From Goblin to Goblin God

Chapter 67: Gobu Kuang Evolves, Enchanted Goblin!

TL: Sungmin

He drew his longsword from its sheath, the cold iron aura spreading throughout the church.

Alice’s expression suddenly darkened, and she said with a somber face, “Your Majesty, what do you mean by this?”

“For the people of the empire and the future of the empire, I must bring you back to the right path.” As Charles II spoke, he aimed the sword at the goblin and thrust it forward!

However, he froze in place.

Alice had caught the imperial sword with her bare hands, blood dripping from her palm and staining the ground.

“Alice, you!”

Charles II was heartbroken, but this only strengthened his resolve to eliminate the goblin.


A cold flash burst forth!

Alice had already drawn her sword, aiming at Charles II. The cold blade was only one centimeter from his neck.

The atmosphere grew tense.

The Lionheart Emperor’s strength was around five thousand, but he could not truly bring himself to strike Alice.

“Your Majesty, will I never receive forgiveness? Why do you also treat me this way?”

Alice’s face lifted, full of tears.

Seeing this, Charles II dropped his sword and walked out helplessly.

As he passed by the Holy Mother at the door, he said heavily, “Please, call the cardinal.”

The cardinal, usually dressed in a red monk’s robe, held a position second only to the Supreme Pope.

His strength far exceeded that of the Temple Guards and he was also a candidate for the Pope.

The Holy Mother sighed and went to invite him.

Soon, a figure arrived outside the church, barefoot, dressed in a red robe, with a hood obscuring his appearance.

Upon seeing the Lionheart Emperor, he lowered his hood, revealing his face.

He appeared to be around fifty years old, bald, with a red cross tattooed in the center of his forehead.

His eyes were golden and deep.

Charles II hurriedly said, “Cardinal, please resolve this matter, I cannot do it myself.”

“May the Lord help the Sword Saintess through this trial.”

The cardinal then put on his hood and walked into the church, praying as he looked at the golden crucifix.

From a distance, Alice noticed him and, warily, gripped the now dull and rusted holy sword in her hand.

“Cardinal, I hope you will leave. I do not want to hear anything right now.”

Alice said coldly, holding her sword and slowly standing up.

The cardinal made a cross gesture and said with clasped hands, “God will not abandon you, it is you who have abandoned God. Hand over that goblin, Lady Alice…”

Before he finished speaking!

Alice’s cold blade was already at the cardinal’s face!

“Super-tier Holy Skill · Holy Light Radiance!”


A burst of golden light erupted from his body, shaking Alice’s sword from her hand.

The next second, the cardinal grasped his crucifix and activated another skill, “Super-tier Holy Skill · Holy Judgment Cage!”


A ball of holy light descended from the sky, trapping Alice.

In her weakened state, without a weapon, she had no strength to resist.

The cardinal looked at the small goblin still dismantling the wooden horse, then glanced at the massive crucifix before him.

Picking up the nearby sword, he walked over.

Alice knelt and kowtowed, “No! Please, don’t! That is my punishment. I must accept God’s punishment! I have no divine power left!”


However, for someone of the cardinal’s high rank, decisions were made swiftly.

To end things as quickly as possible.

He directly thrust the sword through the small goblin’s head.

Seeing this, Alice cried heartbreakingly, knowing she could never be forgiven by God.

She felt herself losing consciousness, fainting to the ground.

The cardinal withdrew the cage and left the church, “Your Majesty, the rest is up to you.”

With that, he departed.

Charles II hurried inside and immediately saw the small goblin dead at the foot of the crucifix.

The weight lifted from his heart.

He quickly checked on the unconscious Alice.

Fortunately, she was fine.

“Holy Mother, please take care of Alice. I must now give an explanation to the people of the empire.”

Charles II said, carrying the small goblin’s corpse as he walked outside the palace.

At this moment, many protesting residents were still gathered.

Each one had eyes filled with anger and hatred.

“Kill the goblin! The Sword Saintess no longer deserves to wield the holy sword!”

“Is that person still the Sword Saintess we knew? Raising a goblin! Disgusting!”

“Ugh! I used to like her so much, but she’s just trash! A disgrace! Disgusting!”

The insults and curses continued endlessly.

With a grim face, Charles II descended the high steps, holding the goblin’s corpse.

The residents’ voices abruptly fell silent.

Their eyes were fixed on the goblin’s corpse!

After a long silence, the crowd erupted!

“Long live the King! He finally eliminated this monster for us!”

“Goblins deserve to die! All of them!”

“Where’s that Sword Saintess slut? Is she dead?”

“I think it’s best if she’s dead!”

The residents cheered, shouting long live the Lionheart Emperor.

