the first dagger but couldn’t stop the second.

Immediately, around the small dagger the size of a pinky, his veins bulged!

The pain engulfed Gobu Shan, making him feel as if a force was devouring him from within!

He rolled on the ground in agony!

Even the bones on his body began to fall off one by one.

Lin Tian thought to himself that he had underestimated this Goblin Slayer. “Damn, what kind of person is this? She can recover by eating flesh? Isn’t that a goblin ability?!”

Given the situation, it was better to retreat now.

Gobu Kuang and Gobu Shan could die if necessary.

After all, he already had hundreds of breeding tools and a secret cave.

He could quickly produce more goblins.

“To me, they are just expendable.”

As Lin Tian prepared to take Ifreya and leave, Goblin Slayer spoke. “I can spare their lives if you let me see you. I want to see what kind of goblin can be so powerful. It’s been a long time, seven years? No, ten years since I’ve seen such a clever and strong goblin.”

Tactics, behind-the-scenes control, dragon riding, controlling elves, and cultivating so many high-level variants.

Such an existence was exceptional among goblins.

In some ways, even the Goblin King had not achieved this.

Lin Tian sneered, “Spare me that nonsense. Do you think I’ll believe you?”

Hearing this, Goblin Slayer threw away her broad sword.


She wasn’t done yet; she began removing her armor! She took off her helmet.

Revealing her fluffy, slightly curly golden hair and beautiful face, she asked, “Is this enough?”

Seeing her revealed, the goblins watching from afar were stunned!

She was incredibly beautiful!

The kind that stirred one’s desires.

But in front of them was a rose with thorns; thinking was one thing, but no one dared to approach.

Even those skewered individuals, and Cecil, were dumbfounded, “A woman? Goblin Slayer is actually a woman!”

Seeing this, Lin Tian was completely bewildered. What was this woman up to?

She had discarded her sword and helmet.

Now Lin Tian was confident he could subdue her, using poison elements to accurately hit her head.

However, she mentioned sparing Gobu Shan and others, which meant there was still hope.

He signaled Xiao Huan to slowly land.

Preparing to negotiate with her.

Goblin Slayer’s breath became rapid and heated, her beautiful face flushed.

She looked as if she was on the verge of a climax, “Huff, huff, what kind of goblin are you?”

Finally, Lin Tian dismounted from the dragon, standing about ten meters away from her.


Seeing Lin Tian’s appearance, Goblin Slayer’s expression changed instantly.

From ecstatic and excited to shocked and confused, “Impossible, how can you be a low-level goblin?”

“As you wished, satisfied? Now save the one over there, and the other goblins too.” Lin Tian said coldly.

But Goblin Slayer tilted her head, looking puzzled, unable to accept this, “How can this be? Impossible, impossible.”

She looked quite cute like this.

But there was no time to waste, Gobu Shan was convulsing and foaming at the mouth.

“Are you playing with me?”

Lin Tian’s eyes were filled with murderous intent, ready to act immediately.

Reluctantly, Goblin Slayer took out a small bottle containing bright red liquid.

She walked over to Gobu Shan and dripped a drop into his mouth.

Soon, he calmed down, just lying on the ground gasping for breath, unable to move.

She then went to Gobu Kuang and Gobu Tian, giving each a drop of the liquid.

Lin Tian frowned, asking suspiciously, “Are you a witch? What kind of disgusting sorcery is this?”

It seemed like she was using witchcraft.

“Witchcraft? Hmph, who uses that stuff? I am the Goblin King.”

Goblin Slayer stopped and looked at Lin Tian with determination, saying each word clearly.

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