Chapter 256 Let's Make It

The person on the screen was almost unrecognizable.

Yes, Joon-ho merely looked like a younger, more tired, and more miserable image of the present June. Still, it felt like June was looking at a completely different person.

And he really was.

This was the very first time he had met Choi Joon-ho, even if it was through a video.

"Why does he look so…sad?" Jisung muttered under his breath, looking at the moving image of June.

"Is that really you?" C-Jay asked. "You look so innocent and cute!"

"You're fidgeting, too," Sehun said. "Were you nervous?"

June didn't respond. It still felt surreal that he was watching the person he was before.

The screen displayed Joon-ho seated in front of the camera, his expression filled with nervousness. His voice quivered as he began to speak.

"Umm…hi?" Joon-ho said in an uncertain tone, causing an uproar among the trainees.

"What the hell? Were you always this soft-spoken?" Akira asked in disbelief.

"You actually sound pretty shy," Bin said.

"Yeah, you're very confident now," C-Jay pointed out, causing June to glare at him.

C-Jay raised his hands in surrender. "It's a compliment, don't worry!"

"Shh," Jaeyong exclaimed, causing the others to stop talking. He wanted to pay attention to June's words. He felt something bubbling inside his heart, but he ignored the feeling and continued watching.

June, too, focused his eyes and ears on the screen.

Joon-ho cleared his throat. "Hi, there, future me," he began, his eyes darting away from the camera. "I know this might be strange, but I've always wanted to do this…to talk to you, my future self."

He paused for a moment, his fingers fiddling with the edges of his shirt.

"I guess you already know how much this means to me. The dream of becoming something more…it's been with me since I was a kid," he continued, his voice trembling.

It felt like the room held its breath as the former June continued speaking.

It seemed like the former Joon-ho had a talent for making people cry, too.

"I told myself I wouldn't cry when the production team pulls off something like this, but look at what you've done," he blamed June.

Sehun, too, looked down at the ground, feeling touched by June's words. It made him reflect on his journey, too, and now, he was more than determined to make it into the debut team.

Jisung sniffed, using his sleeve to wipe the tears from his eyes. His admiration for June shot through the sky, and now, he wanted to call June his role model.

Zeth pursed his lips to keep his tears from falling down. Casper looked to the side since he felt that if he looked at the others crying, then he'd cry, too.

There was one person who couldn't control himself, though.

Akira sighed as he gave Jaeyong his handkerchief. "You didn't even cry during my personal message," he sulked.

Jaeyong ignored him and continued to cry.

After that, the other's messages were shown too. However, it wasn't as emotional as June's.

But since they were already in an emotional state, the cry fest continued on, and the production team was more satisfied than ever.

By the end of it all, most of the guys looked like puffer fishes with their swollen eyes, red noses, and quivering lips.

June smiled in amusement.

"You didn't cry?" C-Jay asked, looking the puffiest of them all (after Jaeyong, of course).

June merely shrugged, causing C-Jay to groan.

"That's unfair! We look miserable while you still look handsome."

"Oh, gosh. Please, enough," Jisung shyly said. "I really can't cry anymore."

However, that wasn't the end yet.

Rising Stars still had one last surprise for the trainees—one that would make the bawl even harder.

The next thing they knew, the white curtains to their side were suddenly let down, revealing familiar silhouettes.

Then, the lights turned on, illuminating these people.

The trainees looked to the side, surprised.

"Mom? Dad?"

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