Charles II threw the goblin’s corpse into the crowd, “I have given you the explanation you wanted, but anyone who speaks ill of the Sword Saintess will face the consequences!”

His words silenced the cursing residents.

Then, Charles II turned and walked back to the palace, his silhouette seemingly burdened with great weight.

Because he did not know what Alice would become when she awoke.

The next day.

Charles II, already feeling guilty, was daydreaming in the empire’s temple.

The Holy Mother burst in with shocking news, “Your Majesty! Alice, she’s gone!”


Charles II jumped up from the throne in a panic!

The Holy Mother looked innocent, “This morning, when I brought her food, the room was empty.”

“Her mental state is unstable now, and she’s likely to encounter trouble. Someone! Send out all scouts to find her!”

Charles II was utterly flustered, not expecting things to turn out this way.

If anything happened to the Sword Saintess, it would not only be a devastating blow to him but also a significant loss for the entire empire.

However, when the residents learned that the Sword Saintess had escaped, they began to mock her.

In a tavern.

The tavern owner looked around, confirming there were no imperial members present, and whispered, “Hey, did you hear? That slut of a Sword Saintess has run away!”

“Run away? Where did she go?”

At this moment, an Epic-level adventurer drinking in the tavern asked curiously.

He was a regular at this tavern and a somewhat famous figure in the imperial city, known as ‘Odric the Sinful Swordsman.’

Everyone was drawn to him.

The tavern owner shook his head, “I don’t know, I just heard it from a scout who came to drink today.”

Odric sneered, “Who cares about her? That slut was fucked by goblins; it’s best if she’s dead, I find her disgusting.”

“Exactly, her brain must be messed up by goblins. She even raised a goblin! Disgusting!”

Everyone agreed.

In their eyes, the person they once respected the most was now filled with contempt.

At this moment, a young man couldn’t help but say, “But the Sword Saintess used to serve us, defeating many monsters and enemies that threatened the empire.”

“If she doesn’t do it, others will. Whoever takes up the holy sword must bear that responsibility. Don’t make it seem like we owe her.”

Odric grabbed the young man’s neck and coldly responded.

Now, it seemed that anyone who spoke well of the Sword Saintess was a target for criticism.

The young man could only leave the tavern quietly, not daring to make a sound.

Time returned to when Klein’s army retreated from the Great Tomb.

Lin Tian handed a few humans to the Cannibal Eagle, “Lord, consider this a thank you for helping me this time.”

“Little Tian, I accept your kindness. We monsters must unite, or we will be driven to despair by humans.” The Cannibal Eagle said emotionally.

Lin Tian nodded, spending the following days capturing monsters in the forest, stocking up enough food.

The tribe’s population would explode in the later stages, requiring large supplies to sustain them.

Not to mention sustaining them, increasing strength also required a lot of flesh and blood.

“Boss, I feel like I’m about to evolve!”

Within the tribe, Gobu Kuang, who was carrying deer into the smokehouse, suddenly spoke.

Everyone gathered around.

Lin Tian was slightly stunned and checked his panel, “You’re really at level seventy, about to evolve into a leader variant.”

Now, he couldn’t guarantee that every goblin in the tribe had the potential to evolve into an overlord variant.

But leader variants were more than sufficient.

With ten different types of seventh-tier monsters, along with humans, and dozens of low-tier monsters available for use.

Gobu Kuang roared in pain.

It felt like all his bones were breaking.

His entire body twisted and writhed on the ground, emitting scorching steam!

His skin seemed to be burning!

Chunks of skin visibly burned away, exposing fresh red flesh underneath.

However, soon, the burned skin began to regenerate.

It turned black and purple with a web-like pattern, glowing faintly blue.

Moreover, his original four hands became six!

Two more hands grew from his waist, and two more from his back.

The two hands on his back burned with a ghostly blue flame.

His body shape hadn’t changed much; he looked like a ‘black-skinned athlete.’

“It’s an Enchanted Goblin! A very rare variant!”

At this moment, Goblin Slayer exclaimed in surprise.

Enchanted Goblins usually evolved after consuming a large number of magical monsters, with an extremely low probability of becoming this variant.

Their most significant feature was the ability to use a bit of magic!

[Gobu Kuang: Lv70

Race: Goblin

Profession: Dark Magician

Title: Enchanted Newborn, Gluttonous Gourmand, God’s Blessing…

Health: 2000

Strength: 501

Defense: 540

Skills: Evil Hand, Demonic Flame, Savage Charge, High-Pressure Domain

Equipment: None

Overall: 3100]

Lin Tian was slightly surprised, thinking that this guy would eat himself into uselessness with how much he ate.

But luck was on his side, and he became the rarest variant!

Now, aside from himself, he was the strongest in the tribe.

The thought of a goblin using magic was terrifying.

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